The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 491: Courage fat

"I'm here, I never thought about leaving."

The woman's voice was a little indifferent: "At least, you didn't intend to leave until you wiped out your Wu family."

"Good?" Old Wu's face sank.

The others were also pale and indifferent.

The other one, to destroy the Wu family?

What is the sacredness of the Wu family?

There is a white dress that can kill God, and there is this woman who wants to seal the spirit and trap everyone!

"I have a Wu family. He is the deputy captain of the Royal Guard. You should know this!"

Old Wu said coldly: "If you bother Wu, you only need to move your mouth to destroy your door!"

"A deputy captain in the district, can you brag about it?"

The woman is disdainful of indifference: "I came here this time. First, because of experience, and second, I want to take this opportunity to see if your Wu family is really as innocent as the legend!"

"I never thought you were more vicious and hateful than rumors. This is an opposition to the people!"

At the end of the day, women gnash their teeth a bit.

"This is my Wu family business, what are you doing with you?" Old Wu was angry.

"Your Wu family, forcibly brought us here, wanting to be a beast and let you kill people. Does it matter if you tell us about it?" Woman Road.

"The old man has already said, quit this person and let you go!" Old Wu was very angry.

Among these special items, there are still some things that can break through this loneliness.

But obviously, Wu didn't.

Or, because of these things, the Wu family has no fairy tales.

After all, on the three-point land in Tangshan Town, the Wu family is the overlord, and few people dare to deal with them.

"Please God, it's easy to send to God, have you heard of this?" The woman's face gradually showed a smile.

This smile is a bit strange, more indifferent than before, and the old man's eyelids are also beating.

Because when she smiled, the same thing appeared in her hands.

That is a ball.

Regarding the size of the palm, it is just held by a woman and looks like a piece of scrap iron.

On the ball, there is also a golden inscription, which is in sharp contrast with the black, which can be seen at a glance.

Mr. Wu realized this, and many people were present and knew about it!

"One product, broken beads!"

Many people opened their eyes wide and snorted at this moment.

A special blasting bead project, various attacks, if detonated, can kill all ordinary gods!

It is worth more than 8,000 cents, even close to 10,000!

Such blasting, even if it is impossible to kill someone in this place, at least one-tenth or more can be eliminated!

Who wants to be one-tenth of this person? This is just the appearance of this one, everyone knows that what a woman said before is not fake.

She is this

I really want to destroy the Wu family!

Even in some ways, this woman's methods are hotter than white murder.

Zifeng didn't think women would come up with such a thing.

The bottom of the family is profound!

"call out!"

At this moment, a figure suddenly came from a distance, very fast.

Looking at his face, everyone on the light curtain, including Mr. Wu, was full of excitement.

"Go home, you are finally here!"

Come on, it is the boss of the Wu family and Wu Fei, the strongest in Tangshan Town!

With Zifeng's fighting power, only God's thoughts can be seen.

This Wu Fei is a fairyland!

Of course, this kind of cultivation still poses no threat to Zifeng.

But others don't know.

With Wu Fei's arrival, the despair in their hearts immediately dissipated, turning to excitement and ecstasy.

You must know that Wu Fei is a strong spiritual man, and that spirit that can be sealed cannot stop him!

However, after Wu Fei arrived, he did not directly open the light curtain of the product, but stared at the woman, Shen Sheng: "Who are you?"

"Who am I and what does it have to do with you?" The woman still opened her mouth.

Even in the face of a strong spirit, she is not afraid.

"One product is sealed and is worth more than a thousand, and one is a bead and is worth more than 10,000."

Wu Fei said: "Only these two things are worth 11,000 spiritual crystals. As you practice, it is obviously impossible to have such savings."

"In addition, those who dare to scream Wu Jia must have your confidence. In all, your share should not be low."

Hearing these words, the woman did not blink.

"You have some eyesight to see, but unfortunately, no matter what you say, the actions of your Wu family can't escape the destiny of destruction!"

"I have two choices."

Wu Fei was slightly intoxicated, and said: "The first one is that you said your sharing, I will let you go, and the second one I don't know what to pretend to, I will kill you here!"

"You should understand that by relying on such products, I still can't hurt me."

"How about this?"

The woman smiled contemptuously, and when the palm of her hand turned, another black ball appeared.

Same size as the previous one, the only difference is

On the top of this bead, there are two golden yellow marks!

Two products burst beads!


"How is this possible? She is a subcategory, how can there be two products?"

"Bead's second product, the price of more than 50,000 celestial crystals, or even more, is rare in Tangshan Town or even in Joy City. How can she have it?"

"Once these items are detonated, they are considered to be a seventh-order fairyland, and they may not be able to withstand it!"

When you see these two products, everyone is incredible. Even Wu Fei, all eyes shrank, and he took a breath.

"Who are you?"

He looked a little heavy, and asked: "Ling Ying has more than 50,000 single items. Even my Wu family is unwilling to buy it. Your share must not be low!"

"I said, who I am, you don't have to know, and you are not qualified to know!" The woman was very cold.

After the words fell, she did not wait for Wu Fei to open, but waited for Zi Feng to say: "You come and enter the 100 meters range of my side, so as not to be hurt by the power of the bead."

Zifeng touched his nose, and then killed it.

However, since there is such a thing as beading, it saves trouble.

He didn't say anything at once, and the shadow flashed past, over the top of many characters, standing beside the woman.

"You are all here too." The woman went to the other spiritual monks.

It's possible to squeeze a thousand people in the range of one hundred meters.

Seeing this scene, Wu Fei was not anxious: "Do you really want to destroy my Wu family?"

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