The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 397: Five-color luminous flux

Xiao Yuran's scream echoed the sky.

"You said, you like me, you are my little husband, you can't just die!"

Zifeng's body broke, and the gods collapsed. This is what everyone sees.

What is the breakdown of the **** of gods?

The gods are gone!

What does it mean when God is destroyed?

There is no chance for reincarnation! Everyone understands that under normal circumstances, the collapse of the soul means complete death and no chance of resurrection.

Therefore, they are so sad, such pain, such regret and sigh.

Zifeng suffered so much pressure, suffered so many crises, but survived, and finally killed him, but on this day.

This is ridiculous when you think about it. The arrogance of a generation will fall into disaster.

The sky gradually became clear, the colorful colors began to dissipate, becoming thinner and thinner.

Every time it is blurred, everyone's heart sinks.

Even if the robbery day has disappeared, Zifeng, is it really dead?

"No, he will not die, he will never die!"

Xiao Yuhui shook his head frantically: "I can feel that he is not dead yet, I can feel it!"

Seeing her, everyone shook their heads secretly. In their view, Xiao Yuhui was caused by excessive sadness.

Not only Xiao Yuhui, but also Xiao Yuran, Su Qing and Su Yao, and the Phoenix Sect, all members!

They are all looking at the void, as long as the robbery does not completely dissipate, they have hope.

For this reason, both the Xuanyuan family and the ancient family shook their heads in secret, but they could not comfort themselves.

And at this moment--

"Everyone, everyone will enter the son!"

A familiar voice suddenly resounded through the void.

At the moment when they heard this voice, everyone glanced up, immediately raised their heads and kept watching.

"Zifeng. It's Zifeng!"

"Hahaha, the lord is not dead, not dead!"

"I know that Sovereignty will never die so easily. He is God. Five super sects cannot kill him. Alien demons cannot destroy him. This colorful and supreme robbery still cannot help him!

"The lord will not die, and eternal life will not die!"

There was endless laughter at this moment. The people of the Xuanyuan family were very smart, and the people of the ancient family were all smiling.

"Enter son!"

Zifeng's voice sounded again, and some people were worried.

Everyone is very excited, at this moment they just reacted. They immediately went to the holy sacred place.

The moment they entered the divine child, a bracelet appeared in the void.

This bracelet is not big, it looks like an ordinary bracelet, it is almost invisible in the huge gap.

But this is a humble bracelet, after the appearance, it exudes a lot of golden light.

These radiations are very rich, and at the moment of dispersion, there is a **** who is directly condensed.

This is the **** of Zifeng!

After the first pass, the second, third, and fourth. All the way to the eighth god, they all condense!


Zifeng begged to himself, holding the bracelet in his hand, and his mouth twitched slightly.

This bracelet is a nine-pole chain!

This object was obtained from a dwarf in ancient times, and even the dwarf regarded it as a treasure. Nine poles opened the soul chain, and had no attack power and no defense power. The only function is to be able to fuse the gods and immortal those who hold this chain!

Zifeng has nine grandchildren. Before that, he had all merged. But at the moment when the colorful pillars condensed, Zifeng felt the crisis, so he directly separated a soul and integrated it into the nine-nine soul chain.

As long as this **** is not dead, the nine-stroke open soul chain will absorb all the power of the collapsed Purple Wind God, and then regroup!

It is so momentous.

"Council of Agriculture"!

Zifeng put away the nine-pole soul chain, the magical elements of the body were concentrated, and the magical fruit, its body, quickly condensed.

As for the third god, the body condensed with the flesh and blood of beasts and ants has never been attacked.

The person who enters the ninety-nine soul chain is also the third god!


Zifeng's body condensed for a moment, and the colorful light was about to disappear. It seemed that Zifeng was not dead, and at this moment, there was a loud noise, which quickly condensed.

In the blink of an eye, the endless colorful light, and the formation of the front beam, bombarded Zifeng without hesitation.


Su Leng screamed, his body switched directly, the first **** couldn't see it, and then he appeared, it was the third god!

At this moment, it is the fusion of the eight elements of the gods. As for the last god, it once again entered the ninety-nine soul chain.

As long as the Nine Jikai God Chain is not destroyed, then Zifeng will never die.

The fusion of the eight great gods increased the aura of Zifeng.

The **** nine cleared the fourth clear, eight times the strength, and his breathing surged again!

The three major repairs are instant fusion, and its breathing surges for the third time!

So far, the power of the upgradeable Purple Wind has all been upgraded and reached its peak.

He didn't hesitate anymore, his eyes flickered, the bell sounded, I don't know when it happened.

"Hey God Clock."

Zifeng took a deep breath, watched the bell, muttered to himself.

This bell, naturally like the nine-nine soul chain, originated from the sacred bell of the ancient dwarves!

These two items are amazing treasures of the dwarf family, but they were drawn from the mirror of Zifeng.

"Although I can only show the power of the sacred bell, it is so precious, and Ding's power is also earth-shattering."

When the words fell, Zifeng's body flashed three times.

These three lights are not the three major repairs, but one kind of red, one black, and one blue.

These are the three main sources!

Attribute source, my attribute source, destruction source!

"This is my highest authority!"

Zifeng holds a scorpion bell, and his body is surging. There are three main sources. He raised his head and stared directly at the colorful beam of light bombed by himself.

"You are the last blow, and so is Sue!"

"This is Su Dianfeng's power. All the methods have been exhausted, but it still hasn't given you. Then General Su will fail!" The failure of the robbery is the same as death.

Although there is a nine-pole open soul chain, the robbery that day will always chase Zifeng, as long as Zifeng does not die, the robbers will always follow.

This is dead, what's the difference?

The only way is to destroy this colorful beam of light, kill the sky robbery, and condense it into a cold, colorful shadow of the supreme!

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