He thought so, but he saw Zifeng put his hand in the mirror for the third time.

"You still take it!"

The flaming rice can't wait to bite Su: "You are a greedy and shameless guy. You already have a scorpion bell and a nine-pole soul chain. You can. You can't let me go once!"

Zifeng ignored his words directly. In the third interest, he stretched out his hand.

Flaming Rice also thought that Zifeng's conscience had been discovered, but when he saw what was in Zifeng's hands, he suddenly knew that he wanted more.

But this time he breathed a sigh of relief because Zifeng took the thing, even if he didn't know what it was.

Zifeng also stared at the stone in his hand. The stone is half a dozen in size, dark in color, and has no slight breath. It looks like an ordinary stone.

"What is this?" Zifeng asked.

"have no idea."

After saying a word, he didn't believe it when he saw Zifeng, and said: "I really don't know, but what exists in the mirror is definitely a good thing."

As he said, Huo Mifan urged impatiently: "Well, you have lost three opportunities, hurry up and I will be in your hands."

Zifeng stared at the stone for a while, and finally couldn't determine what it was. He stopped thinking about it and threw the stone into the space ring.

After doing all this, Zifeng smiled and looked at the fire watch.

Homi stared at him, thinking he knew what underwear he was wearing.

He is much stronger than Zifeng. He can choke it to death with one finger, but there is no reason for this feeling, just like.

It seems that Zifeng will contact him and be killed by him!

"What are you doing with me? Hurry up!"

Zifeng's eyes turned into a crescent moon, and he smiled and said, "It's better to give me three chances, one hundred fruits at a time, how about?"


Purple Wind: "."


From the dwarves' arsenal, Zifeng felt that those very kind and gentle dwarves were full of hostility towards him.

The flaming rice behind him gritted his teeth, and there was some blood on his lips.

Yes, he really bleeds.

The first is Zifeng's anger, the second is distress, and the third is the main pulse of worrying about trouble.

Just like the fire rice, when Zifeng and the others leave the dwarves, they are ejected from the crater.

Zifeng even felt that when they came out, the flames and magma in the volcano had to be angered when they came in. Zifeng has every reason to suspect that this is rice raging in the sacred bell. I hate that I can't play the Jiujikai God Chain myself, so I want to burn myself with this kind of flame. However, Zifeng has a source of fire attributes. Unless it is a higher-level fire source, it is just an ordinary flame. Even if it is an ancient flame, it is useless for Zifeng.

Of course, this is only Zifeng's own guess. If he is known by violence, I am afraid I can really vomit.

You are trapped by my side, but am I still here to marry me?


When I left, there was no violent thing. Zifeng did not feel the enthusiasm of the dwarves. It was very popular when I went, but when I left, my voice was very sad.

"Is this my pit?"

Zifeng came over and said, "It is obvious that he will provoke me. I used to look at him like that. I have a chance of fifty fruits. This seems to be a huge profit. Now I am taking some measures. I just Taken a few things. Dwarves can create whatever they want, it's boring to be with me."

If the fire rice is here, it will definitely kill Zifeng with a hammer.

Even Xiaoqing next to Zifeng seemed to understand Zifeng's words. He glanced at him, his face full of disdain.

Zhan Shen Ling, Nine Jikai God Chain.

Is this something that can be created casually?

One is an unparalleled treasure that once killed the **** of war. One is that the dwarves spent millions of years building them. Can you create them at will? Did you build one for me? It's just cheap and sold.

It's really useless, maybe it's just the last nameless black stone. This stone has been studied for a long time and has not been studied.

However, as the raging rice said, it can be combined with the sacred bell and the nine-pole soul chain. This black stone will certainly not go anywhere.


Zifeng suddenly looked at Xiaoqing, and he said, "I see you like to use your soul to replace a lot of weapons? Where are these weapons? The previous gourd is as high as yours." But why didn't I see you being taken To me? How did you bring it? "

Xiaoqing, after a long time, they knew what Zifeng meant, grinned, and looked at Zifeng disdainfully. He seems to have too little knowledge.

In this regard, Zifeng ignored it directly, because he knew Xiaoqing and he was not ridiculed.

In his sight, Xiaoqing's furry palm turned over and took out a green leaf.

The leaf seems to be only half the size of a palm, but it is similar to a black stone. When Zifeng saw it, his brows wrinkled.

"What are you telling me with this thing? I asked you how to give these weapons."

Zifeng's words have not yet been completed, they will stop.

Because he felt the amazing breath and breath from the leaves, exactly the same as those weapons!

In addition, in the center of the leaf, Zifeng saw some black spots. At first he saw black spots, but thought that there was something long on the leaf, but at this time, people discovered that it was something long on the leaf itself, which was obviously. Those weapons! At this time, Xiaoqing sighed slightly, but saw that the leaves suddenly became bigger. In the blink of an eye, they became a full kilometer, nearly 500 meters wide.

As the leaves grow larger, the black spot in the center grows larger. Zifeng guessed it right. These black spots are Xiaoqing's weapons of fighting with spirits!


Zifeng was stunned and stared at the leaves.

This thing can be big or small, it seems that even the current kilometer is not the limit, it is no different from its own space ring!

More than space rings!

Zifeng's eyes were exposed, and he asked again: "How big is this leaf?"

This time, Xiaoqing could easily understand the meaning of Zifeng. He patted it in the air and seemed to be showing off, and then he blew on the leaves, and the leaves rang!

In an instant, it reached ten miles, then a hundred miles, a thousand miles, a thousand miles, a million miles.

As for whether it reached ten million miles, Zifeng couldn't see it at all. He can only see it when he raises his head. The sky disappeared, only the dark green shrouded above the head, as if it were the sky.

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