The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 411: Tentative

Therefore, when Zifeng takes half an hour to perfect a perfect heart, it will cause a lot of shock.

For Shen Mengli, she left her identity and left her practice. She really admired Zifeng.

This once again confirmed her determination to bring Zifeng together! This is a great medicinal medicine. Where can I find this kind of teacher Dan?

"There are a lot more!"

Seeing Zifeng leave, an ancient voice suddenly came.

Everyone turned to look at it, but seeing a white-haired hair and maintaining the same white goatee, the old man who looked like a fairy-tale bone didn't know where it came from.


A surprise appeared in Shen Mengli's eyes and quickly ran over, spoiled: "Teacher, aren't you looking for herbs on the wild planet? I thought you didn't come back, so I didn't look for you."

"Do you want to treat me as an old man?" the old man roared.

"Where is it?" Shen Mengli Jiaojiao.

"Ha ha ha ha."

The old man suddenly smiled happily, and said to Shen Mengli while walking towards Zifeng.

On the chest, there is a yellow badge with three lines on it. This proves that he is the one who once refined three high-quality drugs!

"Little guy, what's your name?" When he came to Zifeng, the old man asked directly, looking very harmonious.

His inquiry also interested Shen Mengli.

The two have known each other for a long time, and Shen Mengli really didn't know Zifeng's name.

Indulge in a moment, Zi Fengtao: "The younger generation of Zifeng".

"Purple Wind."

The old man whispered: "Alchemy is very good, it is directly a very good remedy, and it only takes half an hour."

Zifeng looked calm and kept smiling all the time.

"I don't want to worship this old man as a teacher like this little girl?"

The old man smiled even more excitedly: "Old man's third grade pill, Zhou Baidong."

Shen Mengli was dumbfounded, and immediately looked at Zifeng, full of expectation.

But seeing Zifeng shook his head slightly and said: "My alchemy, no one has taught him."

"it is good?"

The smile on Zhou Baidong's face was not because Zifeng was unwilling, but because Zifeng sounded like a very crazy word.

No one taught his Dan Dao?

Just like Zifeng was reborn in Longwu Continent. When Ling Qinghai was collected, Ling Qinghai's face was exactly the same.

I don't believe it at all!

"You don't want to, the old man doesn't force you."

Zhou Baidong shook his head, but did not say any irony, but no longer cared about Zifeng, and kept chatting with Shen Mengli.

Half an hour later, the characters of Zifeng and Shen Mengli appeared outside the evaluation hall.

Zifeng could clearly feel that everyone around him looked at his own eyes and became different.

To be precise, when they see the four marked badges, their eyes are different.

The best teacher Dan!

The medicinal materials of the Alchemy Association are definitely one of the most inferior stars, and also the most complete and strongest.

Although it is just a branch, even if it is a medicinal material, it is not even a dream black market.

Zifeng bought a lot of medicinal materials here, 100,000 Lingjing, spent a total of nine, only one million left.

And these million, or he wants to be the auxiliary material of alchemy, otherwise, the last million Lingjing, Zifeng will also squander.

Shen Mengli has been paying attention to Zifeng, his huge wealth shocked him.

Ten million spirits, even if it is a spiritual environment, it is difficult to possess it. Only a powerful person like the virtual world can own so much property.

At the gate of the Alchemy Association, Lu Qingyu is still standing here.

The middle-aged man and the old man behind him are very helpless, but there is no way.

Lu Qingyu said that he can't talk about his heart, but he can't talk about it. He can only say that he is a little talented and his thinking is vicious.

Knowing that Zifeng had been sheltered by the Shen family, but Lu Qingyu did not leave, did not kill the cold, and did not get the items in the special space, he did not want to.

Finally, he waited for the figures of Zifeng and Shen Mengli.

But this time, Lu Qingyu's face changed.

Because on Zifeng's chest, there is a red badge with four lines of marks. Under the reflection of the sun, there is an enviable light.

"Four-line trademark? Need the best?"

The eyes of the middle-aged man and the old man were shrinking. They couldn't help saying: "How long does it take to get in? Is he really Teacher Dan? And. Is this a good teacher?"

"It's impossible!" Lu Qingyu gritted his teeth.

He finally knew why Shen Jiafei wanted to keep Zifeng, he must know Zifeng's cold path.

As for Shen Mengli's face, like Dan Shi, Dan Dao and Zi Feng have a feeling of love, so they are absolutely decisive!

"Damn it!" Lu Qingyu screamed.

I have to say that he really wants more.

Shen Mengli didn't have any favorable impressions of him. So what is the decision?

Moreover, Shen Mengli and Zifeng only met for a few days. How about love?

"Why are you still here?"

Seeing Lu Qingyu still standing there, Shen Mengli couldn't help but frown and said, "Taihang College wasted you here so many times?"

"This person, I must kill!"

Lu Qingyu said: "I don't believe your family can be with him forever!"


Shen Mengli was very angry and just wanted to speak. Zifeng waved his hand to stop it.

He stared at Lu Qingyu, his flustered appearance disappeared completely, just indifferent, calm and indifferent.

"If you have the courage, then come with me."

Obviously, Zifeng slowly moved towards the transfer array.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Lu Qingyu smiled suddenly: "Just relying on the teacher Dan badge you just got? Do you think Lu Qingyu dare not move you? If you don't kill you, I won't do it!" "Then you will be surnamed horse in the future, and dog surname will do it. , Or sheep? Chicken? Rabbit?" Zi Feng said

Shen Mengli couldn't help sighing, showing only a wry smile.

As for Lu Qingyu, the blue veins on his forehead almost exploded, and the five characteristic spiritual breaths of his body exploded.


Standing in front of the transmission array, Zifeng was recruiting Lu Qingyu, and the provocation was very heavy.

Shen Mengli wanted to keep up, but Zifeng waved his hand: "You don't know how to use it."

"Then you." Shen Mengli was worried.

"I'm fine." Zifeng shook his head.

"Very courageous, you are so bold!"

The fire in Lu Qingyu's eyes followed the Zifeng Dynasty without saying a word.

The middle-aged man and the old man wanted to stop, but they watched Lu Qingyu give up.


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