The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 299: fighting

"Hey!" Bu Yufeng quickly reminded.

Ma Yuer was trembling. She also knew some of the stories behind Shuangyun Restaurant. If she fell into the hands of Hailing Military Attache, it would be unthinkable!

When she thought about it, she showed her decisive color. She no longer watched Stone Xiezi turn around.

Seeing this scene, Liu was too busy to show disappointment.

"Stone, I'm broken in love." The guy said.

"Today, I must let you take off a layer of skin!" Yang Shian took a bite, but he still didn't dare to kill him. ——This is a disciple who killed the Star Wind Academy, and Yang Jia couldn't keep him.

"The fat man is fat and thick, I'm afraid you can't!" The fat man came out with a hard mouth.

"Grab them." Miao Hua stopped talking nonsense and told her man.

"Yes." Then there were six men with thick waists, all of whom were the peak of junior martial arts.

The fat man naturally grabbed the previous step and blocked the stone scorpion behind: "Stone, waiting for the next battle, you will jump to the window!"

Although this is the third floor, with his own strength, it is impossible to be reduced to death.

"I still want to run?" The six big men rushed over.

Liu was busy closing his eyes and opening his arms to fight. He is fleshy and wearable.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The accident happened, oh, the window was broken, some people screamed, and quickly walked away.

Did the stone escape?

Liu Busy opened his eyes, hehe, Zifeng didn't know when he was in front of him, but the big man just disappeared.

what happened?

Zifeng clapped his hands. Of course, he threw the six big men out of the window.

Miao Hua couldn't help frowning. Is this really a student of Xingfeng College?

"Are you a strong wind?" He asked, the Star Wind Institute should have only one person with such a strong strength, this is a genius.

"No." Zifeng shook his head.

"No?" Miao Hua was surprised. Apart from Gale, is there any genius in the Star Wind Academy?

"I still force him to force it, and then quickly pull him off!" Yang Shian called, and his forehead jumped onto his forehead.

Miao Hua glanced at him contemptuously, it was a waste!

Really, they can be compared with the Yang family, and he naturally would not put blind children in his eyes.

Yang Shian was shocked by his fierce eyes, and suddenly he didn't say anything.

"I will come to you." Miao Hua came out and walked away. His body is very active, and his bones often burst like kakaka, like fried beans.

"Stone!" Liu was busy showing the color of worry. He already knew that his little friend had changed a lot, but his opponent was Miao Hua of Hailing Military Attache.

"Relax!" Zifeng smiled.

"Bold!" Miao Hua rushed over and knocked a stone fist.

Zifeng stretched out his hand, picked it up gently, and grabbed Miao Hua's wrist.


Miao Hua earned a lot of strength, but he couldn't hold his hand, but a scorpion made of fine iron.

How could this be?

He was shocked, holding his wrist was incredible, the power of the stone was so great that he couldn't believe it.

"Go!" Zifeng raised his hand, Miao Hua was washed away, hit hard, hit the wall hard, then rebounded and fell to the ground.

He couldn't help vomiting blood, and only saw five internal organs and six lungs vomiting out.

I haven't seen it, but walked past Yang Shian in stride.

Yang Shian felt a chill in his heart. The other side is obviously a 16-year-old boy, but he seems to have killed countless demons, giving him an indescribable pressure.


At this time, heavy footsteps came, and the floor was shaking.

"Second brother!" Miao Hua suddenly showed a happy color, "Help me!"

Come on, it is the second king of Hailing military attache!

Hey, Iron King strode towards Miaohua.

"Second brother, I'm fine, you give me—"


Miao Hua was taken aback, because the Iron King rushed over and hit him in the face, and his teeth became loose.


"Second brother, why are you hitting me?" He snores, second brother, when you were blind, what?

"Asshole!" Iron King used to slap in the face, "You have eaten bears and leopards, and you dare to be rude to Shi Shao!"

Stone, less stone?

_ Miao Hua glanced, and immediately thought that the boss who just came out was not Shi?

He only heard the name, but he didn't expect to see it in this situation.

_About Shi Jie's story, he didn't listen to the Iron King. It is not only a strong person, but also decisive.

"See Shi Shao!" He hurriedly bowed in salute.

Really, what is it?

Are you playing baby?

Yang Shian shouted: "Hurry up and take this person away. Otherwise, I hope you look good!"

Why is he so wronged?

The Iron King looked at Zifeng and asked respectfully: "Shi Shao, how do you want to deal with this person? Do you want to do it?" He made a murderous gesture.

On the one hand, Liu Mang was completely gone.

How many days have you not seen him, how can Shijie know nothing about him?

Zifeng smiled and said, "No problem in class."

"Yes." The Iron King immediately strode towards Yang Shian.

"What are you doing? What do you want!" Yang Shian retreated quickly, and several of his followers stopped.

However, the Iron King shot, hehe, and punched, and the few followers who were not enemies immediately fell to the ground.

Yang Shian quickly escaped, but the Iron King grabbed it and slammed it with his fist.

The screams were endless, and I saw Yang Shian being hit by Shuangyun Restaurant all the way.

On the street downstairs, Wu Yufeng did not leave because Ma Yuer insisted on seeing the situation here.

When they saw Yang Shian being beaten, they were all stupid.

what happened?

Why was Yang Shian beaten?

what happened?

Although I saw people being thrown out of the window before, they knew that Zifeng could defeat the king, of course he would not be restrained, and fierce battles would inevitably occur. However, facing a murderer like the butcher Miaohua, Shi Jie is definitely not worthy of the enemy.

"That's the Iron King!" Bu Yufeng realized that the second master of Hailing's military attache was too picky in the shape of a tower.

But they are more aggressive. Why does the Iron King play Yang Shian?

"Look!" Feng Shishi rushed upstairs suddenly.

I saw Shi Jie's figure on the window on the third floor. On the other hand, when I stand in Miaohua, I can see the charming expression.

How is this going?

They looked at each other and suddenly realized that they seemed to have made the wrong choice.

After a while, the Iron King returned upstairs.

"He is my brother, Liu Zheng is busy." Zifeng pointed at the fat man and introduced the Iron King. ,, ..

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