The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 336: Admire and appreciate

Lin Hui nodded seriously and listened to Li's explanation, but in fact he did not understand what Li Shuai was talking about. Of course, this does not prevent him from responding to nonsense such as "oh, it's so beautiful" and "very good" in a timely manner.

Unlike Lin Hui's ignorance, Li's domineering is still a bit regrettable in his heart. After all, it is still too low to be repaired. In a short period of time, the formation of formation methods is no longer possible to increase. After all, the old man's "Lifetime" book has been eaten by himself. He is not very familiar with Tier 4 Mage. It seems that after a long period of time, this third-order composite fire array will be able to achieve it. The highest level rises. In the face of such a crisis, Zifeng can still go to the battlefield to think about cultivation. I really don't know if this is conceited or humble.

Suddenly, some giant beasts finally emerged from the fire. Only three rushed out, but compared with the way they rushed to the volcano, these three giant beasts seemed very embarrassed now, and they were obviously exhausted. Very.

"Sword!" Zifeng slowed down when he noticed the breath of the giant beast, and commanded with his finger.

Zhao Jie was ready, and when the giant beast rushed out of the fire, the blade had fallen off. Chen Dong and Zhuang Nan, who did not understand the battle mode of the Demon Hunter, were immediately shocked. They only felt a sudden tinnitus, and then they saw a puff of air flying in front of the giant beast.

This type of blade is an offensive that changes after the first battle with the monster. The huge blade filled one foot and went straight to the first giant beast. Zhao Jie also understands that in the face of these tyrannical behemoths, I can't wait to hit all the power, so the blade only needs to be one foot wide in order to maximize the power of the blade.

The result is this blade, and in the end it is the birth of the first giant beast to be severed!

"This." Chen Dong was stunned again. This kind of offensive has never been seen, even unheard of. What surprised him even more was that in front of him, Zhao Gang's master had just done such a feat without any hint of celebration. He started to rest immediately after hitting the ball. It seems that he is ready to prepare. Two hits. At the same time, the left-handed star of the passing position and the right-handed star of the star-studded team were immediately attacked, and each of them clearly spotted a behemoth starting to kill.

Seeing this, when Chen Dong and Zhuang Nan looked at each other, they saw too much shock and doubt in each other's eyes. These evergreen locals are good at coordinating. They had some feelings before, but Zhao Jie was different from the evergreen world that came with them at the same time. Why is Zhao Jie's mysterious man so powerful now? If the confrontation is positive, Chen Dong and Zhuang Nan suspect that even if they are now joining forces, they may not become opponents of the Zhao Jiajun family. In the world, there are also people who believe that their level of cooperation is much stronger than any local force Chen Dong has encountered before.

At this moment, Chen Dong and Zhuang Nan felt bitter. They finally understood why Zhao Jie would rather let them see this kind of fun than let them intervene. In the face of such a battle, they completely dragged their legs.

Sometimes, the distant volcano comes from the horror of giant beasts, but on the volcano where the demon army is, the giant beast will bark without mourning. Looking at the **** massacre scene, Chen Dong suddenly said: "So, maybe they really hope to escape with them." This is a fierce battle, but it is not a **** battle. Although the process of winning the battle is very difficult, at least the sacrifice and consumption of the demon army is extremely rare, even far lower than the previous battle damage. This is what Zifeng likes to watch.

Even straight people like Song He may have seen how many women are Li’s tyrants. Once they face a war, they always consider reducing damage, and then they will consider how to fight the enemy and become a military commander. This character does have big flaws, but no matter how he develops in the future, at least those who follow Zifeng now sincerely admire and appreciate Zifeng.

"Take a rest and help me dig the monster's demon core. Now the restricted area has entered." When the last tortoise was strangled to death by the hunter, Zifeng finally sat down. I spit.

"Li Shuai, this battle is very happy." Zhang Song haha ​​smiled and walked over, put the sword on the ground, still sitting next to Zifeng.

"Well, if these behemoths only have a dozen heads, they will rush up every time. We can consume them naturally, and the combat damage will not exceed 30%." Zifeng said calmly. Looking at the hundreds of behemoths gathered outside the broken mountains, my heart is full of hidden worries.

It turned out that I wanted to celebrate Daqing and Song He. When they heard such words, their faces became very poor. The hard work of this battle is no less than the battle of every passing away. The cause of damage will be reduced to this. It's very low, just because those behemoths were already burning in the fire, and when they finally rushed out, almost half of their lives were abandoned, and it was really difficult to fight the behemoths in such a powerful place. In this way, under the smashing of the severe star battle, they naturally cannot survive.

But Li Shuai said yes, how do you deal with the behemoth under the mountain? Not only that, but the situation of other volcanoes also caused them headaches.

In today's situation, although the other three volcanoes are not friendly, in order to save their lives, the best result is that everyone can have their own hills. Only in this way, the behemoth can be scattered every time it hits. Firepower, so the impact of each volcano will naturally be minimized. However, compared with the Demon Hunting Army, other volcanoes in the volcano have far more troops than them, but the battle process is extremely difficult.

In contrast, the performance of the Royal Heavy Armor hosted by Tang Xilin was very eye-catching at this time. Although this is the first time to fight a behemoth, there are 30,000 reloaded methyl lands after all. In the past, they were all soldiers fighting in Cross County.

However, Shen Yueming and Liu Chuan are now working hard to support them. The giant animals that rushed to the volcano were also weakened by the volcano. However, the strength of Shen Yuejun and Master Liuchuan was surprisingly low. The remnants just compiled were defeated. These long-term sects also don't have as much combat experience as Cross County's heavy armor. Even the acting skills of Turquoise and Feiyun are not proficient. At this time they are completely in a state of melee. In order to kill more than a dozen behemoths, Shen Yueming and Liuchuan had to sacrifice their family's treasures before exploring. Shen Yueming's hand is a bronze ditch. Trenches are a magic weapon.

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