The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 387: I'm cold

That morning, it was a happy expression. Xiang Cheng sneered: "It doesn't seem to need a day. I want to come to Master, knowing that you want to find death and realize your death."

When he spoke, the old man in the distant sky took a step. One step, he came directly to Zhou Chen.

"See the master!"

Zhou Chen raised his head quickly and suddenly, his face completely disappeared when he was treated by Cheng Hao. His face rose with enthusiasm. When he hoeed, his eyebrows collided with the ground, and he made a low voice, just like the degree of respect for the gods.

"Get up and talk." The left is not weak.


Zhou Wei immediately stood up, pointed at Cheng Hao immediately, showing dissatisfaction: "Master, he relied on his own Longfeng cultivation, and actually challenged me in the early days of this dragon. If I go up, I will see it as death. Master. Respect the disciples!"

Seeing the dissatisfaction on Zhou Chen's face, everyone felt that the hypocrisy had reached the extreme, which made people feel sick.

After hearing Zhou Chen's words, Zuo Fei looked down at Cheng Hao, his tone became cold.

"Do you want to challenge in the morning?"

During the speech, a strong man spread out from the left, forming a stream of air directly from his body and pressing Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao was hit by the emperor, and he was seriously injured. Immediately afterwards, a stream of blood spewed out and fell to the ground violently.

But he did not feel scared, but struggled to stand up and gritted his teeth and said: "Yes, I want to challenge Zhou Chen!"

"Your senior disciple's elder, but they challenged an inner disciple on the stage of life and death, don't you feel embarrassed?" Left and right, Huang Wei soared again.


Cheng Hao also spewed blood, his pale face felt that the bones of his body must be broken.

But he still stood up, clenched his fists, and did his best: "I have paid the cost of a million spiritual stones, and I must accept the battle in the morning!"


Zhou Chen said coldly: "This is a big problem. I won't get resources for ten years, but I will get these resources back from you!"

Cheng Hao smiled angrily: "Hahaha, have you seen it? This is the disciple of the non-elder on the left, arrogant, but timid, I think you left the left, **** is not!"


Zhou Chen immediately shouted: "Do you dare to call my name to the teacher?"

"What if I just call my name?"

Cheng Hao completely let go and said: "Left-winged Dragon King, left-winged, but indulging disciples in the Holy Spirit Hall so angry, it attracted complaints, and everyone abandoned it! The elder should be guarding the sect and helping the sect disciples, but you have no left. One point is done? You shouldn't be called an old man at all!"

"It seems you are really tired of life."

Leaving a non-existent murder case: "Before you shot, you just hurt you seriously. This is already a veteran, but you don’t know how to swear, never remember, dare to insult the old man, let you go to Jiuquan and reflect on your position. !"


When the sound fell, the left hand quickly waved, and the dragon kingdom was repaired to be scattered. A huge palm tree spread directly from the sky and pressed towards Cheng Hao.

Once you are hit, with Cheng Hao's practice, you can't resist it, and you will die very badly.

At this moment, everyone expresses sympathy.

Cheng Hao paid the price of a million spirit stones. It can be said that Zhou Chen should accept the challenge. However, not only did he not complete his life, but he also lost it.

"Unfortunately, Chenghao's old man is still very good, so he will die."

"An elder, the strong dragon of the Dragon King, even if they die, there won't be too many temples."

"Yes, I'm waiting for the competition to become fierce, but the Dragon King is at the top of the list, and its status is equal to that of the gods. The people they want to kill are completely arbitrary."

The arguing voice spread, and even some female disciples closed their eyes, which was a pity for Cheng Hao. But at this moment, it has been closed for a long time. Only in the morning, Zifeng, who came to see her, opened his eyes and grabbed the past directly with his palm.

This grasp seemed random, and there was not much movement, but Cheng Hao's face was a lot of joy.

But seeing Zuo Fei's big hand about to kill Cheng Hao, invisibly, it seemed to be blocked by something, and then it collapsed directly with a loud noise.


"This is Su Zun, I saw it, this is just Su Zun's shooting!"

"Scorpio, just such a random grasp, will defeat the attack of the Dragon King's left-wing non-elders? This is worthy of Su Zun, too powerful!"

"Before I heard that Su Zun's current power can destroy the Dragon King. Now it seems that it does."

Many disciples are looking at Zifeng at the moment, looking very excited, full of worship and admiration.

"Su Zun, what is your purpose?"

Zuo Fei also looked at Zifeng at this moment, frowning.

Zifeng didn't look at him, but said vaguely: "Let them handle those things among the younger generation."

At this age, he is a younger generation, but he is talking now, but no one dares to refute.

"This is something in my Holy Spirit Temple. For Su Zun, is it so wide?"

In fact, he was still a little jealous in his heart.

I heard that Zifeng deliberately avoided Cheng Cheng, but he didn't care at all, because he himself was the Dragon King and knew how powerful the Dragon King was.

When I think about the realm of my own dragon, the gap between time and time is simply unbelievable. Zifeng can crush the Dragon Kingdom by restoring the dragon gods in the area.

That's all nonsense!

But now, just during the battle, Zuo Fei realized the strength of Zifeng.

Although I still don't believe that Zifeng can crush the dragon god, at least Zuo Fei thinks that Zifeng should be able to fight himself.


Zifeng said calmly: "Maybe it's a bit wide, it's a good friend, and his business is mine."

When these words appeared, the audience was stunned.

There are countless disciples here. Zifeng said so, which is obviously telling them, Cheng Hao, I am cold!

Zhou Chen's face is ugly. He didn't expect that Zifeng would find it difficult to protect Zheng Cheng.

As far as he knows, the relationship between Cheng Hao and Zifeng is not much. At most, it helps Yun, but it is helped by the Holy Spirit Temple, and the Yun family has given 100 million spiritual stones. This thing is over.

A character like Zifeng, would you commit a crime for Chenghao's left and right?

The most important thing is that this is in the temple of the Holy Spirit, and the left is not the elders of the temple of the Holy Spirit. Zifeng is an outsider!

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