The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 280: believer

"If Li doesn't interfere, it would be best!"

"Please rest assured, as long as you help me, I will definitely tell you the people's kindness to the Central Holy Land. When you want to return to the spiritual world, maybe the Central Holy Land can help you!"

"After all, you also know that the central holy place is in the spiritual world, and there are still some connections!"

Don't let God say a little bit.

When I heard Mo's words, the seven people were suddenly ecstatic.

At this time, the sword clan high priest asked coldly: "Thanks to the kindness of the Central Holy Land. I don't know what kind of people I want to deal with."

"Do you want to kill Li Zhengyi?"

Do not ask God to shook his head and said, "It's not Li Zhengyi. He is not even a believer in the Kunming market. He is an ordinary soldier with three major military adversities!"

The priest who did not return to the sea smiled and said, "Are the three warriors who died in adversity worthy of the eight warriors who begged the mountain?"

I asked God coldly: "I said, please come and see the Li family. If the Li family doesn't shoot and wants to catch the soldiers, it will be easy for me!"

"But if Li Jia shoots, I won't do anything."

The high priest of Sword Sword asked: "You ask God's special envoy, don't you say who should deal with it?"

Don't ask God and say: "Son of the Eastern Palace faction! Zifeng!"

Hearing this name, the high priests of other tribes all made slight voices. After all, Zifeng's reputation in the Kunming market is still very strong.

In particular, the secret situation of the Tiandao tribe and withered bones of the First World War came out, and the reputation of Zifeng inspired the entire Kunxu site.

But among the seven people, the most memorable person in Zifeng is the high priest of the Kanji tribe and the Tiandao tribe.

Before the Tiandao tribe, Zifeng fought hard to make the Tiandao tribe shame. The high priest of heaven naturally hates Zifeng.

In the tribe, Zifeng killed so many powerful people in the black sword hall of the tribe. The high priest naturally hated Zifeng's name very much.

The high priest of the sky sword and the high priest of the remaining sword heard that Mo asked God to deal with Zifeng. The expressions on both of their faces were fierce. They hope that Zifeng's body is now divided into five horses.

As for the high priests of other tribes, they don't care who God will deal with. After helping God, they care about the sacred government of the Central Committee. The high priest of the swordsman asked: "When shall we leave?"

When Mo asked God to raise his head and the moon in the sky was about to set, he smiled and said: "It's dawn, we are gone, come with me to find Li!"

"This time, you can't let him leave Li's house easily!"

"I'd rather kill a mistake, don't let go!"

Don't ask God's eyes, there are strong cold colors.

As Li Zhengyi said, Mo asked that there is no evidence that Zifeng is Zifeng's son, and he only relies on his inner guess.

However, this is the terrible part of asking God for help. This person was a famous embarrassing character on the East Island.

Although he is not sure that Zifeng is Zifeng's son, he still holds the attitude of "I would rather kill mistakes than let go" and want to catch Zifeng!

The hurricane and the rain of blood have already begun. Do not ask God to join the seven powers in the world and enter the Kunming market.

At this moment, Li Buzheng and Zifeng left Zifeng's residence and headed to Lijia Village, preparing to return to Dongzhou.

Li did not arbitrarily arrange the soldiers of Tianlongtang, and escorted Li Buxian and Li Fugui back to Kunming.

The soldiers of Li Jia Tianlongtang were both dead and adversity. It is similar to the Blood Blade Hall of the Heavenly Dao Tribe and the Black Sword Hall of the Battle Club Tribe. It is Li Jia's most outstanding force in death and adversity!

"Go, go to the Tiandao tribe!"

Li Zhengyi saw the soldiers of Tianlongtang send Li Buxian and Li Fugui back to Li's house. At this time, they brought Li Buzheng and Zifeng to the Tiandao tribe!

Along the way, Li Zhengyi flew to the front and shut up.

Zifeng dare not say anything!

Li did not fight near Zifeng and whispered: "Brother Lin, thank you very much for this matter. If you don't feel guilty, I am worried that it is really dangerous."

Zifeng smiled and said, "Little things, no thanks!"

"Yes, Li Xiong, how is the situation of the Tiandao tribe?"

Zifeng asked.

Ms. Li said with a gloomy face: "The elders have surrounded the Tiandao tribe with the Li elite. If they don't hand over the planting resources of Longshan and Li Chaoyun, the old people may not be willing to give up!"

"But you can rest assured, Brother Lin, since the Li family has planned to make a hand in the Heavenly Dao Tribe, then they are not afraid of the Heavenly Dao Tribe. Now even my father is gone. I believe that even the Heavenly Dao Tribe cannot fail to hand over Longshan's elixir. , You must hand over Li Chaoyun and others!"

"Let's go see this excitement. Don't worry. This matter involves the participation of the Presbyterian cabinet and my father. It should be settled as soon as possible!"

Li Buyi said lightly.

Zifeng nodded slightly, and followed Li Zhengyi to the Tiandao tribe.

Li Buzhang laughed at the time and said, "Brother Lin, this is a good place for you to find this hiding place. If my father doesn’t know this place, otherwise, even if I turn it over, I’m afraid. I can’t find it. To the cave!"

Zifeng listened and asked curiously, "This is the cave discovered by Li's predecessors. I can't find it here. It was Li Buxian who brought me there. Seriously, if I didn't know, I wouldn't Will find the cave. "I don't know if Li's predecessors discovered this cave so accurately? "

After half the ring, the priest of the remnant sword screamed coldly: "Flying sword! Void Mountain!"


The **** flying sword immediately shook violently. In an instant, the red sky was shining, and the **** flying sword was facing the purple wind like a Tianshan mountain.


When this huge force fell, Zifeng's face was pale and pale, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

At the same time, the sword formed by the two flying swords opened. If it weren't for Lin Ao's body, the green wood **** thunder had already gained momentum, otherwise this blow would be enough to cause Zifeng to be seriously injured.

Seeing Zifeng's vomiting blood and wounds on his body, the high priest with the remaining sword even sneered: "Priest of the knife, it seems that you don't need to be shot, I can abolish him alone!"

The high priest smiled and said: "The high priest of the sword, I did not expect that you have retired this old monster for so many years, and the rumors on the bloodwhip sword are so deep!"

"I'm still a kid."


The priest of the knife said sincerely.

The priest of the remnant sword said coldly: "It's stronger, and it's still behind!"

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