The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 311: Scare people

Long Xian said: "And big brother, look, baby's swordsmanship, good defensive order, Long Yu has almost no flaws, this kendo rumor is not something Beibei can have!"

"In other words, the repair of swords that can use these swordsmanship must be something a master who has been obsessed with kendo for many years can do!"

Long Hui said: "Yes, the precious sword and kendo cannot be regarded as a beginner, it is like an old monster who has been practicing swords for many years!"

Long Xian said excitedly: "Brother, it seems that we will not necessarily lose in this war!"

Brothers Longxian and Longhui renewed hope on their faces.

All the soldiers saw the fierce battle between Long Beibei and Long Yu, and they were also exclaimed.

"Damn it!" Long Yu was holding a sword, screaming Baby Dragon on his face, angrily, his eyes flushed, and his heart was even more terrible.

Because Long Yu discovered that even if he took out his sword, Long Beibei would not be jealous of herself. On the contrary, he is getting braver and his offense and defense are very orderly. He did not give any flaws.

In other words, Long Yu was suppressed by Long Beibei!

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Long Yu was angry and angry, brandishing his sword, and drew out a sword.

Long Beibei can easily capture every sword of Long Yu.

Dragon Eagle saw this scene in the sky and looked calm: "What happened? How can Long Beibei fight the sword of the Longyu Chamber of Commerce?"

Su Ding'an was also a little confused.

I was stunned and looked at Baby Dragon.

Long Beibei's rumors were higher than Kendo, which briefly suppressed Long Yu.

This makes Long Yu a little messy.

call out--

A sword rolled in the sky, hit Long Yu's body, flew Long Yu out, and hit the stone wall, causing a heavy impact.

Long Yu landed, his face was wolf, and his body was bloody. He looked at Baby Dragon with red eyes.

Long Beibei blinked in surprise and looked at Longyu Wolverine. He smiled and said: "It seems that this one-month-long master's devil training is nothing!" "I was really much stronger than me a few months ago!"

Long Beibei was also a little surprised.

Even Long Beibei can't believe it, she is actually qualified to fight Long Yu!

"Long Yu, don't you admit that you failed?" Long Beibei asked with a smile.

Dragon Jade among the wolves slowly stood up from the ground and looked at Baby Dragon without expression. His eyes were filled with fierce fierceness.

"No one has ever pushed me into this situation!"

"This sword seems impossible!"

"Long Beibei, you can defeat this sword, this is your blessing and wealth!"

Long Yu gradually flew in the air, and the blood that overflowed at this time turned into a blood mist, which was covered by Long Yu's body.

In an instant, a pungent **** smell filled the sky.

Long Yu's body was gradually covered by blood mist.

"The blood shadow is divided into swords!"

When Long Hui saw this scene, he was immediately surprised.

Then, Long looked at Su Ding'an with brilliant eyes, and said coldly: "Su Ding'an, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

Su Ding'an smiled and said, "The dragon is a brilliant adult, what's the explanation?"

Long Hui said: "Blood Shadow is a sword, isn't it the secret of your swordsman tribe? I once asked you to pass this sword to the treasure, but you refused!"


Long said coldly.

Su Dingan smiled and said, "The blood shadow is divided into swords. This is indeed the secret of the Jiange tribe. But Longyu is my own disciple. I taught him this set of swords. Is there any problem?"

When Long Qing heard Su Ding'an, he was shocked.

At this moment, Long Hui knew that Long Yu was originally a disciple of Su Ding'an!

"Blood shadows are divided into swords!" Zhao Yue's eyes flashed, and he was also a little stunned.

Zifeng asked, "Have you seen it?"

Zhao Yue said: "This set of swords is the secret of the Jiange tribe!"

"The Jiange tribe is a very remote tribe in Nanzhou. Although their heritage is not as long as the poisonous **** family, it is not very short-lived!"

"When Nanzhou is still in chaos, the Jiange tribe will exist in the South Island!"

"In the Jiange tribe, there is a scripture called!"

"In the sword, it records the most powerful swordsmanship in the history of the Jiange tribe. There are 19 sets of swordsmanship!"

"The nineteen swords in the sword are divided into heaven, man, and ghost!"

"There are ghosts, nine swords, seven swords of the emperor, three swords of the gods!"

"The unpredictable power of the owner, rumors can pass through the void, can go to hell, can control ghosts, can destroy all living beings!"

"And this set is one of the ghosts and nine swords in the sword!"

Zhao Yue whispered.

Hearing Zhao Yue's explanation, Zifeng suddenly realized that the origin of this set of swordsmanship was so good.

The Jiange tribe is a long-term tribe in Nanzhou. Although it is not as old as the Poison God family, it is not much different.

Therefore, even when Zhao was born 10,000 years ago, the Jiange tribe was a big tribe above Nanzhou. Zhao Yue naturally played with the strongest of the Jiange tribe, so she has a little understanding of the swordsmanship of the Jiange tribe!

At this time, Zhao Yue smiled and asked: "What is your chance of winning now?"

Zifeng came back and smiled and said, "10%!"

Zhao Yue frowned and said, "Long Yu has now revealed the secrets of the Jiange tribe. Do you still think Long Beibei has 10%?"

Zifeng smiled and said: "The swordsmanship that can be collected in the sword of the sword pavilion tribe must be extremely mysterious and mysterious. I decided to use the talent of the dragon. Even if I practice this set of swords, I can't play this set of sword power!"

"At most, I just borrowed the reputation of this swordsmanship to scare and frighten people!"

"This sword method is not well developed!"

Zifeng shook his head.

In the field, Long Yu's body was filled with strong blood.

A cloud of blood spread to his side.

At this moment, Long Yu was standing in the blood mist, with flying hair and indifference on his face, he exuded the majesty of hegemony on his body, like a **** demon returning and unable to directly see it!

"Dead!" At this moment, Long Yufei flew to Long Beibei.

A **** light swept the sky and hit the dragon baby head-on.

But Long Beibei can only grit his teeth and resist, holding up his sword and blocking Longyu's sword.


The two swords collided with each other, and a gold-iron collision occurred.

At this moment, when the two swords touched, the dragon jade in front of Long Beibei suddenly disappeared.

When Long Beibei was surprised.

Suddenly there was stinging and fatal danger.

Long Beibei rushed out.

Under the sword, there were scarred sword marks on the dragon's back.


Long Beibei hurriedly finished her body and opened the position with Long Yu. Her expression was also a little surprised: "How is this possible! He clearly appeared in front of me, why did he suddenly appear in front of me?"

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