However, at this moment, Zhao Yue suddenly appeared in the yard shaking, looking dignified and looking into the air.

Zifeng looked at Zhao Yue eccentrically, and when he saw that Zhao Yue's face was a bit cold at this time, he immediately felt a little uneasy.

Then, Lin Ye's nephew was also very smart, and he went to Zifeng's side to set off.


When Zhao Yue and Lin Ye appeared, Zifeng felt that something was wrong, and silently looked up.

After a series of ripples, more than 20 strong men emerged from the clouds. Their cultivation is a complete rebellion, and one of them has the power to demand the world.

Among more than 20 people, Zifeng saw a person who was a little familiar. This person was Su Ding'an.

"It seems that I haven't waited for the glory of the dragon, so I will wait for a group of uninvited guests!" Zifeng saw that more than 20 strong men appeared in the air with a solemn expression.

Since the battle between Long Beibei and Longyu ended, Zifeng also understood that Su Dingan was not on the side of the glory of the dragon, but on the side of the dragon eagle!

Su Dingan took a few steps forward, and looked at Zifeng with a sneer: "Boy, your death is here!"

Zifeng looked at Su Ding'an and sneered: "It seems that I taught Long Beibei to defeat Long Yu, making the people behind you a little angry and angry!"

"It seems that I let Long Beibei defeat Long Yu, and the people behind you are angry and angry!"

Zifeng said with a smile.

Su Dingan said coldly: "You know this is in your own heart!"

"Now hand over the Thunder Sword, I can make you die better!"

Su Dingan said coldly.

Zifeng sneered quietly.

At this time, Zhao Yue whispered: "Other people, including Su Ding'an, are not based on evidence. The only thing worth tabooing is who is the strongest!"

"With my current strength, even if I join forces with Lin Ye, I am worried that in three or five times, I will not be able to kill that good friend's strongman. I don't have a poisonous beast!"

"We can be entangled with this avant-garde warrior, but you are in danger. You haven't done so yet. Don't say this is a group of death warriors about to be smashed. Even if you are a warrior among the gods, you Will die. No doubt!"

Zhao Yue whispered to Zifeng.

Zifeng said: "Then don't fight with them, and look for the glory of the dragon!"

Zhao Yue nodded: "Well, I dragged them, Lin Ye took you away!"

Zifeng nodded silently, glanced at the forest farm, and then Lin Ye turned his back to Zifeng, rushed to the sky, and went straight to the core of the Qinglong tribe. "Want to run! Stop him!" Su Ding'an was very angry and yelled.

Zhao Yue smiled coldly, took a shot from the storage bag, and immediately took out a white mist and sprinkled it in the air.

The white powder rolled up in the sky and immediately covered the small courtyards and streets.

In the white powder, you cannot touch your fingers.

At this moment, Su Ding'an and others suddenly heard a beep, and they narrowed their eyes to look forward. They saw a white worm ahead!

"This is chasing!"

"get away!"

Su Dingan and others exclaimed.

At this moment, Zhaoyue walked out of the white fog and looked back. Some meat was injured: "I found some suitable poisonous insects in the Qinglong tribe. It looks cheap now!"

"Then let these poisonous insects play with you!"

Zhaoyue turned and left, following Lin Ye's pace.

After half an hour, Su Ding'an and the others destroyed all the poisonous insects. Although they killed the poisonous insects, their bodies were also very embarrassed.


Su Dingan gritted his teeth.


Lin Ye took the purple wind straight to the core of the Qinglong tribe.

As the core land, Zifeng saw that this place was also a mess, as if there was a fierce war in this place.

The bodies of countless soldiers fell to the ground.

The houses on the ground have become a sea of ​​flames.


When Lin Ye brought Zifeng into the core of the Qinglong tribe.

In the front, Long Beibei brought a group of strong people just to meet Zifeng.

Zifeng hurriedly asked, "Babe, what happened?"

Long Beibei eagerly said: "Elder Dragon Eagle does not know where to recruit a group of strong people and launch a rebellion. Now my father is entangled with the strong dragon of the Azure Dragon tribe!"

"I am worried about your safety, so I will bring a soldier to come to you!"

"Master, you are fine!"

Lamberbe asked eagerly.

Zifeng shook his head silently, and asked, "How about the battle of the Qinglong tribe?"

On the side of Long Beibei, Longxian whispered: "Not so good, the strong dragons that Longying discovered, they don't seem to be ordinary characters. They are moving forward and backward, and their power is much stronger than the Qinglong tribe."

"For a while, we weren't their opponents at all!"

"Well, don't talk nonsense, baby, leave your Azure Dragon tribe with your master first, and wait for us to settle down after the riot and come to you!"

Long Xian whispered.

Long Beibei nodded slightly, leaving the Qinglong tribe to Zifeng.

At this moment, Zhao Yue came to Zifeng's side and asked: "It seems that the Qinglong tribe is also in a mess!"

Long Beibei said: "Let's leave first!"

When Hu Qi and others walked up the Huolian Mountain, Zifeng was not eager to leave, but stood at the foot of the mountain and waited.

After half a day, TigerSeven descended from the ancient road in Lianhua Mountain.

Zifeng said with his fist, "How about Tiger Seven? I can go up and talk with Wanbao Zhenjun!"

Tiger Qi shook his head with a smile on his face: "No, Zifeng, Master has made the decision. We are disciples, it is not good to stop!"

"But we also agree with the master. Our five disciples will stay to help the master improve this blade. Then, the five of us will leave the fire lotus!"

"After the master refines this blade, it is estimated that it will be hidden!"

Zi Fengyi, the cockroach's heart is indelible, and his fist said: "Tiger Seven, I."

Tiger Qi smiled and said, "I know, Zifeng, you don't have to say it anymore. I know you have flaws in your heart, but this is Master's choice and we have no right to intervene!"

"He feels that it is his glory and destiny to help you improve the blade!"

"He thinks he has lived in the ancient continent for five hundred years, just to wait for this day!"

"In this case, if we are disciples, it is necessary to stop it!"

"You don't have to apologize, you don't have to worry. This is Master's choice!"

"We are still brothers!"

Tiger Qi smiled and patted Zifeng on the shoulder.

"Go, let's find a place to drink!" Hu Qi took Zifeng to his residence. ,, ..

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