The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 303: Fully grasp

"When we come out of Jianshen Road, when you bully you, you must ask me first!"

Gu Yuzhu smiled happily: "Brother Huocheng, you are so kind!"

Huo Cheng smiled happily.

"Hey, I really can't listen. In these two grades, two kids under the age of 20 are talking about love. It sounds disappointed!"

"But I must admit that your love at this age is the purest love."

At this moment, behind the duet, a cold voice suddenly came.

Gu Yuzhu slapped her small face suddenly and turned around.

Huocheng is a cold-faced low-lying road: "Who? Ghost? Don't you have the face to look at people?"

Immediately, from the firefly, a white man came out and looked at the two people without expression.

"Zifeng, hey? Why, the humiliation given to you during the day is not enough? It is still because of the insult?" Huo Cheng saw Zifeng, and suddenly smiled contemptuously.

Gu Yuzhu's face said, "Dare to listen to us and immediately admit your mistake. Otherwise, you will not be able to escape today! He said, "This is a good choice. "

Zifeng walked towards Huo Cheng and Gu Yuzhu step by step, and said with a smile: "If you are ready, can we start?"

Huo Cheng saw the surging of Zi Feng and immediately sneered: "What? Are you planning to play against us? Don't look at strength? Do you have the qualifications?"

Gu Yuzhu looked at Zi Feng coldly, her beautiful eyes full of indifference.

"Gu Yuzhu's sister, because he wants to find abuse, and then I will realize him. You will see it." Huo Cheng sneered, took out a sharp sword from the storage bag, and took a step forward.

Zifeng said: "It would be nice if you two shoot together. Otherwise, it will be a waste of time."

Huo Cheng sneered and said, "In order to deal with you, why do two people have to watch the sword together!" In the speech, Huo Cheng took a sharp sword, rushed out one step, and went straight to Zifeng's body.

Bright and sharp swordsmanship, through the dark forest, dazzling.

At this time, the sword light illuminated Lin Bing's cold face, and another sword light flew by Zifeng's hand through the darkness, only to hear the **** sound of "stinging".


Huo Cheng who flew over and swept straight to the path, blood flowing to his neck. At this moment, Huo Cheng has no life.

"Huo Chengyi." Gu Yuzhu shouted, shouting.

Gu Yuzhu rushed over and found that Huo Cheng was dead. She was very scared, her face pale, her face pale and feeble. Seeing Zifeng said: "You actually killed Brother Huo Cheng, she was shocked!"

Zifeng smiled and said, "Do you want him? Will I send you down?"

During the speech, Zi Feng swept across Jian Feng and bowed to Gu Yuzhu in tribute.

Gu Yuzhu was immediately wrapped in a strong life and death crisis. She hurriedly said: "Don't. Don't kill me. If you kill me, Brother Yeno won't let you go!"


When Gu Yuzhu shouted these words, Zifeng's sword tore her throat.

Gu Yuzhu fell beside Huo Cheng, the breath of life disappeared.

Zifeng looked at Gu Yuzhu's body and said softly: "You said that Ye Nuo is not good anywhere, but when I want to kill you, you said Ye Nuo won't let me go!"

"This is ridiculous."

After killing these two people, Zifeng turned around and went to the Feilong Forest.


In front of Zifeng's wooden house, Yu Chen and Yu Yu looked at the singing on the ground and Gu Yang's corpse, their faces became solemn. They are very worried.

"Brother Zifeng has been walking for an hour. Did something happen?" said in the morning, uneasy.

Yu Xi whispered: "Brother Zifeng's strength far exceeds what we have. Don't worry, even if he is not an opponent of those people, it is difficult for them to want Brother Lin and Bai!"

Xiao Chen nodded slightly.

At this moment, Qichen and Yuxi looked back, they felt a pungent **** smell in the forest behind the wooden house. The two immediately tightened their nerves.

However, Lin Ye was indifferent, as if he didn't feel at all.

At this time, in the dark forest, a white man walked out with a sword in his hand. Step by step, he walked to the wooden house and came to the bodies of Sanfeng and Gu Yang.

"Your hatred, I have reported it to you!"

"You can... rest in peace."

Zifeng stood in front of Sanfeng and Gu Yang and said softly. At this time, Zifeng put away the sword, which also meant that he would not be shot tonight.

Zifeng said softly, "Mut off both of their bodies."

"Very good." Nodded in the morning.

Lin Ye began to walk into the pit.

Soon after, people buried Sang Feng and Gu Yang.

At this time, I looked at Zifeng and asked, "Brother Zifeng, they..."

Zifeng said: "Don't ask, I don't want to say, you just can't hear or see anything. Go back and rest!"

When Yu Chen and Yu Yu heard Zifeng's clean and honest words, they looked at each other and couldn't follow up. After bidding farewell to Zifeng, they returned home and started healing.

Before returning to the wooden house, Zifeng sat on the threshold with a pitcher, drinking wine and looking at the moon.

After dawn the next day, news came from Longlin, shocking the entire family of swordsmen.

Even the senior figures of the Sword God family were shocked.

That was... In the Dragon Forest, the 18 talented swordsmen invited were killed overnight!

At dawn, the sun rises.

Ye Liang smiled and came out of the Dragon Palace and went straight to Longlin. He came outside Jiang Zhen's house. He shouted sleepily: "Jiang Zhen, don't sleep, you have to practice!"

"Young Master Yano gave you the practice of "Red Moon Swordsmanship", but you are required to fully master it within half a month. It has been more than ten days now, come out quickly and show me the sword."

Ye Liang stood in the courtyard of Jiangzhen. With a cry, he stretched out his waist and yawned, waiting for Jiang Zhen to come out of the room.

However, after half a call, Ye Liang frowned, but did not hear Jiang Zhen respond to him.

On weekdays, Ye Liang supervises their cultivation. Every time they come to find Jiang Zhen, they only need to shout a word. Jiang Zhen will be out soon, but today is a bit abnormal.

"Jiang Zhen? Didn't you hear it?" Ye Liang exclaimed somewhat dissatisfied.

After a long time, Jiang Zhen still did not respond.

Ye Liang frowned, approached the door with a suspicious color, opened the door gently, and immediately a pungent **** smell rushed out of the room.

Smelling the **** smell, Ye Liang's face immediately changed. He walked into the door and saw the bed above. Jiang Zhen was already lifeless, his blood was already on the bed.

"Jiang Zhen!"

Ye Liang rushed over, the law was really dead, it had been dead for a while! ,, ..

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