Sanpindan Division!

It can reach this level. As a realm of its cultivation, there is more than 90% possibility that it is a virtual world. Do they dare to offend?

"Let Danfang show it to me." Wu Danshi Chao Zifeng said.

Zifeng was slightly addicted, or Dandan was handed over.

The identity of the Wu Danshi in this three-character area is almost the highest score of the Shenxinxing Alchemist Association in the area.

After he took over Danfang, he looked for a while, and finally slowly raised his head. He said to Zifeng, "Danfang gave it to me. From now on, you are Wu Qiankun's own disciple."


"Danfang, can you become Wu Danshi's own disciple?"

"U Danshi obviously wants to protect this person!"

"The pro-disciple of Sanpin Dan. Although this is a third-class Danfang, it is also going to be sold. If you can become Master Wu's pro-disciple, what kind of medicinal materials will you have in the future?"

"If you change to me, you will definitely agree with Wu Danshi!"

When I heard Wu Xiaokun's words, the surroundings passed, and Zifeng's eyes were full of jealousy.

Lu Qingyu's appearance began to become ugly.

If this Zifeng really becomes Wu Haokun's own disciple, then he will certainly not be able to obtain items with special space. All plans are ruined. Today I have a glimpse!

But they dare not say anything, such as the virtual world of Wu Kunkun.

If he had only one person, then Lu Qingyu would still not be afraid, but Wu Qiankun would still be a Sanpindan teacher!

Sanpin Pill, he is likely to refine medicinal materials for the people of the ocean. The huge network of people is definitely not because if he says he can offend him, he will offend him.

Lu Qingyu is waiting for Zifeng to agree to Wu Qiankun. After all, even Dan Kun who can see it is worth at least one million spirits. Is it really cold to send it?

"You are really here."

The moment Shen Mengli appeared, his eyes fell directly on Zifeng. He said: "You can't wait for me. I didn't tell you. I just went home and will be back soon."

As he said, Shen Mengli led a person to Zifeng.

When Lu Qingyu was everywhere, Shen Mengli did not see it.

In this situation, almost all of Lu Qingyu's eyes were spitting fire, and his fists were clenched. The white forehead is covered with blue veins.

"Bitch, **** monk!" Lu Qingyu was in his heart.

Shen Mengli ignored him. The key seems to be very close to Zifeng. Obviously, the relationship between the two is not as simple as what Zifeng said.

As for Zifeng, this is helpless.

You said you have something to say, what? This is not a deliberate misunderstanding of Lu Gongzi's family!

"I am familiar with you?" Zi Feng took a step back, away from the dream.

Shen Mengli's beautiful face suddenly sank, and he shocked Zifeng's eyes. He said you don't know how to do it well, I want to protect you, and I don't want to be intimate with me. What kind of trouble do you want to do?

"This is the big woman from the Shen family?"

When Wu Danshi saw Shen Mengli coming, he was slightly addicted, and said with a smile: "Little girl, I have some connections with your father. When you go back, remember to say hello to your father for me."

"thank you for your concern."

Shen Mengli is in debt and is very polite: "U Dan is very humble. In your capacity, it should be my father who came to see you in person. Before he came here, he had asked me. If you see U Danshi, You must say hello to U Dan, his father did not prepare U Dan Shi’s gift."

Said, Shen Mengli took out a storage ring, and only Wu Danshi knew what was inside.

Judging from the smile at the corner of his mouth, Wu Dan is obviously very satisfied.

In fact, all of this was decided by Shen Mengli based on the situation. Her own decision, her father, the ancestor of the Shen family, did not know all of this.

Of course, even if you know, you will not blame Shen Mengli.

A Sanpindan teacher, Bajie is too late, are you willing to offend?

Zifeng watched all this with his own eyes, and was shocked by Shen Mengli's life.

He absolutely did not believe the ghost mentioned by Shen Mengli. Shen Mengli must have guessed his situation at this moment. He wants to be guilty of U Danshi, so he will come up with some gifts.

However, Shen Mengli was able to guess everything in such a short time, and his thoughts became fast, which was truly amazing.

"U Danshi, this person is a guest of the Shen family. Although he has not yet obtained the Danshi badge, his alchemy is indeed very high. If it causes trouble for Wu Danshi, I hope Wu Danshi will forgive me." Shen Mengli said again.

"Is he a guest of your family?"

Wu Haokun couldn't help looking at Zifeng deeply.

He was so open before, but he really wanted to use Zifeng to get this Danfang and keep Zifeng once. Just at this time.

Then, the brother's words will be forgotten.

But he didn't think that Zifeng was originally Teacher Dan, they all let Shen Mengli chase it here.

"No trouble, the old man wants to help him once, but since you are here, follow you."

Wu Xiaokun nodded, his figure disappeared.

He didn't want that Danfang, because he knew that Shen Mengli was coming soon, so this Danfang Zifeng would naturally not be able to give it to himself.

"Shen Mengli!"

At this time, Lu Qingyu's voice came: "Do you really want him to avoid failure? I must give up this person to Lu Qingyu. If you do this, it will only break our feelings!"

"Emotional breakdown?"

Shen Mengli finally turned her head to look at Lu Qingyu: "Do we still have feelings? Why don't I know?"


When Lu Qingyu wanted to spray blood, a pair of eyeballs would almost come out.

"Speaking of this man, I have to warn you."

Shen Mengli looked a little indifferent, and her words were a little serious: "You only heard. This person is a guest of my house, very noble. The elder personally opened his mouth and must protect his integrity. If you and I dare to shoot him, that is Say, I cannot look down on my family. If the elders are angry, you should be able to consider the consequences."

"I'm Lu Qingyu, a first-rate student of Taihang University. Do you dare to kill me?" Lu Qingyu roared.

Shen Mengli frowned and said: "Don't kill you, it depends on the specific situation. Your classmates are only the lowest level students of Taihang College. After killing you, I can't solve this problem."

Lu Qingyu's teeth creaked.

If it were normal days, Shen Mengli was so open, then he would make a joke as a dream, and then be entangled in dead skin.

After all, for a long time, I pursued Shen Mengli, and Shen never managed it.

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