The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 333: Dry goods

As for the Presbyterian Church, in fact, since they saw that Zifeng hadn't started to get angry, he didn't want to deal with this boy anymore. Now that Li Tingyun has come forward to mediate, everything in the past should pass away with the wind.

Li's rules must be followed if they have been enacted.

Li Tingyun is sitting in the main position again. When he looked at Li's hegemony again, there was no kindness in his eyes, no suffocation, only peace. After the black person personally attends and mediates family affairs that lasted for ten years, he will have to deal with major events after he sits down again.

"I heard that you have become a small-scale dragon hand?" Li Tingyun asked. After receiving Zifeng's definite answer, he asked, "Do you want to inherit the foundation of your grandfather?"

"Yes." Zifeng still nodded.

"Okay, ambitious." Li Tingyun smiled very satisfied, and the atmosphere of Qingyuntang was immediately solemn. Today's ancestors suddenly appeared, and every action touched many people's thoughts, but at least until now, Zifeng attaches great importance to ancestors, even if he defeated the lord in front of his ancestors. Nothing is angry. It is necessary to say that Li Yuangong is afraid of Zifeng. This is absolutely impossible. Facing the public is not a slap, not because Li Yuangong's heart is flawed, but because of the attitude of his ancestors.

Now, the ancestors asked Zifeng to inherit the foundation of his grandfather, and everyone naturally couldn't help but breathe. Speaking of Li Yuanshun, that year was definitely one of Li Zhong's bravest squadrons. He has been on the battlefield for many years, killing countless people. Even if the foundation is deep, he only has a complete dimension of the Yuan Dynasty and some other places in the dimension. For a large family like Li, it is surprising that one of them has such a foundation. After Li Yuanshun's death, these chassis became the property of the Li family.

The elders stared at Li Tingyun. He didn't dare to listen to Li Tingyun's words that he allowed Zifeng to inherit his ancestral career. If this is the case, Li's status in the Li family will change immediately, and will become a legend in Taicang City and the entire Luotian world. A 15-year-old boy has such a large foundation, his right to speak in Li's family will become very heavy in the future.

Zifeng must be hesitant in his heart, but he never believed that his ancestors would directly return his grandfather's foundation to himself. Not through any analysis, just feeling. Sure enough, after Li Tingyun boasted about Li's hegemony, he said very simply: "If you want to inherit, then keep working hard, but you only have nine months."

After hearing these words, the elder finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the surrounding Li family began to relax. Zifeng's recent performance has been even more striking. After all, this is just a little talent. If it really becomes Li Jia's strength now, then no one in the four generations dare to provoke him. Even the three generations of the Li family are not necessarily. Who dares to shoot easily. After Li Tingyun finished speaking, he was holding his hand and preparing to leave. This proves that the ancestors actually came out for Li's hegemony. After confirming that he is not cursed blood, or at least he is not angry now, there is nothing to worry about here. Although Li Tingyun is now the real helm of Li Jia, the major issues during the day naturally need to be handled by the homeowner. When he abdicated, he explained that unless the Li family lived or died, or needed to continue to expand, he would go out, otherwise he would not come out easily.

If Li is not a special situation, not because he is the son of Li Chengzong, then what Li Badao has done recently is not enough. In the old man’s legend, I saw too many so-called geniuses. Li's family has also had many fascinating lives in recent years. If a talented seedling is born, he will come out to express his attitude once, that is too low. Li Tingyun has set the rules of iron and blood. The picture is to allow all the talented Li family to grow into a real powerhouse. Talent is of course very important, but what they value most is actual combat ability.

In fact, Li Tingyun came here to change Li's domineering, and also intends to reveal Li's domineering heart. After all, due to the blood of the curse, the relationship between Li and the Li family seemed to have gained nothing. At present, all doubts have been eliminated, and there will naturally be some room for buffering in the future.

However, after seeing Li Tingyun go, Zifeng hesitated for a while, and finally said: "The ancestors walked very slowly, so there is something to say."

"Huh?" Li Tingyun turned around and asked calmly: "What else can I say?"

"I wish I could have more time." Zifeng said flatly.

"On the basis of inheriting grandfather?"


"Impossible." Li Tingyun didn't want to say directly: "Rules are rules. If you make rules, you must use them to follow them, not to talk about sympathy. This is not for you, but applies to all the Li family." The old man said Qingyun Hall saw a circle, and the Li family nodded as they were taught.

"Ancestors are anxious, domineering, and dare to ask. Naturally it is reasonable. Family rules require ancestral inheritance for ten years, but you also said that if someone can make a great contribution to young people, as long as they can be recognized by their elders at home, you You can apply for rewards from your family, right?"

Li Tingyun nodded without hesitation: "Yes, there is such a saying." After that, Li Tingyun looked at Li's hegemony enthusiastically and continued to ask: "Why, what surprises do you have for me? Understand you and Liu Jia did a good job, and the homeowner would reward you based on your return. But if you want to spend more time, it doesn’t make sense."

"Naturally, it is not just the problem of the Liu family."

"Oh, let's talk." Li Tingyun showed some expectation. The people around me also watched curiously, Zifeng dared to say such things at this time, it seems that there is really a good thing to go out.

"I can carve a sacred mark." Li Badao's voice sounded peacefully in the Qingyun Hall. Xu said it was too casual. Some Li family members did not even respond to what Zifeng said.

Rao is Li Tingyun, but he can't help feeling that something is wrong. He asked, "What did you say?"

"My ancestors, in addition to secret practice, I have been studying the formation method for the rest of the time. Now I am a second-level mage, if I don't care about the loss of materials, I may have achieved some success. The order of winning streak." Zi The wind does not sell off, and straightforwardly said everything that should be said in one breath. In the face of ancestors, if you want to suspend your appetite, the ending will definitely not be too good.

After Li Tingyun thoroughly confirmed that he had not heard this error, some surprises finally appeared on the old man's face: "That is, you are now a sacred master?", ....

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