The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 455: Bounds of thought

One of the tallest spheres, I didn't know what material to cover, and became the "City of Pearls" in the mouth of the three major families.

At that time, although the Supreme Crown was generalized, it did not seem to be directly integrated with the second Supreme Orb.

At this time, the supreme orb in the hands of the golden ancestors is in harmony with the lucky pearl of the small town that Zifeng obtained before!

They are all wrapped in a layer of unknown material. The Supreme Crown can feel it, but it cannot blend into Zifeng's hands.

"The Fourth Supreme Pearl"

Zifeng muttered in his heart: "If you get this again, then there are only three. I can put all the seven supreme treasures together. At that time, you can make the secret strong and help me Qingyuan. Give it to rescue. !"

"For the sake of clarity, let alone such a poisonous pill, it is the ten poisonous pill given to me by the Holy Emperor. What is going on?"

Under urgent circumstances, the speed of Zifeng seems to be a little faster, millions of miles away from Jinguang's ancestors!

Today's Zifeng, this distance is only one second.

However, in this second time, the cultivation of the four elements of the golden light ancestor suddenly fell to a state.

Achieve the fusion of three products!

The fall of this realm seems to have turned into endless blood and power, swallowed by black beads.


At this moment, the buzzing sound appeared again!

The darkness, which first reached a million miles, now expands again.

Dozens of miles, one hundred million miles, one billion miles

Until a certain moment, the entire cloud star's hole turned black!

Everyone in Yunyunzhixing brought an elevator with their eyelids shrinking, and they couldn't believe it.

At this time, the clouds have no sky, no surface of the earth, just like they stretch out their hands, they can go to the stars!

In fact, this is true.

Except for the dirt under their feet, their head is a starry sky!

"what happened?"

"The sky of this cloud star disappeared?"

"How is this possible for Scorpio?"

Countless people changed the color and were shocked.

Even the spirit beast on the cloud is violent at this moment.

Where is the golden ancestor.

When the black lacquer beads in front of him swallowed their blood and the blood completely swallowed, the gloomy eyes of the golden ancestors were raised at this moment, looking at Zifeng.

"Xiao Za, you must die, and the old man will finish you!"


Following the wave of his palm, the bead suddenly rushed out, emitting a black mist from it.

"Meng Shen!"

The two short words, spit out from the mouth of the golden light's ancestors, seemed to arouse endless thunder and let the voice of the entire Yunyunxing pass through.

The black mist is raging and unstoppable, like a sandstorm.

From this dark mist, Zifeng could feel the extremely shocking horror.

Under this kind of fluctuating situation, it can reach a speed of millions of miles in one second, and it has become ten times as fast as a tortoise!

However, Zifeng still did not stop.

In his life, he has experienced too many crises.

He has experienced this world several times!

The Supreme Orb is right in front of him. He held the poison pill given to him by the Emperor Sheng. Zifeng has the confidence and confidence to kill the golden ancestors and **** the Supreme Orb!


The black fog is full of speed, very fast, reaching millions of miles in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, I have come to Zifeng and quickly wrap it!

At the moment of being wrapped, Zifeng's figure was completely imprisoned in the void. He tried his best, and he couldn't move at all.

However, Zifeng looked different, because he had expected it.

Although the ancestors of Golden Light are only healthy and fit, they are definitely not the power of the Supreme Pearl itself.

But in any case, under the pitch-black beads, what is hidden is the supreme orb!

Even imitating the power of the Supreme Orb, this black mist is enough to limit oneself.

Jin Guang's ancestors believed that he would obviously not kill Zifeng.

He wants to melt the **** of Zifeng, just like carrying a house, let everything of Zifeng become his!

Therefore, when the black mist gave Zifeng a ban, the image of Jinguang's ancestors immediately moved.

He lifted his foot and walked into the black mist.

The next moment, it stood in front of Zifeng.

This speed is much faster than his previous four speeds.

Even for a moment, you can't use it!

"From now on, you are me."

Jin Guang's ancestors opened their mouths, their palms stretched out, and they grabbed Zifeng's eyebrows.


But at this moment, Zifeng suddenly opened his mouth coldly.

Although his body could not move, he was shocked by the poisonous pill.

On the opening day, Zifengshen watched a move, dragged the poison pill and exploded directly!

The sound of the sky exploding, if the world is destroyed, in a flash, it will be all over the clouds!

This noisy sound, even though it is a pitch-black bead, the original golden ancestor has always been very confident and is facing great changes!


And the next moment is--

As the loud noise spread, the burst of Toxic Pill immediately produced ripples and spread.

This ripple seems to be transparent, as if there is no threat at all.

However, the golden ancestors at this moment have evolved into a huge change in the face of huge changes!

"What!" He snorted, but he didn't want to blend into the gods. The one-meter-high figure quickly exited!

From this ripple, Jin Guang's ancestors felt an unprecedented crisis of life and death.

To be precise, it is just death, not life!

"Damn damn!"

"This is the fluctuation of the kingdom of heaven. This is the pressure of the kingdom of heaven"

"How can you have such a terrible thing!"

Under the roar and out of control, all the defenses of the golden ancestors were executed!

This is a complete three-piece defensive armor!

In addition, there are many defense techniques that were hit by Jin Guang’s ancestors at the fastest speed.

The black beads of this paint sprayed a black mist much faster than before, and he wanted to escape.

However, even if he is fast, not so fast!


The buzzing sound and ripples swept across.

Only in an instant, it will spread hundreds of millions of miles.

Jin Guang's ancestors had a huge earthquake and watched the ripples sweep over him, but they could do nothing.

There is no huge roar, no amazing movements, everything seems so dull.

Many defensive layers from the bodies of Jinguang ancestors gradually collapsed.

The three high-end defensive armors dissipated directly.

Moreover, it is not one piece dissipating, it is three pieces, all dissipating!

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