The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 457: Experience pack

When it exploded, a dark green light suddenly appeared from those cracks!

Zifeng's eyes shrank and couldn't help but smile.

"Sure enough, this is the supreme treasure!"

Zifeng also needs precious items, and only the moment when it really appears, will Zifeng be guaranteed.

Now, the dark green light is overwhelming, and the surrounding starry sky will almost shine. It is just a color, it can be compared with the previous three supreme pearls, red, orange, yellow, green, like a sacred, very beautiful.

Under Zifeng's gaze, the fourth supreme orb trembled with the highest crown at the moment of complete separation.

It seems that I have lost my child for so many years and returned to the embrace of my mother.

The two gradually merged, and the dark green light floating around quickly shrank.

After a complete integration, this light completely disappeared.

The light from the other three supreme spheres also dimmed.

Looking at the supreme crown at this moment, it is no different from an ordinary crown.

"Three are worse!"

Zifeng's eyes flashed, and the highest crown was put away, showing strong expectations.

"I don't think this will shock the highest crown of the entire galaxy. There will be three supreme planets, one in the lower star and one on the abandoned planet Longwu."

"The next three, where is it?"

"Middle Star Field? Senior Star Field? Or a sanctuary?"

"Qing Yao, there are only three pieces"

"I am cold and incompetent. Although I am still alive, I can only save you in this way."

"Wait for me, wait for me!"

Thinking of this, Zifeng took a deep breath and swallowed another gulp of spirits. He began to leave as quickly as possible.

The star of the clouds disappeared, and the Supreme Crown merged with the Supreme Orb

The great movement caused during this period will inevitably attract the attention of many people.

Although it is only a medium-scale planetary area, it is difficult to possess the superpowers Tao respects, but once the supremacy is passed on, Zifeng will inevitably become the object of public criticism.

Therefore, this place should not stay for long!

Soon after Zifeng left, the image of Lu came from the distant starry sky.

There are young people, old people, old people and middle-aged people.

Different appearance, young and different, but repaired but unified!

In these people, the right pressure is penetrated, and when it comes out, it is shocking.

"what happened?"

"There is a treasure in this place!"

"Why are you so familiar?"

These matches are eyebrows. After looking at it for a while, they are all slightly shocked, and the eyes are very shocked!

"This was Fan Yunxing's place before!"

"Fan Yunxing disappeared?"

"how so!"

In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

After Zifeng passed, after nearly 200 stars, he noticed that no one was coming, and this slowed down.

He can walk until he reaches the Phoenix Star.

But above this route, there is a familiar planet.

That is Tian Lin Zhi Xing!

Tianlinzhixing is almost at the edge of the middle planetary zone.

From this time on, Zifeng took so long to walk back from Sanjiao. One was to go to the golden ancestors to ask for some interest, and the other was to go to Tianlinzhixing again!

Tian Linzhixing, this is the third time that Zifeng has come.

Zifeng came to Tianlinzhixing for the first time and got pearl beads. He was chased by the ancestors of the Wang family and almost died there.

In the second time, the restoration was a breakthrough, which coincided with the ancestors of the Wang family.

Zifeng killed Wang Hong and gave the ancestors of the Wang family a big bell as a "grass gift", but it still failed to change the ancestors of the Wang family.

This third time

Fix a surge, increase combat effectiveness, and you can crush the product to fit!

Zifeng believes that the cultivation of the ancestors of the Wang family is refined and cannot be upgraded to the second product within a few years.

"Ancestors of the Wang family, can you still wait for Su in your Wang family's house?"

On a planet opposite Tianlin Star, Zifeng's palm swept across the mask.

At this moment, its true colors slowly emerged.

When he carried it on his back, his eyes looked far away, and he seemed to be able to see the royal family through the stars.

"Su Mou is here again!"

Today's Tianlinzhixing, because of the Wang family's ancestor breakthrough, has become a complicated environment, which directly destroys the three families that were in a balanced state.

The Wang family has become the invincible overlord of Tian Lin's star!

Therefore, this primitive scattered planet directly evolved into being occupied by power.

There is no doubt that this power is naturally the king.

Many of Tianlinzhixing's industries belong to the Wang family.

As for Zheng Jia and Liu Jia, it is not impossible if you want to survive, but you must become a subsidiary of the Wang family.

It is a subordinate family, saying it is good. This is a terrible slave, a running dog!

All the economic chains of these two families were quickly controlled by the Wang family.

At first they were still reluctant to fight the Wang family.

However, the ancestors of the Wang family took shots and killed the two ancestors of Zheng Jia and Liu Jia with extremely difficult and terrifying means. They were honest.

All people are looking forward to the king!

Just like golden light, so is Yunyunxing.

The transmission array is one of the industries of the Wang family.

Because the Wang family has reasons to adapt to this world, many monks travel to and from Tianlin Star every day. Although the transfer cost of the Wang family has more than doubled, the people scattered around are still in the air. Endless.


Just to be able to make a good impression in the eyes of the Wang family!

This is the power of combined power!

It is like the ancestors of Wang's ancestors, the scattered restoration of nearly a thousand stars, or power, are all for tribute.

The ever-increasing power and rapid economic growth have gradually expanded the people of the Wang family. At first, they will be slightly moderate.

But over time, when those strange monks know that they are the king's family, they will immediately be very polite. ——

Wang's younger brother slowly got used to this kind of enjoyment.

A suitable life is great, with a lifespan of at least several hundred thousand years.

In other words, the ancestors of the Wang family can shelter the royal family for at least hundreds of thousands of years!

Therefore, the Wang family began their pace of expansion.

The stars scattered on the stars are scattered around the earth. As long as they don't fit the body, neither the sect nor the family power can escape their palms.

However, the Wang family did not make too many killings, but this is a bit similar to Phoenix.

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