The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 400: Unwilling

This time, the knife spread directly to 50,000 feet, and even above the knife, the waves of the sky and the indescribable mountains slowly condensed.


The happy demon's face changed a little, and he felt a huge threat from the waves and mountains.

"He is just a dragon kingdom, how can there be so many dragons to consume!"

"Even if he really said that these attacks were carried out by Shouyuan, how long can he live in an area of ​​the Dragon King? He is not afraid of using these lives to consume and directly can't die?"


What I thought in my heart was that the happy demon lord still did not go. He holds a space ring in his palm, and even has more than a dozen weapons. When these weapons appeared, there were more than a dozen kinds of defensive equipment. His body.

These are divine souls!

I have to say that his enthusiasm is indeed very strong.

Although he has felt the life and death crisis in the mountains and the sea, he still has not left. Greedy wages are death.

For the realm of dreams, for hard-to-obtain opportunities, happy demons. Fight!

"This is not a long-lived thing. It has been in existence for many years. There are many stocks, and even the Holy Spirit level items are close to ten."

Su sneered, staring at the happy demon and said: "However, even if there are more holy spirit items, under this soul, it is just rubbish."

Under the knife, the 50,000-foot-long huge knife instantly blocked happiness and bombarded the sacred weapon.

It must be said that the hardness of the Holy Spirit weapon is indeed much greater than the hardness of the Zijin level. Although it is a 50,000-foot long knife, it is a light meal when it touches.

Of course, this is just a meal.

In the next moment, the knives were destroyed and destroyed, and they all collapsed directly in the void regardless of the level of the Holy Spirit-level items.

Dao Mang continued to descend, and he did not allow happiness to escape. He was also bound by the defensive equipment of the Holy Demon.

The result. Still can't stop!

On the happy body, there is a constant roar, which is a defensive equipment of the Holy Spirit.

His face was white, and blood spurted from his mouth. When the figure retreated, all equipment collapsed. His right arm was also SuHan's second knife, and he was smashed!

Looking at it now, the happy demon can be described as very miserable. Compared to before, it looks exactly like two people. The super power has completely disappeared, only the infinite gloomy face.

"how so!"

The gray-haired old man on Giant Island was besieged and saw this scene.

He couldn't believe what he saw. He knew that the happy devil was about to take that step!

Although it is not completely separated, even if it is, it is not the Dragon Lord who can resist, but between it, it can kill the dragon.

Compared with the happy demon, what is Zifeng, the mid-term practice of the Dragon King?

It seems that anyone thinks that the result of the battle will be that Zifeng is crushed directly, just like before, the happy demon can kill Zifeng effortlessly.

But this result is very difficult for them to accept!

Not only the gray-haired old man, the top three super gates are full of anger and strong reluctance.

They originally thought that increasing happiness and dragon ancestors would definitely kill today's Phoenix Sect, but they never thought it would be the result.

"Three swords."

When the three super sects were shocked, Zifeng spoke slowly.

The mountain is still in the sky, but the third attack is coming.


At this moment, the happy demon gritted his teeth. He has no weapons, can't wave his hands, and between the flashes, there are a dozen pieces of equipment.

Most of these devices are on the ground, and there are three more. It’s Tian Xuan!

"Inventory is really a lot."

Su sneered, and the third knife fell off suddenly.

"Three swords, time is passing!"


At that moment, Dao Mang reached 70,000 feet. When I looked at it, I could barely see the end.

At this time, the happy face becomes very big.

Because the equipment he took out before has disappeared at this moment, and it has returned to the space ring!

"The Law of Time!"

Among the demon of happiness, fear appeared for the first time. He had seen Zifeng's time rules, but the time to retreat was only a moment, and at least five times!

All the equipment is gone, and the happy demon has no time to resist. Looking at the waves that have rushed towards him, the happy demon sang with twinkling eyes, showing decisive power.

At this moment, his body was shaken, and he didn't move anymore. Some gods emerged from the body and ran straight to the distance.

At the moment his gods rushed out, the sky and the indescribable mountains shocked his body embarrassingly.

The body collapsed immediately, and the waves and mountains disappeared. Even the third knife that Zifeng had pulled out, the terrifying knife that reached 70,000 feet in length was completely wiped out at this moment.

It seems to be. The happy devil uses his body to resist all attacks made by Zifeng at this time!

"it is good?"

Zifeng frowned slightly, and immediately sneered: "There is still such a method, but this is just a little looking at you."

"Use my life, blood, reunion!"

The happy demon's voice came, and his goddess had a little eyebrow on the palm, and immediately there was a golden birth blood.

This life blood burst and turned into a thick golden blood mist, surrounded by the charming **** of happiness, and immediately, it re-condensed a body.

"Sumou intends to see how many lives you have!"

With a bang, Su Leng's hands trembled, and at this moment the soul of the knife became three feet in length.

There is also an indescribable horror knife. At this moment, it is rapidly expanding. When it falls on the ground, there will be cracks on the ground. Like a weak piece of paper, it cannot bear the fall of this sword.

"Xiaochuang, you are enough!"

When the happy demon statue saw Zifeng, the fourth knife had to be unfolded, and finally no longer entangled.

He knew that he really didn't consume Zifeng. Zifeng is not the person he imagined. He was strong outside and was forced to calm down. He is very powerful!

Although some of the equipment in the space ring is level and heavenly, you cannot fight happiness. The fate of his life is not a few drops. If it is the same as before, it will fold the body. is this real? Can you still condense life and blood?

I have been spending so much money, and I am worried that the singer's life will be exhausted. "This kind of hatred, the gods remember!"

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