The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 394: Go with the flow


As Zifeng smashed for the last time, the bowstring in his hand was directly released!

"call out!"

The golden light penetrated the cavity and appeared in front of the colored palms at an indescribable speed.

The next moment, directly penetrate!


After passing by, the colored palm was shocked first, and then fold directly into the void!

"And you!"

Zifeng turned around and drew the bowstring. The golden light flashed over it, and another colorful palm was pierced!

The second colorful palm, originally under the bombardment with Shenyang wood, appeared a little crack. At this moment, it was pierced by Zifeng's arrow. It also collapsed with a loud noise.

The two colorful palm trees are dissipating, and the sky and the earth seem to be calm again at this time.

very quiet.

The surrounding demons in the surrounding area never made a sound, and the clouds and others below were more unpredictable.

Between heaven and earth, there is a strange silence at this moment.

This silence did not last long, and was soon broken.


It seemed that something was torn apart, it was like thunder and lightning in a hollow. In short, the sound is deafening and deafening.

Zifeng raised his head and saw the two colorful palms that had disappeared before, and they reappeared at this moment.

In addition, not only these two palms, but also two thighs thousands of feet tall!

The thigh is connected to the sole of the foot and connected to the palm of the hand. When it looked up, it was just a figure emerging from the void.

The figure is colorful, very transparent, without bones, like a virtual shadow, but the only thing missing is the skull!

This is a colored shadow without a head!

The illusion of this kind of illusion is close to thousands of people. It has emerged from the light, and the pressure of the sky has radiated from it.

When the pressure dropped, it ignited a storm, Zifeng's hair was blown up, and his face looked a little distorted at the moment.

In the next moment, the picture did not hesitate. The two big hands no longer turned into palms, but they were picked up and slammed directly at Zifeng.

Although there was a shocking voice, Zi Feng did not feel any breath from this fist.

The more the situation, the stronger the sense of crisis in Zifeng's heart, the more it will be!


"The sea is endless!"

"Ching Ming offer points!"

"The shadow of the emperor!"

At this time, Zifeng directly demonstrated these four secret techniques. Although he used these advantages to demonstrate these four secret skills, even if it was a thousand years of life, he still did not need it, but he still spent a lot of money. 20,000 years of life! Every secret technology consumes five thousand years of life.

The longer the consumed lifespan, the stronger the strength. The consumption of Zifeng that has consumed 5000 years today is the limit he can hold.


The endless light unfolded from the top of the purple wind and turned into a light curtain that shielded the world.

Then, huge sky waves rolled out of the void, the waves surging surging, like the entire sky, forming the sea.

After that, the huge palace condensed for a while and looked at it. The void is like a city in the sky.

As for the illusion of the last emperor, when it appeared, it formed a bipedal trend, colored shadows, which is also very huge and terrifying!

At the moment when Zifeng condensed all these four mysteries, his fist fell on the top of the gods.


Just listen to the sound of cracking, the end of the sky is spreading endless light, under this punch, there is a direct crack, immediately. It collapsed!

Zifeng's face changed, but he was still calm. He does not think that he has consumed the eternal life of five thousand years. In this colorful shadow, it is still so fragile.

We must know that if we face the monks, we will use the power of the purple wind, and then consume five thousand years of life to show this magical paradise, completely resist the attack of the late dragon god, even the dragon god!

"Let's go with the flow!"

On the gloomy face, Zifeng was a small green fairy temple, and huge palaces rushed out to the colored shadows.

At the same time, the colorful phantom was bombed again, and its two fists were exploded at the same time, and they contacted each other with Qingming Temple. At the moment of contact, the huge palace group collapsed directly!


At this moment, the huge waves in the endless ocean came surging, and the colorful shadows shrouded the present, but they did not have the power to wait for it. Countless huge waves began to collapse.


The people below looked at this scene and couldn't believe it.

The secret technology displayed by Zifeng is under great pressure. From the pressure point of view, they can feel that these secrets are naturally very powerful.

But this powerful secret technology is so fragile in the hands of colored shadows!

Zifeng's face is also a bit ugly. This colorful shadow has not yet condensed the head, so if the head is also condensed, it is already so powerful?

Despite this thought, Zifeng still urged the emperor's phantom to rush towards the colorful shadows.

At the same time, Zifeng's palm turned over, and the bow of his back appeared again. He pulled the bowstring and shot it with an arrow!

When shooting an arrow, the emperor's phantom collided with the colored phantom. The fist of the former was still very fragile and was directly smashed.

At this moment, the golden arrow shot, through the shadow of the emperor, and directly penetrated the fist.

The fist banged at this moment and finally stopped. Then, many cracks began to appear, as if they would collapse at any time. Seeing this scene, Zi Feng's eyes lit up.

This bow is worthy of the sky full of stars. If you fix it at the moment, it is very low, but under full power, it can still damage this colored shadow!

And this arrow seems to have aroused the anger of the colored shadows. At this time, this huge number was slightly picked up. These two palms, plus two feet, at this moment, at the same time, they bombed Zifeng!

Seeing this scene, Zifeng's face changed, without saying anything, he waved his palm directly, and a small tripod appeared.

The moment Xiaoding appeared, it was expanding rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it became a huge **** with a hundred feet and a foot.

This is the opening of heaven!

Under Su Chen's urging, Kai Tianding expanded this moment and immediately surrounded Zifeng.

At this moment, the palms of the multicolored shadows also fell at the same time, directly bombarding the opening of the sky.

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