The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 469: Real purpose

At the opening of Zifeng, the blue jasper sword was captured by Sen's white image and exerted its most powerful force since its existence!

The blood-red swordsmanship, the sky came out, spreading the distance I didn't know.

Everything is destroyed!

The blade is dark green, moving with the sword and straightening toward the Phoenix.

At this moment, the wind is falling and the world is changing!


With the roar of Nathan's white figure, the **** swordsman finally landed on Phoenix's pure white cover a moment later.

At this moment, a huge low voice reached everyone's ears!

With the roar of destruction around the world, the land of hundreds of billions is silent.

Extremely frustrated silence!

Except for the immortal strong in Asia, all people, even the emperor, are at this moment, both ears are deaf, and their eyes are blind!

This is not true deafness, nor true blindness, but

The rant is too big, so they will never hear it again!

The sword is so dazzling that they will never see anything again!

At this moment, I don’t know how many people backed up. Even if they were separated by a journey of thousands of miles, they would still be shocked by the aftermath.

They tried their best to prepare as much as possible, but no one thought that the strike at the Virgin Palace was so strong. This consequence caused them to squirt a big mouthful of blood, and their bodies almost collapsed!

They are deaf in both ears and blind, and they seem to have lost consciousness.

It can only be viewed with a vague mind. The huge swordsman squatted on the pure white cover of the Phoenix sect, and dense fog floated out of the sky.

As for the result

What's more, they, even those who belong to secondary powers, at this moment, some people can't see clearly.

Needless to say, this holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy I do not know how many powerful people are doing!

Very strong! Almost always strong to the extreme!

Few people can imagine what kind of attack can be compared with Notre Dame Palace in this inferior star field?

Under this kind of attack, you can kill instantaneously for the sub-classical powers of the Black Witch Emperor and the Guifeng Emperor!

Even if it is a yin and yang knife, I am afraid it is difficult to resist.

The only thing that can survive may be the colorful sacred sacred, the ruined queen, or even this immortal top imaginary leader!

Time is moving.

In the silence of the atmosphere, even time seems to be stretched indefinitely.

One second can be divided into one minute, even one hour

However, the result will eventually come.

The dense fog in the sky gradually dispersed, as if the storm had been blown away, and the mysterious veil under it finally slowly revealed.

The first thing I saw was the sharp **** sword that stood out from the sky!

It restores the colors of the past, and the various colors no longer exist. Especially when Nine Snakes were wounded by the blood of the prince, after the sword was broken, the dazzling golden yellow color disappeared.


It also exudes a fierce cicada, just like its inner spiritual figure, roaring and gritting its teeth in anger.

It is difficult to hear what kind of emotion is contained in this sound. In short, it is not that good.

As the dense fog gradually spread, people's eyes gradually moved downward.

At some point, they saw pure white light!

"it is good?"

When I saw this lamp, there was an indescribable snoring sound.

Especially, when the light gets brighter and brighter, until the end, when a complete white cover is formed, it is—

Seventy-two of the three religions and nine factions. Everyone looks like a moment of melancholy!

"Not broken yet?"

"How can this be possible!"

"Nine Snake's training, even in the middle class, is the middle class and the upper class, plus the blue blood elf sword, it has paid a lot of money, it should break this **** mask!"

"What is the level of the fairy weapon of the Phoenix Sect? Is it really higher than the Smurf Sword?"

"This is absolutely impossible! It's just a fairy level, it's already very difficult to control. If the level is higher, how can he use his Su Liuliu to manipulate it?"

"What exactly is this?"

The voice is getting stronger and stronger. In the tone of doubt and unwillingness to believe, they quickly turn into a storm and pass them on.

When they opened, -

Above the void, the face of Nine Snake hiding under his hair was pale, and the corners of his mouth were bloody. This is the earthquake suffered by the Phoenix earthquake.

"One blow, looking at the entire inferior planet field, no more than three sects can stop it"

"How can his Fengzong be so safe and healthy, and how can it be such a strong soup?"

"Finally, is the level of the fairies in the Phoenix class too high, or too strong?"

"He's just five in one!"

What happened today completely shattered the previous thoughts about the nine snakes and the seven sects of the seven sects.

In their view, among the secondary stars, the fairy is heaven, the child is the second, and the emperor of the sky is only the third.

If Tao is respected and fit, if it is expensive, what can it be considered by people at this level?

Nine snakes and saints have always believed that as long as she is willing and suitable, she can kill as many as she wants!

However, at this moment as—

There is a fairy in the Phoenix Sect, who almost prevented all attacks by the Sect!

This really makes her unacceptable, so no one can accept it!

"Three percent."

At this moment, a flat voice suddenly came from the wall.

Zifeng's opening interrupted everyone's thoughts and cast their eyes on the city wall.

But seeing the white dress, it is still straight after standing with both hands.

Its appearance is very light, just like the peak of Mount Tarzan, and it has no collapsed shape.

"This sect keeps its promises just to resist the power that attacks your sacred palace. This sect only uses 30%."

Zifeng's eyes swept away and fell on Nine Snakes.

At the corner of his mouth, he gradually smiled, like a sarcasm, like a contempt, getting thicker and thicker.

"But this is 30% power. You are one of nine women's palaces. If you pay so much money, you can't break it!"

"Really, you let this sect very disappointed!"


Nine snakes, the sacred sacred scorpion, the entire portrait is crazy, the hair is floating at will, but it is holding a blue jasper sword, constantly bombarding the pure white cover on the phoenix.

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