The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 331: give up

"This thing has been completed." Li Tingyun's flat voice shocked everyone.

"Father. Father?" Li Yuangong looked at Li Tingyun with a big eye. Li Jia's family has been in the crowd for many years and has not mentioned his father in public. This shocked Li Yuangong.

Zifeng was also a little confused. His ancestor Li Tingyun has always been a very weak impression in Li's mind. Whether it's the "last world" or rebirth, Zi Feng will never see Li Tingyun more than ten times. In this era, everyone is far from watching. Remember, even if the father and grandfather died together that day, the ancestors just looked at themselves from a distance. Li Tingyun walked to the main position and sat down slowly. The moment the old man sat down, everyone felt that they could finally relax, like a dragon finally fell.

"Yuan Gong, I said you have done too much on this matter, can you be dissatisfied?" Li Tingyun asked in a clear tone.

"Baby dare not." Li Yuangong quickly backed away.

"You can't refuse, you should say no." Li Tingyun continued: "I said when I re-enact Li's rules. No matter who it is, according to the rules, I know that the big family should always give the upper class society enough majesty. So many times when you want to do something, I am also dazzled in one eye. For example, when you secretly instruct children not to practice, I have no objection."

Seeing Li Tingyun suddenly saying this, Zifeng couldn't help but curiously saw the eyes of his ancestors. Zifeng didn't understand what the ancestors of today were going to show. Of course, not only him, but even Li Yuangong could not see what Li Tingyun wanted to do. Now even the homeowner is very cold, and the other Li family members are even afraid to breathe. Even the elders of the past have low eyebrows and pleasing appearance, but they always show an indescribable feeling.

"I can understand your inner thoughts. The things Chengzong has done have caused me a lot of harm during the year. But after all, things have passed, have they not? The so-called blood curse is other pleasures that I like to watch. The rumors of family monks can be used by outsiders. Do you really believe this? "Li Tingyun's tone suddenly became harsh: "You have been confused, or you have been sitting all these years. The throne is sitting on your boldness?"

Li Tingyun suddenly frightened everyone's legs so hard that everyone's legs were weak. The majesty of the ancestors was so amazing. Some of Li's children even fell down and sat down. Li Yuangang slammed into the ground and even said he didn't dare.

"The Li family can be defeated by the enemy, and must not be killed by your own people!" Li Tingyun still severely reprimanded, then looked at Zifeng and said calmly, "Go to Xiaoru."

Zifeng noticed the word "please", and his heart was somewhat safe. He dragged his tired body and invited Xiao Rou. On the road, Xiaoru cursed Li Yuangong in a low voice because of her injury. He heard that Zifeng couldn't help speaking secretly. laugh. However, after entering Qingyun Hall, Xiao Rou was very tight, her head very low.

"Xiao Ru, you have done a good job these years." Seeing Xiao Rou's cautious expression, Li Tingyun said very kindly.

Xiao Rou listened, but suddenly he shook his body and subconsciously wanted to squat down. As a result, he gave up halfway, but was stopped by Zifeng.

"Soft, my ancestors really brag about you." Zifeng grinned and said, suddenly stopped Xiaorou and moved his wounds. The pain made it difficult for him to remain calm.

Xiaoru looked at Zifeng and his ancestor Li Tingyun. At this moment, he seemed overwhelmed. Li Tingyun smiled in the main position, nodded and said, "I really praise you." After reading about Li's bullying, the old man said, "This aggressive boy, this is what you should do with Xiao Ru. ."correct. ""it is good? "Li glanced proudly, and then Christine said, "I still hope my ancestors can speak." "

"When you practiced secretly for ten years, you really didn't find this old man?"

Zifeng frowned and continued to listen patiently.

"My family doesn't want you to practice. I want to plan ahead. For Mr. Li's consideration, his approach is correct. So when he proposed, I did not refuse. But after learning the news, Xiao Yong was punished. Risk took the initiative to come to me, she begged me not to deprive you of the power you cultivated, and then I told her family considerations, and then asked what kind of guarantee she could make. "Speaking of this, Li Tingyun suddenly stopped. Come down.

"How to ensure softness?" Zifeng asked subconsciously, even forgetting to use any respectful words. The other Li family around him looked at him curiously, including Li Yuangong who was lying on the ground. He was also curious, because his ancestors decided to let Zifeng practice. In fact, Li Yuangong didn't know until today that Zifeng's secret practice was instructed by his ancestors. It is reasonable to think about it this way. If it were not for the secret instructions of the ancestors, how could the movie guard find the child's real actions?

When Li Yuangong was thinking about these things in secret, Li Tingyun finally reopened: "At that time, I told Xiao Ru that the master's majesty was not allowed to be challenged, so I would not publicly condemn some of his actions, at least before he decided to be wrong. But. Everything can be discussed. If Xiao Rou can make a guarantee, he can naturally allow you to practice. At that time, my request was that if you do something in the future to avenge Li’s family or if something goes wrong, she will serve as Guarantor. She must die first. In this case, she agreed without hesitation."

When I heard this, people looked a little different when they looked at Xiao Rou. Zifeng has no expression, but his body is already shaking: "Then."

"In fact, I am just helping her find an excuse for you. The excuse is there, of course there is nothing. But the shadow guardian's profile picture is the party responsible for confidentiality. At the time, the condition was that Xiaoou must first give this guarantee. He The price was paid. He said, since you want to practice, then Xiaoru should not practice. Then, she will give up her life in front of the leader. "Speaking of this, Li Tingyun also sighed slightly: "In fact, when When the annual leader provided the conditions, I was there. I should stop it, but I didn’t expect it to be just my martial arts. She has already started".

After these words were over, there was no sound in Qingyun Hall, and even Li Yuangong, who was about to attack, was completely stupid. He suddenly remembered that the weak woman in front of him was the younger sister of Li's mother's nursery school. She was called the younger sister of two generations. Although the words of this generation have been exaggerated, her green stage has also been restored. Absolutely called a strong word. ,, ..

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