The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 265: Something is wrong

Wang Qing immediately banged and went straight to Chen Qing's face.

But at this moment, an amazing scene appeared.

Wang Qing's powerful punches and slams went straight through Chen's body.

"Phantom?" Zi Fengyi

Wang Qing was also shocked. His heart cried out again and again: "What happened?"

Chen Qing stood in the same place and did not move.

At this time, Wang Qing was running mental power here, attacking Chen Qing's body. However, no matter how powerful Wang Qing is, he cannot hit Chen's body.

Every time Wang Qing attacked, he passed through Chen Qing's corpse and didn't hurt a bit!

"This." After several attacks, Wang Qing was a little surprised.

Chen Qing smiled coldly at this moment: "It seems you didn't know that you have entered my regulations, haha, if this is the case, then you have lost!"

At this moment, Chen Qing's hands gathered on his chest. After some changes in the law, he suddenly said coldly: "Thousands of battles!"


Rumble 1x1772

Suddenly, Zifeng saw Wang Qingwan being crushed by a heavy mountain. He fell directly from the air to the ground. The gravity that persecuted Wang Qing's body made him unable to move!

"Ah!" Wang Qing screamed again and again on the ground.

Even if Zi Feng was far apart, he could hear the sound of Wang Qing's bone being crushed! "I surrender!"

"I surrender!"

Wang Qing shouted in pain at the moment.

After Chen Qing heard Wang Qing admit defeat, he did not immediately close his hands, but there was a sneer on his face, and he continued to control Wang Qing's squadron!

Fang Yi, one of the sacred sons of the Southern Court, said at this moment: "Stop, Wang Qing's brother has admitted that he has failed!"

At this time, Chen Qing picked up the legal circle and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I didn't hear it!"

After receiving the team, Chen Qing returned to his peak.

At this moment, Fang Yi flew away and sent Wang Qing out of the holy island!

"I. It's Chen that feels so strong? Although Wang Qing cannot be compared with Zifeng and Li Jiu, he is still the old sacred son of the South Campus. He was killed by him!"

"Yes, Sui!"

At this time, the soldiers outside the holy island exclaimed.

Zifeng and Lan Yuxin watched this scene silently. Skills are not as good as people. Zifeng and Lan Yuxin can't say much!

At this moment, Fang Yi just sent Wang Qing out of the holy island, Kong Mo from the Western Academy came out and said: "Fang Yi, Nanyuan’s younger brother, I seem to remember that you will become a quasi-sacred son soon, and then we have been Here. Some tips!"

Kong Mo said lightly.

Fang Yiyi's face was a little cold, and he said, "Please enlighten me!"

Zifeng saw the other side of the hole and the ink, his face was slightly startled.

Lan Yuxin said: "This person is called Kong Mo. The women around him are called Confucius. They are all disciples of the ancient family of Western Academy!"

"Confucius is a half-human family with half a demon **** in his body!"

Zifeng was surprised: "The blood of the demon god?"

Lan Yu solemnly said in his heart: "Yes, it is said that a long time ago, the strong man who had thought about the demon gods on the ancient mainland was a colorful peacock. Combining with Confucius' ancestors, the Hong Kong family was derived from the same line! "

"The four ancient families of Dongzhou Academy. The ancient families collected rare treasures in the world. The martial arts of the Blue ethnic group are shocking. The Chen family is unparalleled in the world, and the Confucian lineage of Confucianism cannot be underestimated!"

Zifeng said: "This seems to be a powerful enemy!"

Confucius and Fang Yi fought together. Before 30 moves, the two were indistinguishable. But after 30 moves, Fang Yi fell into the wind. After 50 moves, Kong Mo discovered Fang Yi’s flaws and shattered Fang Yi’s arm. !

"I admit failure." Fang Yi said with both arms, unwilling to say.

"Bearing"! Kong Mo smiled and returned to the mountain.

At the same time, Kong Mo had just retreated, and there was another voice on the other mountain: "It's cold in Beiyuan, I would like to ask the South Hall, Shenger Chen Qing enlightens!"

"Huh?" Zifeng frowned suddenly.

Lan Yuxin is also suspicious!

At this time, facing the quasi-sacred son of the West and the Northern Court to Nangong, the east is quiet.

The old star said: "Have you noticed? The West Court and the North Court seem to have joined forces. You must first solve the quasi-sage of Nanyuan!"

Gu Yu said: "Yes, now Zifeng has a battle with Li Jiu Ge. Nanyuan has been seriously injured. The number of people in the heart of the prospective son is not many, and Lanyu's heart is equal to Chen's strength, Qing Kong and others. Now It's a good time to solve the problem of Nanyuan!"

Shi Zhongxian said: "Since we have all seen this, Zifeng will naturally see it. I don't know how Lin Lin will react!"

Outside the Holy Island, Brother Li Jiu gradually recovered his senses, looking at the absolute on the Holy Island!

After the cold tricks of Beiyuan and Chen Qing, after hundreds of tricks, the cold Qianxue was clean and tidy!

Then, in Xiyuan, there was another voice: "It's a pity Xiyuan, I would like to ask Nanting, the prince, Zhang Xianqi would like to enlighten me!"

"It's a pity that Xiyuan Kong, I would like to ask the South Hall, the sacred son Zhang Xianqi enlighten me!"

A beautiful woman, who was cold and looted from the mountain, appeared in mid-air.

As Wang Qing and Fang Yi were beaten by disciples in the West and the North, Zhang Xianqi felt that something was wrong.

At this time, Zhang Xianqi had no choice but to smile. He said in his heart: It turned out to be himself.

Immediately, Zhang Xianqi made a hole with a hole!

After fifty moves, Kong's compassion won a little effort!

Outside of the holy island, Li Jiuzhi, who was recovering his emotions, watched this scene and said: "The Western and Northern Courts have joined forces!"

The girl was surprised: "Brother Li, what are you talking about?"

Li Jiuyu said coldly: "The soldiers of the Western and Northern Courts saw that I and Zifeng had failed. Of course, I want to remove all the quasi-saints from the Southern Court!"

The girl was surprised: "What about now?"

Li Jiuge said: "Since we have all seen this, the natural blue jade heart and Zifeng have also seen it. Now we wait for Zifeng and Lan Yu to make a new decision!"

"I know I should clean up the garbage in North West House first, and then fight with Zifeng!"

"Now I have lost, and Zifeng is seriously injured. I can only look at the western army and the pride of Beiyuan!"

Li Jiu's eyes flashed, and a trace of regret appeared on his face.

With Zhang Xianqi defeated in the hands of mercy, now the quasi-sage of Nanyuan has been destroyed by more than half!

Wang Qing, Fang Yi, Chen Qing, Zhang Xianqi are out!

Li Jiuzhi got lost in Zifeng's hands and went out! ,, ..

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