The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 453: quarrel

People are such strange animals.

Obviously under the ripples, it collapsed, only the primordial spirit remains, but still can't forget to talk about it here.

Although this ripple has endangered their lives, they still hold their hearts and watch vivid thoughts. They wanted to see how this Su Liuliu died in the hands of Jin Guang's ancestors.

After all, it is the first fascinating of this era!

On a working day, it is difficult to see one party.

At this moment, it is not easy to have such an opportunity. I can see this fascinating death and see if they are willing to miss it.


Above the void, the second crisp shock came out.

But seeing the hand of the golden light ancestor, smashed the palm of the huge annihilator, immediately grabbed Zifeng's knife and broke it directly!

"The ancestors are mighty!"

"The master is invincible!"

"Hahaha Hasselblad Six Six, can you be a master opponent?"

"At this moment, the teacher respects ten heads, apologizes and admits mistakes, maybe the master will let you die faster!"

"Don't resist, you have more skills, but after all, your cultivation is only God's ocean. How can you win the master?"

Seeing that all the stars in the hands of King Kong's ancestors were broken, Jin Guang taught 100,000 disciples and suddenly laughed.

They are full of confidence in the glory of Jinguang, and this time the confidence is full of shocks!


While they were smiling, Zifeng's eyes were being swept away by them.

His goal was originally not the ancestor of Jinguang, but the disciples of these Jinguang teachings!


The extinction of the Jinguang ancestor still hasn't suffered any damage, and went straight to the purple wind to bomb it.

At this moment, Zifeng's figure quickly became bleak.

At some point, Zi Feng's figure directly attacked the killing of the palm of his hand.

However, Jin Guang's ancestors frowned, because Zifeng's ** was blown up, but there was no blood splash.

It is clear that it is just a shadow!

"Get out of the old man!"

The annihilation of the palm stopped, and the golden ancestor **** swept the surrounding environment.

When the disciples of Jin Guang were scanned, Jin Guang's ancestors suddenly stopped.

"you dare!"

At the same time, there was a violent scream from the mouth of Jinguang's ancestors.

He was still wondering before, this Su Liuliu is obviously not his own opponent, why should he be entangled with himself?

Did you find death deliberately?

At this moment, he finally understood.

SuBaliu, not for himself, but for his own 100,000 disciples!

"Do you think Su, dare or dare not?"

The dull voice came from Jin Guang's 100,000 disciples.

At this time, one hundred thousand disciples were stunned. I think time is at this moment, and it seems to have stopped.


Then, their eyes are toward the center.

When I saw those burly figures, these golden light disciples, their faces suddenly changed!

"You, don't you all like to cheer?"

"Now, Su gives you a chance to cheer you up!"

Zifeng opened, waving his palms, thousands of feet of knives, spread from the night, from 100,000 people, directly swept away!

"damn it!"

"Save me, save me!"


A lot of blood was splattered at this moment.

These Jinguang disciples did not react slowly. They almost saw Zifeng's first glance in the crowd. They immediately made the best defense they could do!

Even the surrounding people are quickly fleeing in all directions.

However, their cultivation is too low and too low.

Jin Guang's ancestors are looking for an emotion, not qualifications and strength.

For example, the former Jinpao youth can only become a disciple of the Jinguang ancestors if they cultivate in the spiritual world.

This is a full 100,000 people. Under Zifeng's thoughts, it is only the tallest person, and it is only the sea of ​​God.

And, just like yourself, the second product of the sea!

This kind of cultivation is really like the ants of Zifeng.

No, even ants are not as good as

Therefore, when the knife was washed away, the group in the center, let alone blocking, even had no chance to escape, it was directly cut in half.

Not only **, but also the gods of the gods, died under the sword of Zifeng!

One person, two people, three people, four people


Those who were scattered were wide-eyed and pale, looking at the corpse, it seemed difficult to breathe. Under Zifeng's knife, there were at least 40,000 disciples of Professor Jin Guang. ** Divided into two halves, the gods dissipated between heaven and earth!


The roar of Jinguang's ancestors appeared at this moment.

To be honest, thousands of people died, and Jin Guang’s ancestors would not feel distressed.

In any case, these people did not let their own efforts, but only when they were happy can they accept their disciples.

Jin Guang’s ancestors are not concerned with the lives of these people, but with their own faces!

Dignified and versatile, there are four products, but it hasn't killed Su Han for a long time, Hai's second product, let alone, but let him machete, and annihilated nearly half of his disciples!

Jin Guang's ancestors can clearly see Zifeng's face, that kind of disdain, heavy irony!

"Little chop!"

Jin Guang’s ancestor stared at Zifeng and said: "If you really let you leave this cloudy star today, then from now on, my golden ancestor will follow your last name!"

"you are not!"

Zifeng was holding a knife in his right hand, but his left hand was a wave, cold wind said: "I'm afraid your surname is very dirty."


Jin Guang's ancestors became more and more angry.

His palm stretched out and rushed to Zifeng to grab it.


But seeing the emptiness around Zifeng burst, the ground was torn at this moment.

Looking from a distance, I can see a huge palm, which transforms from heaven and earth and shrinks rapidly.

Its goal is Zifeng!

"Su wants to go, can you stop?"

Zi Feng was embarrassed, sneered, and walked out.

"call out!"

Its figure directly turned into a Changhong, rushing out of the gap between the big hands, causing Jin Guang's ancestors to almost spray blood.

In terms of combat effectiveness, Ten Purple Winds are not opponents of the Jinguang ancestors.

But the speed of Zifeng is so fast. Jin Guang’s ancestors couldn’t help but Zifeng, but what about killing?

"You are a **** thing, capable of fighting the old man!" Jin Guang ancestor let out an angry roar.

"Frontline war?"

Zifeng appeared in front of a still alive disciple of the Golden Light Teaching, swept the knife and directly killed the person.

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