On the ground, there were some corpses lying there, there were broken limbs, 88 teams and lunar factions.

But it is obvious that most of the 88 teams are physically.

"Haha, I saw that there is really no one in your Tianshan Pavilion, even the Three Spirits are here!"

"Kill, first take this person to operate, let Tianshan Pavilion know the terrible Taiyin Sect of mine!"


When Zifeng and the others fell, the Taiyin Sect gave a ridiculous laugh. Several people rushed out and walked towards Zifeng.

"Zifeng, you." Wang Lin wanted to speak.

"Don't worry about me, help them forest." Zifeng interrupted.

Wang Lin and others did not hesitate. The forestry was injured and the atmosphere was weak and difficult to maintain. At this moment, it is natural to save them.

"Little chop, come on!"

"See how your grandfather cut you into pieces!"

"Hahaha, the spirit of the three spirits also dare to come, it is true that the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers!"

When the roar sounded, Taiyin Zongfang's figure rushed to Zifeng's side, trying to kill him first.

There are seven digits in total.

Zifeng had no expression. When the footsteps came out, the index finger of his right hand stretched and pointed forward seven times.

At the next moment, Zifeng's figure flashed past, directly at the palm of one of them, the palm turned into a claw, and the head of a man made a loud noise!

There was another remnant god, Zifeng originally planned to kill him, but he hesitated, thinking of Ling Xiao, silent, squatted directly on this person, and threw it into the storage ring.

All of this happened in an instant.

At this time, the other six digits were still locked in the void, and their faces were very angry and could not move.

"Taiyin Sect, when the assessment is weak, it is still too weak at this moment!" Zi Fengping opened his mouth, his figure flashed by.


The low voice of the road continued, blood splashed, and the brain went crazy.

Every time Zifeng shoots, there is no mercy and cut off their lifeline!

The body collapsed, and all the gods were thrown into the storage ring. Zifeng came to the first battle at Starry Sky Station and ended!


Although Forestry, Wang Lin and others are fighting, they are also paying attention to the situation of Zifeng.

Zifeng's cultivation is really too low, and the three-pronged spirit is definitely the lowest here.

They have to worry.

Even if it no longer looked down, Zifeng dared to come, that was their brother.

In particular, Zifeng saved the 100th team at least many times.

At this moment, their worries dissipated and then appeared. It was a shock!

Deep horror!

"This, is this really just a three-pronged spirit?"

"Is it easy to cut six kinds of spirits, such as slaughtering chickens and dogs?"

"These four products, five products. There is no chance of rebellion!"

There are bursts of words, angels and lunar.

Even in the pale moonlight, Zifeng's white figure is still dazzling.

On his clothes, there are no blood stains, white is a mess.

When he glanced at it, the fourth step of Tianlong's nine steps began, and it exploded at eight times the speed. Zifeng's figure disappeared directly after one step.

When people are not present, the voice comes first.

A low voice sounded, a member of the Taiyin sect who was fighting with an angel, his head slammed open, the gods rushed out screaming in horror, but they were thrown into the storage room by Zifeng's big hand. Inside the ring.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't see Zifeng's figure, but he didn't know who killed him.

At the starry sky station, the gravity has increased by 8 times, which is equivalent to the deceleration by 8 times, but this reduction applies not only to angels, but also to all people who enter the starry sky, including the lunar sky!

Therefore, everyone's speed has not been reduced. In the current peak period of Zifeng's power, no one can discover his trajectory except for the spiritual environment.


The explosions appeared one after another. Every time they come, the Taiyin Sect will die physically and the **** will be desecrated.

Even though the fighting is fierce, the two sides are still watching.

Taiyin Sect and Tianshan Pavilion are the two teams here, with close to one thousand people.

Before Tianshan Pavilion, nearly 100 people died, while Taiyinzongfang only died more than 20 people. In fact, judging from the number of people, the Taiyin Sect and the Tianshan Pavilion should have failed.

But Zifeng's participation made this disadvantage disappear directly from the Tianshan Pavilion and appear in the Taiyin Sect!

With the passage of time, with the increase in the number of deaths, this disadvantage is getting bigger and bigger!

"Is this person really just a three-pronged spirit?"

Someone said: "How is this possible? How is the three-in-one mental environment strong enough?" The members of the 100th team are still entangled. Zifeng's strength is indeed very powerful, powerful and terrifying. In a spiritual environment, if it enters a no-man’s land, even if it is a spirit with seven characteristics, it can only be shot twice at a time. Opportunity, the final outcome, just like everyone else, the body collapsed and the gods were desecrated.


Their deputy captain is Wang Lin.

And Wang Lin's cultivation is a kind of spiritual environment!

If there was no Wang Lin, and with the power of the purple wind sweeping at this time, they would definitely be willing to call it "captain", but Wang Lin is.

This is why they are entangled.

There are four characters in the Taiyin Sect, fighting in Tianshan Pavilion. These four numbers are all spiritual!

Among them, there are three people one person spirit and one person two people spirit.

They are obviously like the captain and deputy captain.

The second spirit of the body is a gloomy middle-aged man who is struggling with the forestry of the same spirit.

As for the other three spirit bodies, one of them is bombing the deputy captain of the 88th team, and the other two are besieging Wang Lin.

Forestry and others have been fighting here. The consumption is already huge, and one person is enough.

But Wang Lin, they just came, and both of them are besieging, naturally the best.

If this situation continues, Wang Lin will die in their hands sooner or later.

However, Zifeng's sweep and killing caused the middle-aged man of the Taiyin Sect to frown.

"Hua Qing, you solved those small miscellaneous items." The middle-aged man said suddenly.

"This is good."

When besieging Wang Lin's two Yipin spirits, a young man with a female appearance nodded and immediately left the battlefield and came to Zifeng's side.

"not good!"

Wang Lin's face changed slightly, but he wanted to stop it, but the mental state in front of him was violently increasing his attack power. At the same time, Yin smiled and said, "Wang Lin, what are you worried about? I haven't mixed for so long. The position of the captain?"

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