The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 350: No need to force

Zifeng, who can master the world, has always been at a very high level in mastering alchemy. The so-called lowest-level medicine, if placed in Longwu Continent, is also of great significance to Longling.

"Alchemy, refining and arranging methods. All of these require a lot of materials. They can't be satisfied just relying on the foundation of the Su family. Looking at the entire Yuanshan County, the Han Yunzong may be stronger." Pouting.

Han Yunzong is a bit strong for him.

This is the only reason why he wants to join Han Yunzong.

As for the so-called bet with Su Yunqi and others, Zifeng did not notice it. "call"

The flame rose, and the Dan furnace was baked and burned immediately.

This flame was also purchased by Zifeng and was called "ground fire".

Ordinary flames cannot satisfy the flames required by alchemy.

The flame used by Zifeng in the previous generation was the "sacred fire **** fire" he encountered when he encountered various difficulties.

"too slow."

Zifeng looked at the turbulent flames, shook his head, and said to himself: "It seems that if you encounter some special flames in the future, you must get more."

After half an hour, Zifeng's heart must be a big hand, and several first-level demon crystals and first-level cultivation were put into the pill furnace immediately.

When the demon crystals and spirits were put into the pill furnace, there was a squeaking noise, and a little mist emerged from it.

Zifeng glanced at it and saw that the soul had begun to melt, but the demon crystal was intact.

"Sure enough, using this kind of fire to make alchemy, even if it is a first-class demon crystal, it takes at least half an hour to melt. This speed is too slow." Zifeng shook his head.

His eyes flashed, his hands trembled, and there was a sudden commotion.

With the absorption of these demon crystals, Zifeng has now opened up 17 meridians, which are much stronger than the ten peaks of the so-called Longwu Continent.

A large number of dragon patterns not only represent an increase in strength, but also an increase in dragon energy, enabling the practitioner to continue fighting.

Compared with a practitioner with ten dragons and eight dragons, even if they are the same, a practitioner with ten dragons must fight longer than a practitioner with eight dragons.

The most important point is that when you break through the dragon blood in the future, a large amount of blood will be stored in these dragon veins, which is an important basis for improving your strength!

The more dragon veins, the more blood is stored, and the more blood, the stronger the intensity.

Step by step is powerful, step by step is powerful, this is the difference between genius and ordinary practitioners.

"Fortunately, I have opened seventeen dragon patterns. Otherwise, even if it is the ten dragons at the top of Longwu Continent, it will not be easy to improve such an ancient spirit."

Zifeng took a deep breath, and the dragon shook in the fire. The ground fire screamed immediately, and due to the intense flame, the demon crystal in the pill furnace gradually melted.

In the blink of an eye, ten minutes passed.

Zifeng's dragon gas continued to melt into the ground fire. Those demon crystals and souls melted into mental fluid. Now is the most important time to refine medicinal materials.

"Council of Agriculture"!

Zi Feng suddenly screamed violently, and his mind began to merge quickly.

This is the time to test the spirit of the alchemy teacher. Once an error occurs, the formation of the drug will collapse, and the material of this furnace will be completely useless.

However, for Zifeng, this kind of thing can be called a hand.

"it is!"

After another three minutes, Zi Feng's eyes lit up.

All day, until night, Zifeng walked out of the room.

He held a large package in his hand, and there were a dozen jade bottles in it. Each of these jade bottles contains at least ten ancient spirit pills.

"These herbs can really increase my strength in a short period of time, but if they are all used, it will be difficult to find later alchemy materials."

After thinking for a while, Zifeng came to Su Yunming's room.

"It's hot? How are you?"

Su Yunming is reading an ancient book. When he saw Zifeng coming, he couldn't help smiling and said, "You kid, but I haven't come to me for a long time."

Zifeng's mother died of illness, so only Su Yunming and his son left.

"These are three bottles of ancient spirit pills, there are 30 in total, after you swallow them, you should be able to break through." Zifeng took out three bottles of ancient spirit pills on the table.


Su Yunming immediately opened his eyes. He hadn't heard of this medicine, but he also took it, but he only took the lowest level of medicinal materials.

In the market, every medicine is very precious. Su Yunming only takes the lowest level of medicinal materials, or dragon blood.

Although it is the lowest level of medicinal plants, at least one thousand gold coins!

Even with the status of Su Yunming, it only takes a few times. If there are more, there will be no such economic consumption.

When I took the herb and quickly broke through, Su Yunming now clearly remembers it, it is so cool!

"Damn it, you. Where did you get so many remedies?"

Su Yunming said that when he opened a bottle, a strong pill incense sprayed out, which made him feel refreshed.

"This medicinal medicine is at least top grade?" Su Yunming was shocked.

"This is my own refinement, so you don't have to force it." Zi Feng said

"What are you doing?"

Su Yunming's head screamed, and he immediately showed a look of ecstasy: "You have become an alchemy teacher? Is it still a top alchemy teacher?"

"Yes." Zifeng nodded, but didn't hide it.

But his nod, but Su Yunming fell into terror.

Alchemy teacher!

To become an alchemy teacher, you must have strong spiritual power. If you want to have spiritual power, you must have a strong practice!

To be a high-grade alchemy teacher, at least it should be the cultivation of the dragon soul, but a cold dragon. Does it have such a strong spiritual power?

"Are you really an alchemy teacher?" Su Yunming asked again, he couldn't believe it.

"If fake exchange." Zifeng helpless.

"My son Scorpio, Su Yunming, is not only a genius, but also a senior alchemy teacher, hahaha!" Su Yunming smiled.

"Yes, there are dragon skills here too, I tailor it for you. After practicing, you should be able to fight more and more." Zifeng threw a book at Su Yunming.

It is indeed tailor-made, with the realm of purple wind, memory, and countless dragon skills mastered at that time, it is not difficult to create dragon skills at will. "The wind is nine clicks?"

Su Yunming's eyes widened. If Zifeng became an alchemy teacher, he couldn't believe it. At that moment, Zifeng's dragon technique made his mind go blank.

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