The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 3 Chapter 38: Demon Deacon Zifeng

I have to say that Zifeng's service attitude is perfect. In front of professionals, Zifeng's movements may be somewhat reluctant, but the perfect smile on his face is enough to make up for everything. Of course, for Zifeng’s appearance and service attitude, the girls in the store can't help but commit nympho, even the vast majority of teenagers look at him with obsessive eyes, which can make Zifeng Feeling chills.

Regarding the eyes of the teenagers in the store, Zifeng actually wanted to spit out, "I'm a guy, I'm a man, what kind of guy do you guys use? Look at me with my guy's eyes, I won't do it. I'm a guy."

But as a waiter, he finally endured it. But at this moment, there was a sound in his ear that made him hear a fist.

"Zifeng sauce, Feili sauce, we are here to see you."

That's right, this voice is not someone else's, it is Shanid's voice. As Shanid's voice spread throughout the cafe, his silhouette also appeared, and both Nina and Halley followed behind him.


Zifeng called out Shanid's name almost every word, then stared at him with a very dangerous look and said, "I'm so...happy, you can come to see us."

"Um... that, Zifeng sauce, you... what's wrong with you, why look at me with such eyes"

Although Shanid tried his best to ignore Zifeng's lethal gaze, he still felt that he was stinged by Zifeng's dangerous gaze.

"What do you mean."

Zifeng stepped up to Shanid's side, patted Shanid's back with his palms with golden electric currents, and said very kindly, "Thanks to you for today." At the same time, Zifeng The sound of'Boom Boom Boom' made by the contact between the golden electric palm and Shanid's back reverberated in the hall.


Finally, after Zifeng took more than ten heavy shots, Shanid's ‘thin’ body finally couldn’t bear the thorns that the current brought him. With a feeling of excitement, he rolled his eyes and fell straight to the ground, and his whole body began to pump non-stop. twitch.

"very scary."

At this moment, the first feeling in the hall looking at the perfect smile on Zifeng's face was this. Now, the purple wind with a perfect smile has completely changed in everyone’s eyes. It has a pair of small devil wings on the back, a pair of small devil horns on its head, and a dark red trident in his hands. Very handsome, a demon with a perfect smile on his face.

"Well, it seems that he can't get up in less than an hour."

However, Zifeng was still very satisfied with the impact she had caused, and she kept pumping as she fell to the ground. Twitching Shanid, Zifeng's face was full of refreshment.

"Xiao Feng, I knew you were beautiful, but I didn't expect you to become beautiful after combing your messy hair."

Nina directly ignored her and fell to the ground constantly pumping. Shaneid, who was twitching, looked carefully at Zifeng after a brief review. The surprise in his eyes could not be concealed. Although Harley said nothing, Zifeng could see from his expression. After coming out, Halley was also shocked by the appearance of his clothes.

"Well, it's okay, but since you are here, why don't you just have something to eat here, wait for us, our work today will soon be completed..."

"Welcome, what do you want to order."

Zifeng hadn't finished speaking yet, Feili, who was very unhappy at Nina's praise, couldn't help but ran over to interrupt.

But in Nina's eyes, Zifeng, who was wearing a white deacon's uniform, and Feili who was wearing a black maid's suit stood together. They were very good match, just like a natural pair, and there was a hint of envy in her eyes.

"Welcome, what do you want to order."

Seeing that Nina did not respond, Feili asked again with a calm voice, and Feili’s calm and watery voice just broke the trace of envy in Nina’s heart, and said with a trace of embarrassment on her face. Um, three servings for us... uh... no, two fried rice with eggs."

Halfway through Nina's words, she couldn't help changing her words quickly when she saw Shanid lying on the ground.

"Please wait a moment."

Feili once again gorgeously ignored the trace of embarrassment on Nina's face, and after bending slightly, ignoring Zifeng's objection, she pulled him away from here.

But for this move, Zifeng should understand Feili’s feelings even if she is stupid. However, although Zifeng also likes Feili very much, Zifeng also feels very much about Feili’s jealous character. Annoyed.

"It looks like I have to find time to confess with Philip."

Seeing Feili who was sulking, Zi Feng couldn't help sighing in her heart.

Soon, the one-hour working time passed. Because Zifeng had the demon-like scene before, it also saved a lot of trouble, but there are still more courageous girls who want to take a photo with Zifeng. For this requirement , Zifeng only agreed with a wry smile. However, as the saying goes, there are two if there are two, and three if there are two. When Zifeng agreed to the first one, most of the girls in the cafe also asked him to take a group photo. The fear of the wind faded slightly, although there was still, but it was not as strong as before.

However, Zifeng and Feili's part-time job today can be considered as a successful completion, and I don't know how Feili is with them. The boss of the demon communicated that she could actually work an hour a day, although there were originally many boys in the cafe who went for the title of Feili Bingshan Beauty.

When Zifeng and Feili came to Nina again, Shanid had already recovered.

"Hey, shouldn't this guy be Xiaoqiang's childbirth, he has such a strong resilience?"

As for Shanid’s recovery ability, Zifeng had to complain. You must know that the current was under the control of Zifeng. Most people will not be able to recover after being electrocuted for more than an hour, but on the other hand, Shanid, hold tight. It was only half an hour or so that he had completely recovered. Not to mention, now he is talking about the maids, I really don't know where he has so much energy.

Regarding Zifeng's hospitality, everyone's faces showed disinterested expressions.

"Now, I said, Zifengjiang, you can cook a big meal for us."

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