The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 466: The next second will come true

Although he knew that the other party was stronger than himself, the ancestor of Yinhai was one of the twelve ancestors of the Qing emperor and was stronger than him. What can he do?

The identity is here. In the next star, not many people can worry the ancestors of Yinhai.

"I can't think of it. Someone will help this Su Liuliu. It still has such a power. Wouldn't it be the Holy Pill Emperor?"

Yin Haizu secretly guessed in his heart: "No. According to the teachings, the emperor Shengdan is not in a hurry for the next star field. Otherwise, I can't know."

"In this case, who will this be? What kind of strong will be behind this Su Liuliu?"

"Or do you want to say that this secret shooter has the same purpose as me, to save Su Liuliu, just for the safety zone?"

Think about it, Yinhai ancestors couldn't figure it out. With this identity, what kind of power can you know?

For these characters, if Zifeng has a safe area, it is just an ant and is not interested in letting them look at it.

As for the nine shadow sons, what fascinating qualifications do they have?

That is a cloud!

After all, qualification does not represent strength.

If you can kill people early, even if you have a strong qualification, what's the use?

Silence on the court.

Deer God and Xie Tianyi were also silent.

Even the attack of the silver sea ancestors would collapse in silence, and they naturally knew that this secret man must be extremely strong.

Those who are qualified to talk to them are also the ancestors of Yinhai.

"You have an obvious shot, why can't you show up?" When Yinhai's ancestors thought about exploring the surrounding environment, they opened up again.

Zifeng was also silent, waiting for the appearance of this person.

After a long time--


A red light suddenly appeared on the light curtain of the Phoenix Star.

Then, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple!

There are seven kinds of light, which complement each other, forming a very dazzling beam outside the Phoenix Star!

At first glance, it looks like a huge beam of light, passing through the sky and the earth, without seeing the end or the low end.

"This is the magic element?"

Zifeng's eyes shrank, revealing a shocked color.

He is very sensitive, these colors are completely magical elements, too rich, leading to a lot of light!

In Phoenix Star, there are not so many magical elements!

The ancestors of Yinhai and others are looking at this place.

They think this scene is a bit familiar, they think these magic elements are a bit familiar, but for a while, they couldn't think of it. Who is it that caused such a scene.

During that time, many gazes fell on the beam, and a slender figure slowly emerged from there.

When she went out, the lamppost gradually folded and eventually dissipated.

Everyone stopped glare, and finally saw what this person looked like.

This is a woman, dressed in brightly colored clothes and three thousand blue silk shawls, dancing when the wind blows.

Her appearance is not so beautiful, but they are very delicate, giving a small family feel.

On the top of the lips, it seemed to be painted with bright lipstick, like a drop of blood.

The whole face looks very charming.

All Zifeng could see was her back.

What Yinhai ancestors can see is her positive meaning!

Because of this, when you see the front of a woman, the silver ocean ancestors and other people, the eyelids shrink directly and the face is bigger!

"Yes Yes……"

The deer gods have a soft mouth and want to talk, but they can't say what's behind it.

Xie Tianyi and the others waited a few steps, their faces a little pale.

Only the ancestors of Yinhai could keep a little calm.

Even so, his reaction was hurried, and he quickly bent his hands and bent his body, showing very strong respect.

"Look at the Holy Emperor!"

With his opening, Lu Shenzun, Xie Tianyi and others responded immediately.

"See the holy emperor!"

"I don't have beads waiting for my eyes. I don't know if the Holy Emperor is here, but I also hope that the Holy Emperor will forgive me!"

Seeing this scene, on the Phoenix Star, everyone except Zifeng was shocked!

When this woman appeared, Yinhai's ancestors had already released their imprisonment, and they naturally recovered their mobility.

They naturally know the identity of the ancestors of Yinhai.

The woman who appeared at this moment, even the silver ocean ancestor, was so kind and polite, and even very scared!

Then, what is this woman sacred? How terrible is this?


Xuanyuan and others responded and planned to pay tribute.

Although I don't know who the other party is, it will definitely be very high.

However, just as they planned to pay tribute, there is an invisible force that can gently grasp them.

"You don't have to." The calm words, like a magical voice, came from the woman's mouth.

This is also the first sentence after her appearance.

In other words, let the deer **** and others wait for another body!

The ancestors of Yinhai had a sinking heart, a sense of crisis, and rose rapidly.

Even if you have to pay tribute to yourself, you can become the Phoenix sect, but don't you have to do it?

Moreover, the Holy Land Emperor personally handed it over to the disciples of the Phoenix Sect!

Her identity, how glorious, is this moment, what does it mean?

"How can she have such a close relationship with the Phoenix Sect!"

He knew best the horror of this woman in front of him.

Because when she appeared, she had a battle with the eighth-level alien demon, which he clearly saw in the Qing emperor!

With one blow, he broke the leg of the eighth-level demon and severely injured another eighth-level alien demon, forcing them to escape!

That is the eighth-level domain demon!

Equivalent to the existence of human beings, the most powerful Asian gods, and random strikes, they will be able to directly destroy him as a product of heaven and earth!

Even if they destroy the Queen and Mingyue Teddy, they cannot have such amazing means, but the woman in front of them can do it!

Thinking of this, and then thinking of the relationship between this woman and the Phoenix sect, the body of the silver sea ancestor shivered unconsciously.

"No wonder the Phoenix Sect is so arrogant, no wonder this Subalo has such a sigh."

"I think what he relies on is only the poisonous pill given by the emperor of the Holy Land. I didn't expect him to be true, this is the great emperor!"

In the heart of Yinhai's ancestors, there is no place in his heart, no place to admit.

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