The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 282: Doing nothing

Just like Zi Fengyi's sword had to smash the head of the high priest of the Heavenly Dao tribe, suddenly a shadow swept across the void.

Zifeng's swordsmanship is very fast. He is faster. In a blink of an eye, he rescued the high priest of the Tiandao tribe from Zifeng's sword. At the same time, a black light flashed in his hand.

Zifeng saw that the sudden shadow had saved the high priest of the Heavenly Sword, and saw the black lamp in his hand, he didn't know. He was frightened, gave up the opportunity to chase the high priest of Heavenly Sword, and immediately withdrew.

Although Zifeng retreated in time, the black light still struck Zifeng's chest, leaving a black sword scar.

Above the wound, Zifeng's flesh and blood body quickly rotted.

This sword is poisonous!

"Cough." Zifeng stood in the air, vomiting blood, a little reluctant to look forward.

At this time, Dao High Priest was also in a state of uncertainty. He raised his head and saw an old lady in a black robe next to him. He lingeringly said, "Thank you, the first one in Jinyinshan!" Zifeng looked at Jinyinshan where he was the first to save the high priest. This is a woman in a black robe.

When Zifeng looked at her, she held a black dagger in her hand, emitting a black light. Even if Zifeng looked far away, there was a creepy feeling.

Obviously, the short sword in her hand is definitely nothing, there is poison on the blade!

Hearing the sound of the high priest's sword, Zifeng also knew the origin of the old lady.

Zifeng laughed and said, "Hey, the killer of Jinyinshan has also come in? Don't ask how much benefit God has given you. Would you please shoot me?"

"The person who came is actually the first one in Jinyinshan!"

Zifeng looked at the cold voice of the old lady.

Without saying a word in the first place of Jinyinshan, he looked at Zifeng coldly.

Zifengyu saw the first seat in Jinyinshan and did not speak. Looking back on Don’t ask God, his cold voice: “Don’t ask God, how many strong people have invited you to kill me and let them all come out!”

"I have been shrinking, am I not afraid of being broken?"

Purple air-cooled passage.

Don’t ask God’s scornful smile: "If you want, come out!"

When Mo asked God's words, from Mo's side, there was a ripple. Then four soldiers walked out of the ripples and stood before God.

Don't ask God's cold voice: "Zifeng, in order to catch you, I have abolished a lot of power!"

"In the Kunming market, there are many people with first names and surnames, and they basically call me!"

"The high priest of the sword, the high priest of the sword, you have given it to me!"

"You have already seen the first place in Jinyinshan!"

"The people around me are the Yunyao high priest of the Yunyao tribe in Kunming."

"The non-guihai tribe will not return to the sea priest!"

"The Dongda priest of Dongyi tribe!"

"The Wolf King High Priest of the Wolf King Tribe!"

Don't ask God to smile and introduce them one by one.

Although Zifeng has not been in Kunming for a long time, he still has a certain understanding of Kunming tribes.

Hearing God's introduction, Zifeng now knows that the strong men who are required by God to ask God are basically high priests who can be placed into the top ten tribes of the 108th tribe in Kunming.

Their power is stronger!

Even if Zifeng wears a blood **** robe, it is difficult to deal with one, but now there are seven moments, which makes Zifeng somewhat powerless!

Siege in all directions!

Zifeng looked at the seven high priests all around and surrounded him. Zifeng looked cold and indifferent.

"The power of the blood **** robe is very powerful, no matter who wears it, the owner will have the peak power!"

"But this kind of power is borrowed after all, and there are still many gaps in the true strength!"

"Although I use my swordsmanship to fill these gaps, now facing the siege of the seven high priests, I am worried that even if I have the blood **** robe, I will not be able to escape!"

"Is it really dead today?"

Zi Feng said coldly.

There is no answer, Zifeng has nothing to do, he can only hold the sword in this hand and hold it tightly! When Zifeng sees Zifeng singing in all directions, don't ask God. He immediately sneered: "Put him down, don't waste time!" Let's do it together! "

After hearing the words of not asking God, the high priest of the broken sword held a flying knife again.

The high priest of Tianjian showed his sword!

Jinyinshan is the first place to hide the sword!

The first priest of the Orient walked out of the square.

The high priest who was not going back to the beach smiled.

The high priest Yunyao was unconscious and magnificent.

The high priest of the Wolf King has a cruel smile on his lips!

"Kill!" The high priest blinked indifferently, and the **** sword killed Zifeng.

Zifeng's heart was shaken, and he used flying swords and magic swords to resist.

In the other direction, the High Priest of Heaven sneered and slashed, hitting Zifeng's descendants on the spine. He only heard a "click" and Zifeng's spine was almost completely broken!

But this knife also gave Zifeng unprecedented damage, causing Zifeng's blood to flow into a river.

But before Zifeng could breathe, a black sword appeared in his abdomen, without warning. Zifeng immediately jumped up, avoiding the black sword.

At this time, Zifeng discovered that this was the first to launch Jinyinshan.

The High Priest of the Wolf King dodges Jinyinshan's first sword, punches Zifeng hard, and directly tore away the flesh and blood of Zifeng's face. It is full of blood!

The first priest of the east and the high priest who did not return were killed, and their power shocked everyone.

The high priest Yunyao was ready to set off.

Soon, Zifeng faced the seven most powerful men in the world. He didn't have the ability to fight back and was repelled by them.


"Wow! Wow!


There is a big sound in the air.

Every time a loud noise rang, Zifeng was beaten once.

This is the flying sword of the High Priest of Remnant Sword, the sword of the High Priest of Heavenly Sword, the poisonous sword of the first mountain of gold and silver, the fist of the High Priest of Wolf King, the hand of the High Priest of the East, and the long spear of the High Priest who does not return. Rolling towards the sea, the sound waves of the high priest Yunyao...

Zi Fengwei was attacked time and time again by the enemy.

These seven men, one of the most powerful fighters on the Kun site, have lived for hundreds of years.

Chronologically, Zifeng is only in his twenties, and they are old monsters who have practiced for hundreds of years.

In terms of strength, although Zifeng has blood robes, the seven of them are among the best! ______

From experience, although Zifeng fought all the way, the seven people were not simple characters. Should they be ordinary people who can serve as high priests?

In every aspect, they are crushing Zifeng!

Li Buzheng in the distance did not dare to help Zifeng easily. ,, ..

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