And even if you don’t drink, you can do it!

At this moment, the raging rice, I can't wait for Zifeng to quickly take some weapons, but this disappointing guy did not vomit blood or fly back, fragilely making Homi just want to beat him.

In fact, Zifeng is also very helpless, what can he do?

As a person born in offspring, even if they are planners, they will still be at the level of Xiaoqing, not to mention his views in the eyes of the master, and even ants can't fix it.

Through this attempt, Zifeng's heart became heavier and heavier. Finally, when he was bombarded by a seemingly ordinary satin again, Zifeng was completely abandoned.

His character is determined to be indomitable, but everyone with a strong personality is in a hopeful situation, which is equivalent to Zifeng's cultivation at this moment. If he faces a master, he is still a fart. You are determined, what's the use?

"Hurry up!" Seeing that Zifeng didn't move, the fire suddenly urged.


Zifeng's face was not good-looking, it was the first time he had encountered so many ashes.

Suddenly in my heart, Zifeng suddenly looked at the fire watch: "Can you seal these weapons again? In this case, I can choose one of them, and you can get fruits."


The flaming rice shook his head: "I don't want it, but if I wear too many seals, the quality of the weapon itself and even the possibility of collapse will impress me. Our final refined weapon is too white. Outdated Yes, the main vein will definitely demand a crime. ""Let it go."

Zifeng shook his head, he no longer hoped. Although he did not want to see such a huge Baoshan, he could not get it, but there was no way.

"Now is the time to deliberately keep fruit for myself." Zi Fengxin comforted herself.

"Why are you so vulnerable?"

The violent rice saw Zifeng give up and jumped eagerly to his feet: "The weapon you took is the lowest weapon here. They were not sprayed or shot. How do you think you are still alive?"

Zifeng glanced at Huo, and really had an urge to marry her.

You think that you are all abnormal, and you think that future generations can be compared with you!

"You want this."

The violent rice eyes turned around and said, "Will you go to the mirror to try it?"

Wenyan, Zifeng couldn't help but look at the huge mirror.

He naturally knows the meaning of red rice. If he really wants to try it, then whether he can get it or not, he has to pay a hundred fruits for the fire.

Obviously the old guy knew he couldn't afford weapons, so he put his thoughts on the mirror.

After thinking about it, Zifeng said: "I can try, but I can only give you 50 fruits at a time."

"What's the matter?"

The fire slammed his eyes: "This is a mirror, just in case you have an incomparable treasure? If you get the axe for the battle of heaven? What if you."

"Don't talk to me, you can't."

Zifeng looked at Xiaoqing who was randomly playing weapons, and said with a face: "I didn't get a little bit here. Even if I try in the mirror, I will probably only take out the fruit in vain. If you don't want it, that's it. , I have no hope anyway."

When I heard Zifeng say this, the expression on Homi's face suddenly seemed hesitant.

There is such a mirror in the arsenal of each branch of the dwarf family, which is connected to a special space. Even Huo Biao doesn't know where it is, only the patriarch of the main vein knows it.

The rule for master pulse setting is one attempt eight times, not one hundred times.

Martian rice is very smart among dwarves. He directly mentioned the price of a hundred fruits. Zifeng can guarantee that he can earn more than 20 fruits. If he disagrees, Zifeng will exchange it. For other weapons, at least hundreds of fruits can be counted in the calculation of fire timing.

But who would have thought that the guy wearing white clothes in front of him is so fragile that even weapons can't get it!

In this case, the idea of ​​fruit swapping weapons must be destroyed. Only this mirror can give him some fruit.

But Zifeng is not stupid, knowing that the fire is in a hurry, and directly cut the price by half, these fire watches are even more anxious!

If Zifeng can get something in this mirror, the price of fifty kinds of fruits must be at a loss. According to the rules of the main vein, thirty fruits were lost. These thirty pieces must be fired here. Prepayments. However, if Zifeng tried three times, but he didn't get it once, it would be a harvest of 150 fruits, all of which were harvested from fire rice. pulse!

It is difficult to decide whether you want to go, but it is difficult to determine if there have been a lot of games before, but basically there is nothing to get, and I am sure I can't even get the weapon of Zifeng. This fragile guy is definitely not so lucky!

"I blame these guys, they can only get spirits every time, but they can't bring the fruit out."

The violent rice smashed Xiaoqing, and they glanced at it. They snorted at Zifeng and screamed: "That's good, fifty or fifty, there are three chances in total!"

Although Huomi promised, Zifeng was not happy, he always felt that Huomi was igniting him.

But considering the dwarf IQ of the dwarf family, Zifeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Here, he didn't have the slightest gain. The mirror was the last attempt. If there is no gain, then Zifeng will die completely.

That kind of fruit, he has nearly two thousand yuan. Although it is precious, it is not impossible to try one hundred and fifty pieces.

Thinking of this, Zifeng walked towards the mirror.

"Buy fruit first!" Cadmium said quickly.

Zifeng's palm turned over, and suddenly one hundred and fifty fruits floated out and fell in front of the fire rice.

No matter where Zifeng came from, the fragrant rice took the fruit, took a good look at it, and then he smiled and nodded.

Zifeng no longer hesitated, raised his right hand and reached the mirror directly.

As said, this is not a mirror, but a blockade similar to a transmission array. Zifeng easily reached the mirror.

Only ten years in total. If you can't get anything within ten minutes, you will waste your opportunity.

"Can't get it, can't get it, can't get it, can't get it."

The flaming rice stared at Zifeng, his heart muttered to himself, and his mouth was embarrassed. This voice reached Zifeng's ears, and suddenly his face twitched.

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