The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 296: strategy

No wonder this guy is very shrewd, so he thinks this is a fat sheep, and people really don't need money. "Shi Shao, I was wrong!" Jiang Sanli was still very smart, and instead of begging Mark for mercy, he climbed to Shi Jie's feet, his head tilted.

Marco kept stepping on Jiang Sanli's back. He couldn't lie on one foot because he really hated Jiang Sanli and almost put himself in.

Now I don’t know what Shi Shao thinks. If the main killer, then he will die.

"Okay." Zi Feng waved his hand, his face calm.

Mark breathed a sigh of relief, Shi Shao shouldn't be angry for himself.

Zifeng looked at Jiang Sanli, and said vaguely: "You don't have a big appetite, you want to knock me a thousand yuan?"

"No, no!" Jiang Sanli said quickly, "Shi Shaoyou misunderstood, I'm just kidding."

"Oh, are you here to make a joke to me?" Zi Feng smiled.

"No, of course not." Jiang Sanli's eyes turned sharply, and he thought of the countermeasures in his heart. Suddenly, he had the opportunity to move. "Shi Shao, the villain is here to give you a treasure!"

Jiang Sanli wanted to stand up, but Marco immediately raised his fist, scaring him to squat down quickly.

Zifeng smiled and said, "Let him get up."

Mark only took up his fist and stood gracefully behind the stone, a pair of dog legs.

——As long as Shi Shao is waiting, his life will be on the path of glory.

Jiang Sanli got up and said cautiously: "Shi Shao, Rong Xiaoren entered the house."

"Go." Zifeng waved.

Jiang Sanli walked for a while before taking out a wooden box. There is some dirt on the box. It looks very fresh. Obviously, this was just dug out. No wonder it took some time.

"Shi Shao!" He walked to the side of the world, opened the box, and respectfully placed it in front of the stone.

Zifeng glanced at it and saw that there was a stone inside, only one-third the size of his fist.

"You, fool the stone with a broken stone?" Mark shouted immediately. "Shao Shi, although the surname is Shi, it has nothing to do with Shi."

Hey, what is this vomit?

"Shi Shao, listen to me!" Jiang Sanli said quickly. "This stone is not simple. In an environment where there is no light, this thing will shine!"

"The glowing stone, isn't it a stone?" Mark kicked Sanjiang immediately. "And, if it's a baby, is it sold by your ruined family?"

"I want to sell, but the **** shop doesn't accept it!" Jiang Sanli cried. He is not a tough guy, "but it must be a child!"

Zifeng picked up the stone and immediately had a strange feeling.

Hey, he was surprised to find that this contained unexpected energy. This is Lingshi.

Zifeng immediately turned over from his memory. This is a strange stone. It is also a valuable resource for planting. If you cultivate it, you will get twice the results.

The value of Lingshi is amazing. A small piece is worth at least tens of thousands of yuan. The key is that there is no price for this item, who would sell it with these precious things?

However, if you put it in Huayuan, it is useless, because everyone is healthy, without law enforcement, without practicing the law, the energy in the stone cannot be extracted.

"Stop." Zifeng waved, Jiang Sanli made no mistake. This is really a treasure.

"I collected some things," he said vaguely.

"Xie Shishao! Xie Shishao!" Jiang Sanli was extremely happy, this should save his small life.


"Yes, yes!" Jiang Sanli left soon, worried that Shijie changed his mind at night.

Marco also wanted to establish and pat, but was also demoted by Shijie.

Zifeng brought the spirit stone into the house. He still can't directly use the spirit stone, because the energy is too much. If he draws it directly, he will guarantee that he will be crushed by terrifying energy.

However, he can still use it.

——Add the array method, and use the power of heaven and earth to guide the energy in the stone, as if diluted with water and slowly digested.

Shijie has cultivated it today and can only try again tomorrow. How much improvement will this bring?

The next day, he practiced hegemony in the morning. A few days later, his body improved significantly. The effect of hegemony surgery was indeed extraordinary.

In the afternoon, he added the spirit stone to the formation, and then sat down and ran nine times to clean up the scriptures.

The soul touched the tent, and suddenly, terrible energy flowed into the body, frantically increasing his power.

One lap, two laps, three laps. Nine laps!

Shijie stopped, a bullet stood up, waved his fist, called and punched.

"Two thousand pounds of power!" He can make extremely accurate judgments, and can't help revealing shocking colors.

The strength of the entire four kilograms has been improved, and the effect of the spirit stone is so terrible!

Then Shi Jie smiled.

When he went to the capital of the empire, his power should be more than 300,000 jin, but you must know that Wu Zong's starting point was only 150,000 jin and the limit was around 300,000 jin, but only a few people were in ancient times. It can reach such a height, most of which are more than 200,000 catties.

Coupled with his high-level martial arts, Zifeng's combat effectiveness is estimated to have swept the entire Huayuan country. ——Except for the legendary Wu Zun.

Therefore, he can kill the family without hesitation and avenge his righteous father without considering any strategy. This is the benefit of power.

With absolute power, you can break all rules.

"Look back at the college and eat by the way." Zifeng murmured.

No way, although he may be rich in the future, he has no money in his pocket.

In Xingfeng College, Shishi has only one friend in the true sense.

This person is called Liu Bu. It is said that when he was born, he was very busy, he was too busy. Therefore, when his head was very hot, he gave his son such a name.

Being able to enter the Starwind Research Institute shows that Liu Mang's talents are bound to be excellent, but Liu Mang has a bad problem.

This is not the case. A few days ago, he infiltrated a field battle with a man. As a result, he was seriously injured and he could not come to the university.

——Hey, that's not a typo. This is really a pair of men. Otherwise, Liu was still beaten so badly.

Liu hurriedly turned and smiled. He took the stone over: "Stone!"

Zifeng asked him to hug and smile: "Are you hurt?"

"Okay." Liu was busy letting go of his hand. The photos of the two men I saw a few days ago were very out of date and made him feel a little vomiting.

"Hey, you seem to be fat again?" Zifeng said. ,, ..

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