The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 316: Hard to fight

Zhenjun Wanbao smiled and said, "What do you mean? Are you here to represent the Ancestral Temple and ask me not to help Zifeng refine the blade?"

Shangguan Cun smiled and said: "I know that the predecessors of Zhenjun have a saying, since they promised to refine their weapons on their birthday, they would not speak without letters. Even if they are a temple, they have no right. Intervention is in the words and deeds of the true monarch!"

Majesty Wanbao smiled lightly: "Then you come to me!"

Shangguancun said: "I just came to the temple to ask the opinion of the real king. After all, the power of the real king is the pinnacle of the ancient continent!"

Zhenjun Wanbao said: "Nanzhou disaster, everything is life! Your ancestral temple likes to intervene in heaven and earth too much, but every time the temple fails!"

"Since everything is life, why not stop it!"

"Every time in difficult times, it will be brought to the world, which is different from the scenery it was born in, so why should we stop it!"

Zhenjun Wanbao said quietly.

After Shangguancun thought about it for a while, he smiled and said: "I understand, I will take Zhenjun's words back to the ancestral temple and let me down!" After that, Shangguancun turned and left the palace!

Zhenjun Wanbao looked at Shangguan inch to the left, blinking and whispering: "In these years, the wind over the ancient continent seems to be wrong!"

"Dongzhou has just experienced the chaos of Mo Zong, which caused great destruction. The situation of Dawu and Shenwu Kingdom fell apart. These two overlords have won your survival and death!"

"Now even the land of Nanzhou will usher in disaster!"

"How many heroes will be cast in this chaotic world!"

Majesty Wanbao shook his head and smiled.

The next day, Wanbao Zhenjun announced the closure of the refinery.

Towards the end of the birthday, many soldiers began to leave the Fire Lotus Mountain.


Ye Suxin stood in the courtyard, watching the sunset gradually falling from the horizon.

At this moment, at the door of her residence, an old man with a snake head and crutches whispered: "At dusk today, the master discovered that soldiers from the poisonous family will leave Huolian Mountain!"

Ye Suxin nodded: "Well, let the wolf king get ready!"

The snake king nodded and said, "Yes!"

Then Ye Suxin left the residence with the King Snake and walked into the Fire Lotus Mountain. They didn't know where to go.

With the sunset, a group of poisonous protoss and the elders of Xia Qiu left Huolian Mountain.

Xia Qiu was injured by Zifeng, and now he is still injured.

The warriors of the poisonous protoss did not leave Wujiang, but left Huolian Mountain with Lingzhou.

The spirit ships of the three poisonous gods flew in the sunset, gradually moving away from the Huolian Mountain.

In the middle of the night, the spirit ship of the poisonous protoss left Huolian Mountain for 100,000 miles.

The moon hangs high.

The spirit ship of the poisonous **** family came to a barren ridge. At this moment, there was a sword repaired a wolf king mask, a sword in hand, standing on the lonely mountain, watching the three spirit ships gradually fly!

When the three spirit ships came to the front line, the wolf king suddenly drew out his sword, a black-skinned sword light flew across the sky, and a sword fell, hitting the three spirit ships and directly smashed the spirit ships.


There was a deafening loud sound.

The three spirit ships burst open. At the moment when the swordsman hit the spirit ship, dozens of strongmen flew out of the spirit ship and stood in the air, looking at the wolf in front of the cold. King.

"Who is looking for death?"

"Have you eaten a bear and a leopard? Do you know who this is?"

"Looking for death?"

More than a dozen poisonous God's families stood in mid-air, staring coldly at the wolf king in front.

The Wolf King stood on the lonely mountain and said nothing.

At this time, a woman's laughter came: "Of course we know who this is, the spirit ship of this poisonous **** race. Who doesn't know in the land of Nanzhou?"

The elder of a poisonous family said coldly: "Since you know the spirit ship of the poisonous family, do you dare to die?"

At this time, the woman walked out of the darkness and came to the people of the poisonous family.

"It's you!" Xia Qiu, the elder of the Poison God Family, recognized this lady, and this was Ye Baixin around Zifeng. Ye Suxin appeared in front of everyone and said with a smile: "I am not going to die, but to send you to death!"

"Do it!"

Ye Suxin sneered sneer, no nonsense, just started.

At this moment, the wolf king flew out, and the terrible swordsman went to the people of the poisonous family.

The snake king beside him also sneered. The crutch in his hand turned into a swallowing giant, and they hit the crowd.

"With the three of you, dare to come to the Poison God's house?"

"Looking for death?"

"In this place, we have a dozen strong people, even if one person was a strong person at the peak!"

People from Poison God's family said coldly.

"Don't talk nonsense, some people want to die, and then they will all!" The elders of the poisonous protoss demanded the pinnacle, said coldly, and immediately attacked and defeated the wolf king.


There was a shaking sound in the air.

The elder who had been eager to see the mountain was shot to death, even the Wolf King could hardly resist.

"Really annoying! Nine snakes!" Ye Suxin snorted and whispered.

At the moment Ye Suxin's voice fell, a violent impact occurred in the entire wilderness. In the distance, a huge monster flew in, and nine heads roared in the sky with a roaring voice.

The moment he rushed past, opened his mouth, opened his mouth. He swallowed a few strong men who demanded the world.



The warrior of the poisonous **** family said in surprise.

Nine snakes have joined the battlefield, they are unstoppable. In an instant, they killed a dozen powerful players.

At this time, the wolf king squatted down, and the strongman at the peak also screamed, and he flew out and squatted on the ground.

In an instant, there was a mess around.

Under the siege of the Nine Snakes and the Wolf King, more than a dozen powerful men of the poisonous Protoss were left behind.

Only the strong who survived the peak period can survive with Xia Qiu.

"Hey!" Xia Qiu was kicked out by the Snake King, and the Wolverine fell to the ground, pale, looking at everyone coldly.

Ye Suxin smiled slightly and walked out of the lonely mountain to the front of Xia Qiu.

Xia Qiu said coldly: "What do you want to do! Deaf!"

Ye Suxin smiled and said, "Nature is going to kill you!"

Xia Qiu scorned the cold voice: "You want to kill me, do you know who I am? Do you know my position in the Poison God family? Do you know how bad you would be if you killed me?", , ..

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