"Nine Steps to the Dragon!"

Under Liu Jian's teeth, Liu Feng finally revealed the secret of Zifeng's body. ——Tianlong Nine Steps.

At the moment of Tianlong's ten steps, Liu Feng's figure immediately became nothingness, and what the naked eye saw was a vague figure washed away.

His speed at this time was much faster than before, and he was similar to the blue robe. "It's a nine-step process, but it's too expensive!"

Liu Feng was very anxious. He could feel that the aura in his body was quickly consumed, and there was no slight aura. The only way is to use herbs.

"The shopkeeper gave us some gold-grade medicinal materials. There are ten kinds of medicinal materials. I don't know the grade. At that time, the shopkeeper said that they could not use ten kinds of medicinal materials."

Liu Feng thought for a while, took out a piece of inferior gold-grade remedy, and swallowed it directly.


The medicinal drug immediately became a huge mental power, but before it was absorbed, it was quickly taken away by Liu Feng and used in Tianlong Nine Steps.


Liu Feng himself was shocked.

Although gold-grade medicinal materials are only the next product, worth millions of gold coins, they are only consumed by Tianlong Nine Steps for a short period of time.

"This is just the first step. Tianlong Nine Steps are as the name suggests. There are 9 steps. If I use the second step, will it be more expensive?"

Liu Feng gritted his teeth and hated looking at the golden stove.

I don't know why, the speed is fast, the speed is fast, the speed is slow, the speed is slow, always keeping balance with oneself, seeming to be deliberately playing with oneself.

"Hurry up!"

Liu Feng shouted to Jinlu: "I don't want you. Someone wants you in the future, don't disturb me!"

How about the sacred objects of alchemy? How about the relics of the refinery?

You are the first sacred thing in the universe, and you cannot compare it with Lao Tzu's life!

After the children's many big countries chased after him, Liu Feng knew very well that once he mastered the Golden Furnace, it would inevitably be besieged by many people.


It seems that I heard Liu Feng's words, and the speed of the golden furnace suddenly increased, surpassing Liu Feng.

Seeing this scene, Liu Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The goal of Mou Jiuyou and others is the Golden Furnace. As long as the Golden Furnace stays away from him, then his own safety will not be hindered.

What Liu Feng didn't expect was that after the speed of the gold furnace increased, it stopped ten meters in front of Liu Feng and stopped directly.

The speed of Willow Wind was too fast, and it was almost there after a distance of ten meters.

He quickly stopped the figure, then shut the golden stove with a bang, and flashed from the side.

What made him angry was that the golden stove rushed forward again, blocking his way.

"What the **** are you doing?"

Liu Feng couldn't wait to give the Golden Stove two poached eggs, and it would block every time, which greatly hindered his speed.

Liu Feng threw a next-level gold-grade herb into his mouth, avoiding the golden stove.

But obviously, this golden furnace was not for him to leave, it was in front of him for the third time.

"Your grandfather! Can you still point to your face? Can you still point to your face? I am not uncommon!"

Liu Feng's eyebrows stood up immediately: "I have no hostility, nor complain about you. What are you doing on Lao Tzu's road? After so many people, once you get caught up, Lao Tzu will die!" Jin Lu was indifferent.

"Drafting sister!"

Liu Feng's white eyes rolled.

"Leave the Golden Furnace, I can leave your life!"

At this time, Mojiu and the others finally caught up.

"Child, these sacred things, you can't own it, it's best to understand each other, otherwise you don't know how to die." The blue robe shouted behind him.


That Hua Yun was more talkative and showed her dragon hand again.

A huge golden palm emerged from the void. His target was the golden stove, but it was obvious that even Liu Feng would be caught together!

"I don't want this golden stove, you want it, it has nothing to do with me!"

Liu Feng screamed innocently, and quickly avoided and avoided Hua Yun's dragon hand.

He hid, followed by the golden stove, he ran away, and the golden stove followed, he stopped, and the golden stove followed.

In short, this golden stove is like a ghost, always entangled in front of Liu Feng, in front of him.

"it is good?"

Obviously, Mou Jiu and others have seen this scene. They suddenly remembered the records in Tsung's ancient books, saying that there is a spiritual wealth, and they can choose their own master.

Could this golden stove be the choice of the timid guy in front?

"Well, although this golden stove is being moved by this person, as long as this person stops, then we can catch up with the golden stove!"

In the devil's heart, there was a dark voice in his heart, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face. He shouted to Liu Feng: "This Xiongtai, our goal is only this golden stove. You stop temporarily, let the golden stove stop. I bring this golden stove, I will naturally let you leave."

"I stopped, I'm shabby!"

Liu Feng's eyes blinked and did not stop, as if he hadn't heard the devil's words.

"I mean it!" Mou Jiu frowned.

"Be careful of your grandmother's legs!"

Liu Feng screamed in his heart, not only non-stop, but also faster.

A joke, if he was only chasing Liu Feng's Mo Jiu hide, Liu Feng might indeed hear the devil's words, and stopped and let Mo Ji hide in this golden stove.

But now, Nima has so many people chasing herself, only Hua Yun's eyes and blue robes are about to support herself!

If you really stop, someone will get the gold stove, but there is only one such thing in the gold stove. What can't you get?

Liu Feng had no doubt that those who didn't get it would definitely be angry with him, and if they got the golden furnace, they would not take care of themselves.

Therefore, he did not hear the devil's words, he still kept a distance from them at the moment, how far he could go.

"If you don't stop, don't make me ruthless!" Mou Jiuyou's face also sank.

This golden stove made Liu Feng crazy. When he heard the words of Magic Nine, he put it on the scene and confessed to the devil: "If you say the old man stops, you will let Lao Tzu go."

"As long as I get this golden furnace, I will never do it for you!"

"How are they? Can you guarantee that they won't do this?" Liu Feng shouted.

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