The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 448: determination

As if they had never appeared before!

Not only him, but all the people who belonged to the Ming faction were trembling at this moment.

The curse has always been a thing in the legend, and today, they finally realized the true power of the curse.

"Hahaha, kill!"

"Kill the fragments of the Ming Dynasty family, kill all those who dare to support them!"

"The power of the Soviet brothers and the gods can shake the world. With him, my Tianshan Pavilion will not die!"


Compared with the Ming clans, the Tianshan Pavilion disciples here have greatly increased their morale after the initial shock!

Screaming and snoring screams, from their mouths, the ultimate potential of the body is entirely motivation.

The two forces collided again like a torrent.

Above the emptiness, the purple wind is white and straight.

His gaze turned slightly and fell on Ming Xu and the others.

"You want to besiege the master, I will kill all of you!"

"In the virtual world, Su is not an opponent, but in the virtual world, Su is all ants!"

"Do you dare to continue besieging the master, Su will dare to continue to kill people!"

Ming Xu Shen Shen is gloomy, he naturally knows the meaning of Zi Feng, and Zi Feng also speaks very clearly.

This time, in order to provoke a siege of Ren Qinghuan's virtual world, I will be born and deal with myself!

Qinghuan, who seems to be thin and light gauze today, has some cracks.

There is blood, dripping on the gauze, but she can't make her face cold, there is no change.

"Don't bother me!"

Ren Qinghuan did not look at Zifeng, but he said: "I can stick to it."

Zi Feng did not answer, but stared at Ming Xu Shen.

"Kill Qinghuan first!"

After a short period of thought, Xu Mingshen immediately ordered: "The old man does not believe that Ren Qinghuan is dead, and the people at Tianshan Pavilion can stay for a long time!"

"Then try it!"

Zifeng's eyes flashed, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his smile was very rich.

"Continue to transfer!"


When the small string was received here, the piano sounded and ripples appeared again. In addition to the virtual world, the image of the road soon separated from the two sides.

This seemingly simple thing is actually very difficult to do.

Tens of millions of characters, one after another, look different and can be sent to the Ming family, and the clothes worn by the disciples of Tianshan Pavilion are the same.

To separate them quickly, Xiao Qinxian needs to distinguish his powerful mind in the blink of an eye, which is rarely done! Zifeng has not seen the small strings, the power of the latter is not the surface appearance.

With the transfer of Xiao Qinxian, the people of the Ming Dynasty, and the millions of mercenaries who had just joined and hoped to help the Ming faction, their faces changed at this moment.

They knew why Zifeng wanted to transfer the small strings.

This transfer has already happened once, at that time, three million people had died.


Zifeng stood on the emptiness and sighed deeply.

In the next moment, his eyes became cold, his palm jumped up, and the runes of the sky soon appeared.

"Forbidden zone spells-the earth is broken!"

"No curse-the fury of inflammation!"

"No curse-frozen!"

"No curse-Storm Blade!"


With the opening of the purple wind, the runes of the road fell into the gap, and the temperature after the initial heating dropped rapidly and then became hot.

These are two sacred days between the wrath of the angry **** and the two curses of ice!

On the square outside the outer door, the sky was cloudy, the ground began to shatter, and the magical elements of horror made them feel clear, even if they were not magicians!

Four curses, at the same time!

"Today, Su looks very good-looking, you kill fast, or Su, kill fast!"

Zifeng's cold words came from his mouth.

At the same time, four curses are displayed, even if it is him, it will take a while.

And this time, Zifeng is waiting, waiting for Ming Xushen's decision!


Mingxu shrank, he knew that Zifeng was not joking, but was shocked in his heart. How could Zifeng curse so much!

However, at this moment, when I didn't think of this, Xu Mingchen was very decisive. There is almost no second word. Immediately, "You can solve this little miscellaneous. Although he is a magician, magic is not enough. It is difficult to kill, and the defense of the magician is very weak."

"Ren Qinghuan is here, the old man will handle it, you must kill this mess!"

Hearing these words, the virtual heavens were nodding their heads, and the figures flashed past, rushing towards Zifeng.

Ren Qinghuan frowned and looked back at Zifeng, just to see, Zifeng also smiled and looked at her.

His mouth squirmed, and a few words came out, but it was silent.

But Ren Qinghuan knew what Zifeng was talking about.

"I said I would protect you."

"You are a yellow mouth, you are really deceiving the old man!"

The ancestors of the Wang family took a deep breath.

"In this case, the old man won't believe you anymore."

"Zheng Yunzhu, you can't afford it, the old man won't let you go!"

In these twelve seconds, Zifeng has attracted hundreds of thousands of miles away. But when he looked back, he could see that the ancestral image of the Wang family had come again.

Zhen Yunzhu is still in Zifeng's hands.

It is impossible to give him to the ancestors of the Wang family!

Another second, after the image of the ancestors of the Wang family, it was only 90,000 miles away from Zifeng!

Zifeng's eyes were blood red. He took a deep breath and showed determination.

The Supreme Crown, he did not intend to take it out. After all, the wealth was not exposed. If it were taken away, it would inevitably be remembered by the ancestors of the Wang family.

But at this moment, only the highest crown can be delayed for a while.


When the palms turned over, the Supreme Crown appeared.

The whole body is golden, exuding the pressure of the emperor, the vicissitudes of life, the ancient breath, constantly emanating from above.

Just like this, from the origin of heaven and earth, this crown lasts forever

"it is good?"

When you see the Supreme Crown, the footsteps of the ancestors of the Wang family, immediately!

Like a bow, he can’t help letting this supreme crown result, but only from the point of view of his health, I know this supreme crown

It's not just a bow, I don't know how much!

"Hahahaha, treasure the treasure!"

"Little Wawa, you are the old man's lucky star, the real lucky star!"

When the sound fell, the ancestors of the Wang family no longer hesitated, roared with big hands, and rushed straight to Zifeng.

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