The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 423: Specious

I'm afraid I have to think about it.

As for Tianshan Pavilion.

Everyone is worried about the faction of the Ming Dynasty family. In Zifeng, Ming faction, even if there is no war, they will rebel sooner or later.

If Ren Qinghuan takes the initiative to attack, the situation is likely to be in his own hands. If he is passive, then he will talk about it.

I remember it was as cold as a snow-capped mountain, and its beauty throughout the year, Zifeng couldn't help sighing.

"I have to help you."

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, one day passed.

The next night, Zifeng set up a huge grill and took out many dead silver snakes.

Seeing these empty silver snakes, the surrounding members suddenly showed their eyes, especially the 100 squad. They have been thinking about it, and their hearts are secretly stunned. Is it necessary for Zifeng to swallow those empty silver snakes? Do not?


The sound of the grill came from the shelf. At least hundreds of empty silver snakes were placed. When Zifeng turned around, it continued to drip.

The whole body is golden and looks delicious. The most important thing is that this silver snake contains a lot of flesh and blood essence, which can add many repairs to them!

The benefits of the silver snake are comparable to the seven characteristic spirits, and they are definitely huge.

Around the eyes of a wolf-like tiger, even with the sound of swallowing saliva, Zifeng looked at them, but saw these guys staring at the snakes. If the eyes can eat, these snakes are no longer afraid.

after awhile--


Zifeng took off a piece of snake meat first, and then blew a few breaths. Then he looked at those guys with a smile, and took a bite directly with a smile. "Okay, delicious."

Su chewed the snake and showed a refreshing look.

The members of the various teams around me died almost suddenly, so it seemed that I just wanted to swallow a cold.


At this moment, Zifeng, when the snake's flesh is swallowed, it is like a kind of herb, melting on its own.

Zifeng eliminated the poison above.

Snake meat is really mixed with flesh and blood. After melting, with strength, Zifeng's practice was improved.

However, if you want to achieve the seven characteristics of the spirit, it is still an out of reach, it is the pinnacle of the spiritual world.

"Captain, aren't you so authentic?"

"Yes, Captain, these empty silver snakes, we are also contributing, you can't let us see it!"

"Captain, give me a trip too?"

The sound of the cymbals came from the side, and Zi Feng almost laughed. In the end, without making fun of them, they waved at them, and immediately a large group of people rushed up and almost broke their heads.

Wang Lin came from afar. Zifeng took a hollowed out silver snake. When Wang Lin arrived, he handed him over.

"work hard."

"Not difficult, not difficult."

Wang Lin took the empty silver snake, grinned, and handed a spar to Zifeng.

In this spar, the common route of the three major sects of Taiyin Sect is recorded as much as possible.

Looking at the crowd participating in the competition, Zifeng shook his head, picked up the spar, and found a stone pier to sit down.

"I heard that you have a lot of empty silver snakes, it really is." Fang Hao's figure slowly came from a distance.

Zifeng licked his mouth and ignored it. He thought of exploring the spar and carefully studying these routes.

"Zifeng, I really can't be impatient with this matter."

Fang Hao sighed and said: "I know that my tone of voice was not very good yesterday, but I also want to make our Tianshan Pavilion better. If this happens, the two sect wars will be angered and the Ming surname faction will be rebelled. It broke out early, and by then, our angels may be sinners!"

"Do you still think the Ming faction will rebel?" Zifeng finally raised his head.

"Good morning, good evening."

Fang Hao's expression was a little cold: "This is a dog, it is loyal, and it is a good name for a person with no conscience. Even a dog can't bark."

"In this case, this matter will be even more necessary."

Zifeng blinked: "In any case, passive, you have to bear the loss. For example, this time, we did kill the two teams of the Lunar Sect, but team 88, not many people have lost? If we take the initiative, these people may Won't die."

"Our strength can."


Zifeng interrupted directly: "The Three Legions of the Taiyin Dynasty have been destroyed, which is equivalent to cutting off the power of the Taiyin faction. They must fight, and they really have to consider it. As for the Ming people, when they come back, the master will immediately clean up. And keep them, it's always about raising tigers."

"If we fail? If we don't kill the three sects of the Taiyin sect, but the Taiyin sect will kill us? Can you think of this?" Fang Wei was worried. "your fate is in your own hands."

Zifeng glanced at Fang Biao, and then vaguely said, "Also, I am confident that I will kill the Three Legions of the Taiyin Sect, even though many of them are better than me."

"Why are you so confident?"

"Just because I am Zifeng!"

Three days later.

Zifeng set off without Moshe's consent, and with the consent of any deputy captain and captain, took away 100 players and set off.

As for other teams, some people are worried, some are jealous, and some are close behind.

For example, Hu Wei, such as Fang Wei.

Only they have two teams.

Fang Wei, the 7th squad leader.

Big beard is Dongpo, the 32nd squad leader.

Almost all of these teams are divided by power. The more front-line teams, the stronger the strength, and the stronger the team leader.

Fang Hao's power reached a four-pronged approach, and Dongpo's beard was a second-class spiritual environment.

Three teams, 1,500 people, left the stronghold of many people.

The place they want to go is a big mountain, this mountain is called the dead mountain!

As the name suggests, the soul of the dead buried the soul.

In the battle of the gods, the monks who were killed here did not know. Someone once said that there are no mountains in this place. This is the bones of human beings, and the mountains of dead souls are piled up. Then the dust fell, year after year, those bones were covered, and the mountain peaks were finally formed.

There is only one road on Death Mountain, which is the most central road of the entire mountain.

This road often has power to pass through, and Taiyin Sect is one of them.

Because the ancestors of Taiyin have a huge depository opposite Lingshan, if you want to arrive in the shortest time, you have to cross the dead mountain.

No matter what you do, when you cross the Dead Mountain, there will be a sense of horror.

Everyone felt that there were countless eyes around them looking at them, but when they turned their heads, they were no one at all.

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