The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 370: Awesome

The predecessors of the giant island told me that if they encounter a treasure that cannot be obtained, it is best not to change the giant spirit.

"Go to the second light curtain!" There is no cold water in the water.

They stopped and were no longer under attack, and the dragon's five heads also stopped.

The cockroaches have suffered a little injury. They squatted in the cave, watching Zifeng's figure gradually disappear.

"We are gone, you can't hurt your life. When I return to the sanctuary, I will take you out."

A dull voice came to these embarrassed ears.


The five heads groaned, and after a long time, they finally got up and left Qibaoshan.

For tens of millions of years, they have been tired of the hatred of Zifeng. At this moment, there is still some sadness between them.

In another place, dozens of people gathered here.

Like Qibaoshan, this place is also a barren mountain. The mountain peaks are extremely high and straight, penetrating into the sky.

At the top of the mountain, there is light shining with divine light.

In the light, there is a faint shadow.

The virtual shadow is a golden stove.

"This must be the sacred thing of alchemy and refining equipment!"

Everyone guessed the usefulness of the gold furnace.

Although the golden stove is a ghost, the markings on it are very clear.

They depicted a series of giant animal statues. Those behemoths are either squatting or standing upright, or holding their teeth.

"You must get this!" Liu Feng's face was exposed. He is an oil refiner and he is an alchemy teacher. For this holy thing, there is a kind of fiery incomparable with others.


At this moment, the light on the top of the mountain suddenly vibrated and screamed.

The whole mountain was trembling at this moment, and the boulder was like a collapse, rolling down from above.

Everyone retreated immediately, but when they retreated, they were still staring at the golden stove, and the greed in their eyes was not hidden.


The earth shook and the cracks in the road were torn apart. The golden furnace shadow on the top of the mountain suddenly disappeared, and the mountain began to slowly collapse.


At some point, there was a loud noise from the mountain. In the eyes of countless people, the kilometer-high mountain was broken.

Many flying sand fell from the sky, and the huge stones were heavy. They are just ordinary flying stones, but at this moment, it is like a **** being worshipped, and it brings amazing pressure to them.


A second-rate genius was born, and he thought it was easy to break it. After all, it is just a stone.

However, in his stone moment, all his attacks collapsed, and his flesh was violently hit and blown directly into the blood.

"Little Lord!"

The eyes of two old people were instantly red, they wanted to protect, but the defensive ability of the boulder was too strong, they could only watch each other be killed.

A small sect of the Second Zongmen sect has passed away!

Such a person, located in Longwu Continent, has a high status.

At birth, there will be thousands of people guarding them, and they will be admired by countless people.

But here, it is dead and no one cares.


A cruel man rushed over from a distance and escaped from a huge boulder. He said coldly: "How do you say that it is also a small lord of the second-rate sect, so stay in the sect and enjoy the glory and prosperity? In order to find the things found here, it is also dead in vain."


The two old men were very angry, but when they saw each other, they did not speak.

"What am I?"

The young man sneered, "Is this wrong?"

This person is a magical nine!

He is the first-rate patriarch of Chang'an Mountain Gate. Chang'an Mountain Gate is the pinnacle among many first-class sects.

These two old men are only second-rate sects, let alone them, their lord, they dare not know how to become evil.

"This gold furnace, I can't get it."

Liu Feng was also in the crowd, but when the mountainous area was booming, he had completely retired.

He saw with his own eyes the second-class sects of the second-rate sects being killed and killed. Although he was unwilling, he knew that this matter was not suitable for him.

In a sigh, Liu Feng left soon.

On the way he was running, he was almost smashed by a boulder several times. If he is really in the middle, even with his special physical strength, he will inevitably die. The broken mountain has completely collapsed, and the dust has become a storm and swept in.


At this moment, a cicada came out, and a golden furnace the size of a palm flew out of the mountain!

"This is the golden stove!"

Everyone was staring, rich greed appeared on their faces.

"This thing must be a sacred object of refining and alchemy. I can feel there is an amazing pill fragrance. If there is no herb in it, it must be a terrible remedy!" Can't help but say.

Even if he didn't say anything, everyone else could see it.

This golden stove was originally on the mountain, but a virtual shadow appeared on the top of the mountain, showing its preciousness.

"Who dares to catch me, I will let him die!"

Miraculous Nine stared at the golden stove, breathing quickly.

He had a foreboding that the golden stove was like the King of Clouds, the sacred object of the King of Clouds. If he can get it, his status will inevitably increase.

However, no one cares about him. Although he is a genius of Chang'an Mountain Gate, he is the highest ranked person in this place. But in front of him, will he give up because of his identity?


Under everyone's gaze, the golden stove was shining, like a dazzling sunlight, beautiful.


The magical nine dodge, suddenly rushed out, unexpectedly greeted the boulder, and grabbed the golden stove.

There were huge rocks in the sky, and there was a ray of light on the devil's body, and the light quickly turned into armor, which looked awesome.

At the same time, a silver-white long knife appeared in the devil's hand. He waved his hand, and the ten-meter-long giant knife flashed past and hit the boulder with a bang.


Under this yoke, the boulder was directly cut in half, and the image of the devil was avoided.


Liu Feng fled to the distance, turning his head to look at the magical nine immortals here, very shocked.

This kind of boulder weighs tens of thousands of pounds. Prior to this, the genius of the second-rate sect of the sect was killed. The latter couldn't even react, but in a sneaky situation, it was split into two halves.

"The descendants of these great powers, although only the dragon's spiritual peak has been restored, they have many treasures in their hands, such as this silver-white long knife. I am afraid it is at least a medium-sized purple and gold weapon!" Liu Feng sighed.

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