The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 496: conspiracy

There is no euphemism at all. If you want to swear, you can see the emperor catch a glimpse of the so-called "real temperament".

"Master Soul, is this too much?" The emperor walked low.

"Excessive? Do you think this king is too much?"

Zifeng smiled and said, "Believe it or not, is it too much?"

"Since ancient times, there has never been a spiritual dynasty that allowed the emperor to send the emperor personally. I can come today, and the master should be grateful and not be so arrogant!"

The emperor no longer tolerated it, and said coldly: "No one can insult the emperor, no one can insult the emperor, the soul master, if it is passed to the emperor's ears, it will definitely give the phoenix spirit, the scourge that comes to the sky!"

"Go, I don't have time to fight with you here, just roll it for me."

Zifeng pointed to the door and said weakly: "I count to three. If you are still here, then I will immediately order the emperor's reward on the other side for billions of dollars!"


The emperor opened his eyes wide and almost burst.

"One." Zi Fengping said.

"Phoenix spirit, you"


Having said that, Zifeng's half of his eyes have been fully opened.


The emperor on the other side of the emperor, although irritated in his heart, after all he left his sleeves and left.

As the emperor of the emperor, he knew how many billions of cents in this mid-star field would cause such a madness.

If Zifeng really did this, then the end of the other side of the emperor dynasty would be the current Yunhai dynasty!

Of course, the foundation of the emperor dynasty may not be as destructive as the Yunhai dynasty, but it will certainly suffer huge losses, which is indescribable.

"This madman is just a madman. This Phoenix Elf is a madman!"

When the emperor left, he whispered in his heart: "Damn Phoenix Elf, where did you get so many celestial crystals, tens of billions of dollars, hundreds of millions of dollars, don't they think it's bad?"

"Yes, behind Phoenix Ridge, there must be the support of superpowers. Otherwise, why are they so arrogant?"

"With those fairy crystals, a spiritual dynasty, how can there be so many fairy crystals?"

"Damn lunatic!"

The emperor on the other side of the emperor, Zifeng did not kill him.

This is just a dog's leg. This is not killing.

After the emperor left, Zifeng immediately walked out of the palace, recruited Hook and others, and began to rectify the Phoenix elves these days and recruit soldiers.

Up to now, the number of the fairy army has reached 30, and the royal kingdom has about 500. As for the fairyland and the immortal world, the total number has exceeded 30,000.

Among them, more than 80% are not local monks in Fenghuangling, but after hearing such high prices, they come from other places.

Only more than 30,000 gods and celestial spirits could not match the spirit of the Yunhai Dynasty.

But 30 fairy queen kingdoms and 500 fairy kings are a force that can wipe out any spiritual dynasty!

In the spiritual dynasty, the strongest is just a fairy tale kingdom.

Even for those who rank at the top of the spiritual dynasty, the strongest is still the fairy queen country, but only in quantity.

In Zifeng's view, it was sufficient to deal with forces such as Poseidon and Xuan Lingling.

Of course, as the first battle after the establishment of the Phoenix Spirit, since you want to fight, you must be beautiful!

Zifeng does not intend to actually use these people. This is a waste of time, even if it is the last win, it will not have much impact.

What he wants is to destroy, mop up, destroy and unstoppable!

"See the Lord!"

When Zifeng appeared on the open space outside the palace, more than 30,000 people immediately knelt on one knee.

The same is true, including the fairy tale kingdom!

Zifeng didn't stop them, because at the moment they were not loyal and not the original members of Phoenix.

Maybe they are just superficial, but deep down, they hold other ideas.

For the people, Zifeng knows it very well.

Some people are not too good for them, otherwise they will only have the opposite effect.

Just like the three hundred people who have been betrayed before.

"Are there any results?"

After people nodded slightly, Zifeng looked at Hook.

The latter was very smooth, and immediately knew what Zifeng was asking. He immediately said loudly: "There is a report to the spiritual master. His subordinates went to the Killers Association yesterday to release the mission. As of now, more than 300 betrayed people have been killed. As for the emperor, the Killers Association has identified him. According to the Homicide Association, the person in charge should be fired at the latest tomorrow.

"It's still a bit slow"

Zifeng shook his head slightly: "In this way, you will pass your voice to the Killer Association and increase the rewards of tens of billions of crystals. Before the evening, I must see the head of the fairy tale kingdom."


The two said it was simple, but around the soldiers, there was a chill in his heart. This is the end of betrayal!

Many of them have considered whether they should leave after taking Nerve, but they are still here, I plan to consider the situation first.

Currently, these people are very lucky.

They knew that Zifeng and Hu Que did not brag about the mission published by the Homicide Association. They have seen them.

If you chose to betray before, you may still be here now.

But never stand!

"You are."

After Hook spoke to the Killers Association, Zifeng finally turned his head and faced many people across the street.

"I didn't hear a word, it's called more facial, and the dog feels like a lion?"

When the text came out, the whole field was immediately silent.

"What kind of position, what kind of things to do, opportunism, may succeed once or twice, but after all, there will be a day of overturning."

Zifeng's appearance did not change, and then he said, "You didn't join the Phoenix Elf, so you can't count the Phoenix Elf, but you have brought the Phoenix Crystal to you, then you must do this. What should I do."

"Maybe, among you, there are many people who have the same idea as the previous three hundred people, but I suggest that you better give up this idea."

"How many years have you received this money, and how many years have you done for the Phoenix Spirit? When the time is up, the Phoenix Spirit will not force you, but if time is running out, you will leave. Then I don’t blame my Phoenix Spirit, I Very hot, no mercy!"

"What I can tell you is that I am a phoenix spirit and rich. This is a terrible wealth that you can't imagine!"

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