The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 382: Get nervous

"Can you say that, now in the entire Longwu Continent, who doesn't know the name of Su Zun? You are qualified to afford this title."

After the loyalty ended, he sighed again: "But, I really didn't expect you to grow so fast. In the restaurant, when I first met you, it was hard to hear, I just didn't care about you. If it weren’t for Nangong’s referral, I might not have looked at you. Now it seems that my eyes are a little short-sighted. I will change it in the future, not because of my identity and cultivation. I despise those young people.” “Master Yuwen’s mentality It's normal, the status is here. You can't treat the younger generation in a low voice." Zifeng smiled.

"Hey, now this young generation has made me whisper." Yu Wen's loyalty showed a serious expression.

Zi Fengyi, Bai Yu and Cheng Hao were also shocked. In the past, Yu Wen's loyalty was always a slap in the face, and there was almost no smile. They had never seen Yu Wen's loyalty.

Zifeng shook his head and smiled, not knowing how to pick it up.

Everyone talks about wine and says interesting things from time to time. When there is really nothing to say, Cheng Hao and Bai Yu will open their mouths, and the atmosphere is harmonious and not embarrassing.

The attitude of the Holy Spirit Temple is very polite. From the moment Zifeng arrived, he had already realized this.

When I went to the family, there were never so many people waiting outside. Yu Wenzhong and the other dragon kings stood there in person until Zifeng appeared.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Yidao Palace, and the Yun Family didn't know that Zifeng would come.

But in any case, the courtesy of the Holy Spirit Temple is not false, and it will not make Zifeng feel hypocritical.

Therefore, Zifeng had a much better impression of the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

After three rounds of wine, everyone ate some delicious food and fruit, the sky was completely dark, the moonlight rose, and the pale moonlight shone on the ground.

In the hall, a group of women came in. They wore gauze and began to dance. The gauze is a bit transparent, you can faintly see the white skin under the clothes.

After watching the dance for a while, Yu Wenzhong only faced Zifeng and said: "Su Zun, we are full, we should talk about business. I don't know what Su Zun came here. Why don't you say that you really passed by? Here? Come in and talk to me, the time to come to Su Zun is still precious."

"It's true today."

Zifeng nodded, looked at Bai Yu and said, "Which is the owner of the temple?"


Yu Wen's loyalty is also the same day, and immediately said: "The master of the white prince is the real palace of souls, Tan Ying."

Seeing that Zifeng didn't speak, Yu Wenzhong asked again: "What should Su Zun ask?"

Zifeng thought for a while and said, "I am not satisfied with the master of Yuwen Temple. When Su was in the sacred realm of the devil, he had a ruthless experience with the families of Baiyu and Yuwen. We also met there. I want to come. YuWendian. I know too."

"Well, Bai Yu told me about it." Yu Wen was loyal.

Zifeng smiled and said, "Of course, how the Holy Spirit Temple treats his disciples, Su will not participate, nor is he qualified to participate. But Xuanyuan found me ruthless in Longwu, and hoped that I would help and talk about the city. When I owe the Yuwen family When it’s humanity, I can’t shirk it naturally, so I’m here. ""Su Zun means."

Yuwen frowned faithfully: "Are you here to help Xuanyuan kiss mercilessly?"

"Okay." Zifeng nodded.

Zifeng said again: "If you want to come to Yuwen, you should know that there are other special cultivation methods besides the martial arts of the Phoenix Sect. This kind of cultivation method also needs such talents to inherit. Coincidentally, the white pheasant is such a person. The talent is very good, so I hope that the Holy Spirit Temple can thin down and let White Scorpion join the Phoenix sect.

Yuwen's loyalty is silent.

No one spoke, all the dancers were retired, and the whole hall was silent.

The white cockroach was a little nervous, his hands were clothed, and his face was red.

To be honest, she knew that Zifeng would come and looked forward to it, but she was really ashamed at the moment.

The Hall of the Holy Spirit must not speak ill of her, but this is very good, especially her master, who almost treats her as a relative and a girl, and possesses any good resources, all of which are packed with her.

But now, she is tantamount to betraying the Temple of the Holy Spirit. If Yuwen is loyal and angry at the moment, she must not refute anything.

In the past, every minute and every second, Bai Yu looked at Yu Wen's loyalty from time to time, only to see the latter frowning, wondering what he was thinking.

Zifeng glanced at Bai Xie, indicating that she shouldn't be worried.


After a long time, Yu Wencheng suddenly looked up at Bai Yu: "What do you think?"

"A generation……"

After a long period of hesitation, he finally summoned his courage: "Lord, the disciples and Xuanyuan are really ruthless."

"I understand your idea."

Yu Wen didn't see his anger on his face. He said: "But you are Tan Ying's disciple. I can't decide. What the result will be depends on your master."


Bai Hao breathed a sigh of relief suddenly, maybe Yu Wen's loyalty was unpleasant, but at least, he didn't get angry directly.

"bring it on."

Yu Wen waved his hand loyally: "Go call Lord Tan."


Soon, someone responded and went to the Temple of Truth.

Seeing this scene, Bai Hao suddenly became nervous.

She really feels that she is very sorry for this, but if she stays here, her life will always be in the Holy Spirit. Even if the Holy Spirit Temple is good for her, she is not truly free.


Soon, Tan Ying came.

This is an old man, his face is full of spots, his head is white, his figure is very awkward, and he is still wearing a cane in his hand. If it is the taste of Dragon King, it will be considered late. Old man.

Seeing his arrival, Bai Hao, Cheng Hao and others immediately got up.

"See the master."

"See Teacher Tan."

Zifeng also got up and made a fist: "Dianzhu Tan."

"Su Zun doesn't have to be so polite, you must take my disciple away, what's the use of polite?" Tan Ying was not angry.

Zifeng suddenly showed a wry smile: "Dianzhu Tan said very much, but he can't blame Su, he is really white, too much for possessing the talents Su needs."

"I also said that she has the talents I need, otherwise I will accept her as a disciple?" Tan Ying rolled her eyes, there was no Dragon Kingdom. After listening to what she said, Zifeng knew that it was almost done.

"Teacher respect." The white face is red, and I don't know how to open it.

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