Ren Wu was shocked, but I was a poor official. You asked me to borrow a knife. Can I borrow it from you?

The stone can be opened, but should I discuss it with him?

He shot directly and grabbed the handle of Ren Wu's waist.

"Bold!" Ren Wu couldn't help sighing. Is this second ancestor favored? Even the official team's weapons dared to rob, that is to say, he chopped up stone scorpions in public, and no one could say his half-word.

Of course, in terms of reason, he can stand up, but he really wants to kill. Can he endure Wu Shibai's anger?

Therefore, he just reached for the stone.

However, his hand had just been extended, only a loud noise was heard, and the knife had been pulled into the stone's hand.

This time, Ren Wu changed his color. He quickly held Yun in his hand and pointed at Shi Jie.

Seeing the clouds, they all showed a trace of fear. The speed through the clouds is too fast. Martial arts have no time to dodge or parry, and their penetration is extremely strong. The martial arts body was pierced.

Even for advanced martial arts, this is a big killer. If someone aligns, they must be guilty.

"Let the knife down!" Ren Wu shouted loudly, making him not want to offend Wu Shibai, but if Shi Jie did not put down his knife, he could only choose to shoot, and he could not avoid the key to the stone.

"Don't worry, murder, it's you naturally." Shi Yan said clearly.

The Yang family and son were shocked. How could there be such an arrogant person?

Yang Shian felt that although he was very domineering, he was not enough to see it.

Look, grab an official knife, threaten to kill, the storyteller dare not edit this!

"Haha, you are not worried!" Yang Shian smiled, Shi Yan wearing a cloud, facing his father, he was naturally fearless.

Yang Chao is also shaking his head. What will happen to this boy, Wu Shibai, will he be so arrogant? "The last warning, put down the knife!" Ren Wu took another sip.

Zifeng smiled, but he raised the knife.

Ren Wu could no longer give up and immediately pulled the trigger. Hey, shooting at the black light of the world, this one is too fast to describe.

Zifeng explored his left hand and grabbed it towards Wu Guang. His right hand is the knife and Yang Xiang.


A **** sky rushed to the sky, and I saw Yang Shian's head had fallen from the sky. The corpse who had lost his head was still walking around, and the blood was sprayed on the ceiling.

But just a few steps, he fell to the ground, his limbs still twitching.

Looking at Shi Jie, holding a shattered arrow in his left hand.


For a while, the entire box was silent.

Who can believe it? Who can believe it?

Zifeng actually dared to kill people!

He shot the arrow through the clouds, and he could actually pick it up!

Under the influence of these two shocks, no one grumbled in his mind and lost all his thoughts.

Shi Shaozhen is so arrogant that she even wears a cloud!

Both Iron King and Miao Hua screamed in their hearts, especially Miao Hua. This was the first time he saw Shi Jie's lens. He directly touched Yunxiao's shocking scene, which made everyone shudder.

Is this fake? Are these his eyes?

"An'er! An'er!" Yang Chao was very sad.

He stretched out to Shi Jie angrily: "Little animal, you dare to kill my son! I want you to pay the price! Not only you, I want to kill your whole family, divide the body into pieces and take it away. Feed the dog. !"

After that, Yuxi followed in the footsteps of Zifeng and others.

"Hey, a bunch of clowns!" Huo Cheng and Jiang Zhenlu said coldly with a smile.

Meng Rui said coldly: "I didn't expect the lonely elders to defend Zifeng so shamelessly!"

Jiang Zhen smiled and said, "Meng Rui, don't worry, we will come to the Sword God's house together and love the same hands and feet. You will be abolished. We will definitely give you fairness!"

Gu Yuzhu also smiled: "Yes, even if the noise is loud, it doesn't matter. I don't believe that the Sword God Family will invite some of us fighters from Heavenly Sword City to come to us, "Come Tianjiao and turn his face!" "

Huo Cheng looked at Gu Yuzhu and said, "That's right!"


Zifeng held Gu Yang's body and returned to his wooden house.

Then came morning and others.

In the morning, I put Sanfeng's body on the edge of Guyang. I whispered: "What should we do now?"

Zifeng said, "Wait!"

Yu Yu asked: "What are you waiting for?"

Zi Feng said: "While waiting for my son today, wait for the words of the Sword God Family!"

Xiao Chen said: "But I think the Sword God Family may not be able to be fair to us!"

Zifeng smiled and said, "I know!"

Yuxi frowned and asked, "Then shall we wait?"

Zifeng smiled and said, "I have to give my sword, a reason for a sheath!"

"If God is unable to return to heaven, then this is the magic of the world!"

"When I was a child today, if God was powerless, it was a demon!"

When Yu Chen and Yuxi heard these words from Zifeng, they felt a deep killing and indifference in Zifeng's body. This feeling of indifference made Yu Chen and Yu Yu's bodies tremble.

The three people stood together, standing by the stream, waiting for the night to come.

Waiting for the moon to be empty.

Wait, it's time.

The sun sets and the moon shines.

A bright moon hung over the Flying Dragon Forest.

Time passed, and the child came soon.

"The time is up!" Chen Chen felt that the temperature in the Feilong Forest had dropped. When it was freezing at night, he looked at Zifeng.

Zifeng looked up at the bright moon in the sky, said nothing, turned around and walked out of the wooden house, and said, "You come here to guard Sang Feng and Guyang!"

Lin Ye originally wanted to follow.

Zifeng said, "Lin Ye, you have also left!"

Lin Ye stopped and stood in front of the wooden house.

Yu Xi asked: "Brother Lin, are you going there?"

"Go. Murder!" Zi Fengtou walked forward and whispered without returning.

At this moment, Yuxi and Hao Chen saw Zifeng's back, so fierce and evil, until Zifeng's back disappeared into the darkness outside the wooden house, Yuxi and Hao Chen did not return to God.


The Feilong Forest is located on the south side of the forest, and there is a place lit by candlelight. At this time, four soldiers were sitting in the yard, drinking and having fun. They laugh from time to time.

"You saw Haochen and Gu Yang today, don't they look very good? They are too beautiful!" "I haven't seen this cunning expression in a long time."

"Haha, this is ridiculous, Gu Yang still squatted in front of us and asked Zifeng to avenge him!"

"He Zifeng abolished Meng Rui, we need time to retaliate against Meng Rui!"

"Don't worry, Huo Cheng's elder brother and elder brother Jiang said that there is still a lot of time to deal with them!"

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