The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 432: Refused

Wu Yuan was silent for a moment and said: "To be honest, this kind of medicine is unwilling to swallow the old man. Even if it is swallowed, there are only two products, and the old man's effect is not too great. This old man wants this kind of anti-Japanese pill. And this legendary drug is only used for research."

Zifeng listened quietly.

"So, these two therapies, that is, the same therapy, are really not enough."

Yao Yuan said: "In the case of the elderly research, both medicinal materials appeared in the blasting situation, and it is impossible to study it again."

He wanted to test whether he still had a cold. Zifeng is also very direct. He said to the drug: "How many people do the elderly need?"

"You really own it!"

The drug's face suddenly smiled: "Do you think it is the right value?"

In the cold of Zifeng, his palm turned over and he took out two jade bottles.

"One of the two jade bottles contains anti-Japanese pills, one contains the legendary medicinal materials, and the other two, plus the hands of the predecessors, each contains three medicinal materials."

Zi Fenggao: "This is the limit that the younger generation can give. How do the elderly feel?"

Yaoyuan stared at the jade bottle, his eyes bursting with astonishing light.

Although the auction price of Hedan is so high, he naturally knows the true value.

Dan's body cost is high, and the medicine is clearer!

For those who do not want to make alchemy, the combination of pill is precious, but it is also precious to the medicine that can be used to refine compound pill, but it is not so precious.

"how about this……"

Yao Yuan said: "The old man will give you a five-product medicine. You will give the old man ten legendary medicinal materials to fight against the Japanese for ten days, how about it?"

After listening to this statement, the three disciples around him are all different.

Are these two herbs really precious?

I saw Zifeng shook my head: "The predecessors have already considered. First of all, the younger generation does not have so many legendary herbs and anti-Japanese that have been taken out. Secondly, the five medicinal materials are precious to the younger generation. , The value of the city is temporarily useless, even if it is held, it will only lead to murder."

"this road."

A disappointment appeared on the drug's face: "Whether, Wupin pill, for the time being, it is really not suitable for you, but with the development of your mental physique, you can extract four excellent drugs. Already?"

Under normal circumstances, the mental environment, at most, will be able to refine the second product, the monk's repair level, and the level of medicine are exactly the same, and there will be no imbalance.

Unless it is the best medicine among the three products, it can be corrected by the seven mental bodies. Otherwise, there will be very little mental state, and it will be able to refine and perfect three products, or even more than three products.

These four fine medicinal materials, even seven products, cannot be refined, let alone Zifeng?

This is where drugs are suspicious.

But when he saw Zifeng's mouth, he said: "This medicinal material, Su did not use it on his own. There have been predecessors who saved Su's life. This time, Su can't deny it."

"it is good!"

Yao Yuan suddenly realized and praised at the same time: "Knowing the report, the only person is Dadao. If you have such sincerity, then this medicine, the old man will change with you!"

When the words fell, Yao Yuan looked at Han Tengfei: "Apprentice, find a healthy pill."

"Master, this."

Han Tengfei frowned. He really didn't see anything about the benefits of Anti-Japanese Pill and the legendary Chinese medicine, and he was a little hesitant.

"go ahead."

Yao Yuan waved his hand and smiled: "These two herbs, you naturally can't see them at this moment. In the future, you will enter the realm of Shipindan and explain to you as a teacher." "Yes."

Although Han Tengfei was not happy, he was still healthy.


Next time, Yao Yuan and Zifeng, I can talk about some things about Dan Dao freely.

It turned out that in Yao Yuan's heart, I really just talked about it casually. At the same time, I explored the bottom of Zifeng and saw his understanding of alchemy.

But through this kind of conversation, Yao Yuan's heart became more and more frightened.

He found that Zifeng's control of Dan Dao reached an incredible level. Sometimes, even if it was something he couldn't understand in the past, he asked at will, Zifeng would reply and make him think. Obviously clear!

Every time he asked, Zifeng didn't hesitate and didn't stop. Obviously, he is very skilled.

"Genius! This is just a pill genius!"

When Han Tengfei brought the corpse to Dan, the medicine was still not finished. Looking at Zifeng's eyes, it was full of shock.

It is hard for him to imagine a second-class teacher Dan, how do you know so much?

For medicinal materials, the effects of medicinal materials, etc., Zifeng can say that it is very likely that he has accepted the legacy of a certain teacher.

The above things can be alchemy, this is completely Zifeng's own opinion!

And these insights cannot be taught by others at all, they are purely their own experience!

Finally, Yao Yuan really moved the apprentice's heart.

Unfortunately, Zifeng refused again.

"but it."

Yao Yuan sighed with regret: "You don't want to worship the old man like a teacher. The old man will not force you. This is Dan's combination, it belongs to you!"

After that, Yao Yuan will merge with Dan and give it to Zifeng.

Zifeng's heart was a little excited and ecstatic.

Dan's four good combinations!

After you swallow yourself, you will be able to break through one area again and reach four spiritual products!

At that time, under the ocean of God, it did not mean that it was truly invincible, but it could definitely be vertical and horizontal.

Even without using the son, no one can kill himself in the ocean of God!


Zifeng sighed softly, his surface calm.

He opened the bottle cap, glanced at it casually, and immediately confirmed that it was suitable.

After she was put away, Zifeng stood up and clenched her fists: "This time I thank seniors, Su has other things to deal with, so I won't stay here."

"How about the teacher, have you really thought about it?" Shan Zongdao

"Let's talk about it later. If Su tries to solve this problem, I will come to you." Zifeng smiled.


Han Tengfei suddenly said coldly: "The teacher is a disciple, you have no shortage. I am watching you. This is because of your qualifications. You have refused twice. I really thought I was strong."? "

Zifeng looked at Han Tengfei and smiled and said, "The son of Vulcan, there is the fire of the son of Vulcan, and Su admires him."

"What did you say?"

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