To be honest, they didn't notice any difference.

"It looks great." Zifeng smiled.


Someone suddenly shouted: "I saw it there, there was a flash of light!"


Zifeng smiled and expanded, and nodded gently: "The walls around here are all Ling Jing."


Everyone was shocked, and the next moment, without saying anything, they rushed out.

The bombing sounded.

With this bombing, a large swath of crystal lights gradually erupted.

Until the end, everyone was stunned and stood in front of the crystal.


Where is this Lingjing? It is completely a Lingjing wall!


Looking at the crystal wall in front of him, everyone swallowed.

The left and right diameters are at least more than 100 kilometers, and the top and bottom diameters are also dozens of kilometers. The thickness is unknown.

How many crystals is this?

100000? million? There are tens of millions?

"Send. Send."

Everyone is shining, like a fly that sees blood.

Well, this is a bit wrong, it should be. I saw a fly.


Wang Lin's excited body trembled a little. They have been in the starry sky for so many years, and they have never seen so many Lingjing.

How to mine?

A piece of mining?

That's not too slow!

Under normal circumstances, it can be comparable to half the size of a normal person's palm, called a crystal.

At this time, the earth's celestial boulders are scattered. If you want to estimate, it will not be estimated for the time being. How much can Ling Jing be separated?

People in the two teams looked at the crystals on the ground with excitement. Even if they were small pieces, it was enough to separate dozens of crystals.

This is really their wealth.

Zifeng's gaze fell into a hole in the left wall.

This is obviously a hole, spreading to a certain place, and in the whole hole, it is Ling Jing.

There are still players digging in the hole and getting deeper and deeper.

Zifeng frowned, and his figure flashed in front of the cave.

"Captain." Seeing Zifeng's arrival, the two immediately spoke.

"You will retreat temporarily." Zi Feng said


The two people stayed in front of them.

And Zifeng was here, it was the moment of indulgence when Emperor Longling suddenly ran.

The swallowing of the scorpion formed a whirlpool and appeared at the top of the purple wind.

Along this whirlpool, an astonishing halo entered Zifeng's body.

Its cultivation directly began to surge!

At the same time, these souls in front of Zifeng were flickering, losing their light and turning into a pile of waste rocks.

During the bombing of Zifeng, these waste rocks were broken, Zifeng's figure was being swallowed, and he continued to move forward.

Under this devouring, the martial arts restoration that has reached the peak of the three-character **** finally began to break through.

The first breakthrough is the first god!

Four quality spirits!

After that, the second god, the third god, and the fourth god.

Until the body of the Ninth God, they all have four spiritual flavors!

The hole in front of it seems to extend a long distance, and there are many spiritual crystals.

"This is wasteful."

Zifeng's heart said: "However, compared with time, these Ling Jing are really nothing."

Then swallow it!

This time, Zifeng used all Lingjing, and they were all repairing.

After the physical restoration of the nine gods of the gods, the breakthrough of martial arts.

When the last cave wall was completely penetrated, Zifeng's ninth body was repaired, and it also reached the four characteristic spirits!

"strong power."

Zifeng felt the amazing power in his body and smiled.

Sure enough, the creation of this starry sky station still did not disappoint Zifeng.

The spirit of these four characteristics, although it is only a product promotion, but Zifeng and Jiu Shen, compared to the previous, it has improved too much.

"At this moment, if you don't use magic to repair, you can still fight with a vibrant body?"

Zifeng whispered: "Among the gods, you can temporarily repair a spirit body. This moment is enough for me to kill it."

Forestry and others are waiting outside. They saw Zifeng swallow these spiritual crystals, but didn't say anything. When it comes to military regulations, Zifeng is privately greedy.

But military regulations are made by the people. Zifeng saved them and couldn't tell, but let them have so many Ling Jing, they swallowed it, what is this?

Therefore, they have been outside instead of disturbing Zifeng, even though Zifeng has penetrated into the depths of dozens of miles.

And Zifeng was here. When the core of the crystal wall was completely pierced, a cave appeared in front of Zifeng.

The cave is not big, it looks like a cave house. In the center of the cave house, there is a man sitting there cross-legged.

When he saw this figure, Zifeng's eyes narrowed.

This is a corpse.

Without a head, I don't know what the body is like.

But his body was still full, not decayed, but he didn't breathe lightly, and he was obviously dead.

"As far as the degree of dense crystals is concerned, it will take at least millions of years to gather so much."

Zifeng muttered: "In the next star field, even if the body reaches the kingdom of heaven, once it dies, the body cannot be preserved for millions of years, unless it is still alive."

"So, this is. Immortal."

The immortal, medium-strength planet, waving between the collapse of the earth.

"Before the soul dies, there is an obsession in my heart, and the body still exists. This person's body. I can't move."

The skinny dead camel is bigger than a horse.

In his last life, Zifeng saw too many gods. He knows very well that even if this person is dead, the obsession he can leave is not something he can provoke at the moment.

Perhaps in this person, there is an amazing creation for himself, but Zifeng dare not take this kind of creation.

In silence, Zifeng turned and left.

But at this moment--

On the corpse, a silvery white light suddenly appeared. This beam of light is overwhelming and does not allow to refute the cold. In an instant, it merged into Zifeng's body.

After the merger of these radiations, the nine gods of Zifeng were shocked. The spirits of the four characters that were just destroyed are restored at this moment, and they have directly arrived at five products!

However, the light still only dissipates a bit.

Zifeng is not allowed to swallow it. These milky white light is directly transformed into the cultivation of purple wind. His breathing exploded again. When this milky white light disappears completely, Zifeng's martial arts repair and body repair.

I have reached six products!

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