A savage child beside Zifeng suddenly shouted, yelled, and jumped his paws, but also looked at the fire with contempt.

The flaming rice is embarrassing, let him see. He looked at his face, but didn't see it.

"What is he talking about?" Zifeng asked.

"He said I can't bully you, but you also want him to be a soul, he will give it to you, there is no need to whisper to me here." Huo was not satisfied.


Zifeng looked at the savage child and smiled happily, thinking that the other party was too cute.

Well, the more you watch, the cuter you are. If you can truly give yourself this spirit, it will be more lovely.

Zifeng doesn't think they will betray speech. If you really want to forget, then you will be able to see them.

He looked at the savage child carefully, with light blue hair on his chest, which was familiar to other savage children.

"Just call you Xiaoqing."

Zifeng was very satisfied with his name, whether it was Big Dog, Second Dog, Three Dogs, Four Dogs, or Xiaoqing now.

He did not see that when he gave the name of the savage child, the blood **** crow was smashed in the space ring and his eyeballs came out as a result.

"This arsenal consists only of the 78th branch of our dwarf family. There is a larger arsenal in the main vein. If you see it, you will be shocked."

The raging rice said: "Unfortunately, the main pulse at the time, even if I have to pass for a long time, you may not have the opportunity to go."

Zifeng knew he was not bragging, and his heart was shocked. Even the arsenal of branches is so terrible. How awesome is the main pulse arsenal?

However, as Firemi said, it is impossible for him to enter the main vein's arsenal.

"How to change?" Zifeng asked directly.

"A hundred fruits, change the weapon!"

After the flaming rice was over, he nodded and smiled to Zifeng: "How about? Have I been generous to this old guy?"

"big sister!"

Zifeng has a white eye, he only has less than two thousand fruits and one hundred. Why don't you catch it!

Of course, this is in the case of Zifeng. In fact, these weapons, no matter what kind, are extremely amazing, let alone one and a half million people who are willing to catch a cold.

But when is it now?

There is no war between heaven and earth, and there is no war. Even if these savage young children come to change, they just take it back and cut the fruit. Nothing else is used.

With so many weapons vacant in the arsenal, thinking of a hundred? dream! "Another kind of fruit." Zi Feng said

"What did you say?"

When the fire broke out, he opened his eyes wide and couldn't wait to kill Zifeng with a hammer.

"The weapons built by my dwarf can change you. You tell me the fruit of another man?"

Zifeng also felt a little embarrassed, and said with a smile: "Two, two fruits have been changed once, am I more generous than you?"


Purple Wind: "."

The dwarves have good character and embarrassment, they are very friendly and force the flame to be like this. Zifeng believes in himself a little bit.

"The three of them?"




"Five, this is my bottom line!"

"Seventy, this is my bottom line!"

Angrily said: "This is the weapon we have worked hard to create. There are more than five kinds of fruits in the material. Do you want to speak with me?"

"You can't say that."

Zifeng shook his head and said: "The weapons you built, I admit they are very precious, but some people want to be them? If you look at them, they are all placed in this arsenal. If you continue this, you It will be piled up by dust. When I see it, I can't see the fruit. I traded five kinds of fruits for one fruit, and that was enough."

"That won't work!"

Huomilu: “Five people are too few. I have so many people here. How much fruit is enough for five people? It’s not enough to cut one fruit into one hundred pieces. I can’t help but know this for sale, anyway, five Fruits. "Of course not, I will give you at least sixty kinds of fruits. If you want to change it, you won't change it. "

"Ten, is this the head office?" Zifeng gave it a try.

"Come here, close the door!" shouted in the fire.

Zifeng knew that he was just talking to himself, but I didn't expect a few dwarves to run over to close the door of the arsenal.

Don't talk about Zifeng, even Huo Mi wants to spray these dwarves, can you see the old guy, I'm just talking about it? This is really stupid.

However, at this moment he is already riding a tiger. If he stops, Zifeng will definitely lower the price.

Seeing that the fire rice did not stop, Zifeng was also anxious, and said quickly: "Twenty, how about it?"

The raging rice hit Zifeng violently, and he snorted without speaking.

Zifeng frowned and said, "Thirty!"

"Only sixty years old!"

"Forty. You don't close the door, fifty, up to fifty!" At this point, Zifeng also showed love.

The flaming rice thought for a while, and finally smiled and said, "Okay, that's fifty!"

After that, he waved his hand, and the few dwarves who planned to close the door immediately stepped aside.

"a bunch of idiots."

The flame-like rice squatted as he walked, turning his head to Zifeng and the others: "Come with me."

Whether it is Zifeng or Xiaoqing, they are the first time they have entered the dwarf's arsenal. When they stand outside, they can't feel it. They just feel that these weapons shine, not everything. But after entering, I immediately felt an indescribable sense of oppression from all directions. Xiaoqing said, they said there was a cold sweat on Zifeng's face. This huge sense of oppression is like mountain pressure. Physically, it seems that Zifeng can be crushed at any time.

"This is still the case when these weapons are breath-sealed. Otherwise, I will repair them according to this point. If I come in, I will be strangled directly." Zifeng said in his heart.


At this moment, Huo Mi suddenly said: "The fifty fruits I said were replaced by weapons. There is a premise."

"What premise?" Zifeng frowned suddenly, thinking that this old guy had already made a moth.

"First, you have to pick up these weapons yourself, and each weapon is sealed by the dwarf. If you want to use it, I can give you a way to unlock the seal, but you have to solve it yourself. Open, only all the seals are unlocked At that moment, this weapon will recognize you as the main force and explode all power."

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