Millions of miles!

The naked eye cannot clearly see this huge range. Even if it is God, it cannot be installed.

But this is true!

The terrible blood dragon head above the skull, and a little bit more, is a pair of eyes that gradually open!

"With my golden light source, it shows the change of the dragon!"

Even with binge drinking, countless golden rays of light gush out from his body.

Imagine that the first **** of teaching is in the center. It looks like a cloud in a dark cloud. It is very eye-catching!

The golden light spreads. I don't know how far the distance is. In short, every creature on the 100 billion land can be clearly seen at this moment.

It is not just the mind, it is visible to the naked eye!

This is the source!


Snoring all over the sky, the blood dragon seems to be alive, at this moment, the eyes that have been trying to open are completely opened!

It is dark, and the presence of eyes cannot be seen.

The huge mouth opened, and when it was embarrassed, it swallowed a lot of metal origins from the **** of emptiness.

The horror of the atmosphere is growing wildly, and the pressure is increasing.

It is indeed the first **** to imagine religion, and this blow is much stronger than the first blow before.

He said it was 50%, but in fact, in anyone's feelings, this time, it is stronger than before, definitely more than 40%!


Without any hesitation, the first palm in the imagination was tightened, the blood dragon's tail was grasped, and the entire arm was inflated at this time. It seems that it is using a powerful force.

Millions of long dragons were rolling in the dark clouds immediately under their arms.

At this moment all the voids have been wiped out.

The ground seemed to have begun to tremble, but in Phoenix, it was still safe.


Su Leng screamed, waving his palm, and the power of the fairy Ding directly reached the peak at this moment!

Ten percent!

Since Zifeng has already exhibited the Dading, this is his first time, showing 10% power!

"Last time, you made me phoenix sunk for half a meter!"

"At that time, this sect borrowed the attack power of this attack and pulled down the sunk half a meter, and then pulled it out for you!"

At the moment when Zifeng's voice fell, the second attack of Taixu Teaching First God finally fell to the top of Phoenix City.

The whole city is at this moment, the shattering vibration is like a collapse at any time!

Among the Phoenix disciples in this group, almost everyone stood there under the shocking shock, and some even fell from the wall.

This is not enough to fix, but it is not enough.

Their fall was not because the walls were moving, but because of the influence of the source and the fairies. Even if it was separated by the Phoenix Sect, it was still a bit disturbed. From the outside, it looked like the entire Phoenix City, already collapsed.

God wants to pass through the layers of fog, and rarely see the characters on the wall, just like the wall that has fallen half a meter before, and now it has fallen into the majority!

"So powerful?"

"The first one is strong! The first one is invincible!"

"Hahaha, this is only the second attack. Phoenix has collapsed. Is it so arrogant?"

"This is the first time, this terrible battle is just against the sky!"

At the farthest point, the disciples of seven religions and seventy-two sects looked at this scene, and everyone was shaking with excitement.

For them, too much imagination is their last hope!

If even the first sect cannot destroy the Phoenix Sect, then the entire lower-level planet will no longer be able to form constraints on the Phoenix Sect. With the terrible development speed of the Phoenix Sect, I worry that it will not have a thousand years of history, and they will be unlucky!

Because of this, the seven religions and nine factions are all seventy-two, they will be ironed out, and the Phoenix Sect must be destroyed!

Fortunately, there is an imaginary **** in this place, after all, it still exists.

The walls of Phoenix collapsed, and their numbers dropped as much as possible. The area where the city is located is like a huge covering, turned over and lifted up the dust in the sky.

Although they did not see the corpse, they already smelled a strong smell of blood



What was the voice just now?

Seventy-two people in the three religions and nine factions were confused when they looked at each other.

In their vagueness, they heard a voice that was a bit old and the words were so short that they thought they had an illusion.

Until the next moment, the sound reappeared.

"Damn damn!"

This time, they heard clearly!

This is the voice of the first **** from the imagination!


Even if the sound dropped, the dust was opened, and the phoenix in the center appeared in front of everyone.

"No drop? Does it still exist?"

"Hasn't the party collapsed? The above figures have fallen!"

"Not only did it not crash, but it was nothing."

"In the first such terrible attack, this Phoenix city has not been broken?"

I can’t believe it, or the voice I don’t want to believe, and I continue to come out of the 72 population of the three major religions.

However, the fact is right in front of them, no one can deny it!

Above the void, the appearance of the **** of imagination is no longer indifferent at this moment.

This is his second blow with 50% power!

However, Phoenix is ​​still innocent!

Initially, in his expectation and imagination, under this attack, Phoenix was not broken, but the fairy was at least damaged.

The current results have completely exceeded his expectations.

Today, only the last blow is left, this is the strongest blow!

Just like the previous palace, this is a ruin! If they still cannot break, then they will never have a chance to destroy the Phoenix Sect!

Because of this, the face of the imaginary **** is very ugly.

The previous confidence that had been under the two attacks had disappeared most of the time.

"There is one final blow."

A flat voice came from the wall: "Let this sect look at it, what you call the Imagination God, you are almost the strongest person in the next star field? What does this mean?"

"You don't need to be arrogant at the moment, the third blow of the old man, you can't stop it!"


Zifenghe smiled and said, "Su Mo thinks you have this kind of total guilt?"


Imagine that the first **** in teaching was crying coldly, and then hesitated without hesitation.

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