The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 498: Ordered person

Phoenix Ridge is surrounded by these four directions.

There is no doubt that if you want to enter the realm of the Phoenix Spirit, if you do not use the transmission array and just walk, then the dark forest and the fairy sea will be removed first. In addition to these two places, there are two directions left.

Yunshan to the west and Civilian Avenue to the south!

In the Misty Mountains, there are beasts. Although they are not strong, they may cause some obstacles.

Only Civilian Avenue is the road that all monks choose when they walk. This is the safest and fastest way for monks.

Not everyone is willing to send flowers and immortals, after all, the transmission array is also a cost, and many scattered repairs and even transfer fees cannot be afforded.

Such as Xuanling Mausoleum and Sea Gods, these, although there are some fairyland reserves that can spread to millions of people, they obviously would not choose.

Moreover, Phoenix Ridge has completely shut down their transmission array. They just want to transmit, but they simply can't.

Civilian Avenue, about one hundred miles from the border of Phoenix Ridge.

A large number of people, dense, like locusts, the pressure of Black comes from afar.

Or empty or ground.

They formed a layer of clouds and cast shadows on the ground. Wherever they pass, the dust in the sky begins to rise, and from then on, countless scattered repairs will soon disappear.

The crowd is divided into a dozen groups, and each group has a very high-profile banner.

Sea God Spirit Dynasty, Xuanye Spirit Dynasty, Zhenshan Spirit Dynasty, Crazy Wolf Spirit!

Their four flags are the most dazzling, and they can be seen clearly.

They are also leaders and are at the forefront of many spiritual dynasties.

These four great spiritual dynasties, the fighters of each dynasty, came to one million people. Together with other spiritual dynasties, nearly 10,000 people occupied the entire civilian avenue. There was no one who dared to talk to them. Grab this road.

The shocking thing is that it was so terrible that I couldn't stand up.

Most soldiers of the spiritual dynasty came on foot. Only some strong people, even first-class figures, can only ride fairies.

Ziyun Red Fire Wolf, Black Dragonfly, White Jade Horn Sheep, Golden Cloud Lion

The lowest is the first-level fairy, and the highest is the third-level fairy.

And the strong in these spiritual dynasties are nothing more than the cultivation of the fairy monarch.

Compared with humans, fairies have natural combat power, and it is extremely difficult to surrender to the same level of fairies.

Among the Sea Gods, there is a middle-aged man riding a Ziyun Red Flame Wolf.

His name is Yin Zhou Yin, Poseidon's combined army, the highest leader of Poseidon, and the strongest.

In the beginning, with the power of these spiritual dynasties, let alone a united battle, it was only necessary to eliminate the fundamentally unstable Phoenix dynasty that had just been established in a short period of time.

However, at this moment, the expression on Zhou Wei's face was not very good.

From their departure to now, they are about to enter Phoenix Ridge. There was too much news in his ears.

First, the Yunhai Dynasty ordered the destruction of the Phoenix Spirit.

In addition, the Phoenix Ridge Dynasty also initiated the mission of the Killing Association and the Mercenary Association. With the terrible financial resources of the first ten trillion yuan, it shocked Yunhai Xianzun, it is the life of Prince Yunni and the king of Yunhai!

At first, no one, including Zhou Wei, would take this matter to heart.

First of all, they felt that the Phoenix Dynasty couldn't get so many fairy crystals, they just brag.

Secondly, even if Phoenix Ridge can produce so many fairy crystals, the strength of the Yunhai Dynasty, coupled with the protection of the opposing emperor, will not be afraid!

However, over time, more intense conflicts broke out between the two.

Killed in the Yunhai Dynasty Palace. The Yunhai Dynasty was very angry, and released a trillion-year-old crystal to reward the head of the Phoenix Spirit.

Phoenix Ridge directly promoted the life of the King of Clouds to 10 trillion celestial crystals. With the terrifying price of 50 trillion celestial bodies, Yunhai Xianzun is not allowed to enter the Phoenix Dynasty!

Because of this reward, even the long-hidden seven-star killer Pluto has been dispatched, which has led to many terrible mercenary groups!

Today's Yunhai Dynasty has always been surrounded by these killers and mercenaries. The King of Yunhai did not dare to show up and could only shrink in the palace, relying on seven classic shields to resist Pluto's attack, and at the same time seeking help from another side!

under these circumstances

I'm waiting for others, and in fact still marching towards the Phoenix spirit!

"It's just for money!"

Looking back at Wang Haishen's command of Death, Zhou Hao couldn't help being gloomy.

If he can make a decision, he will definitely come back soon.

"We have such a big movement, the Phoenix Spirit must know it, but since we know it, why is there no voice?"

"They have such huge financial resources. Even the life of the King of the Sea of ​​Clouds may be wanted. Can't they come up with some people to see all of us?"

"There is no money, or do they not care at all?"

Zhou Xin thought, his face was getting darker and darker.

It was also at this moment--


A white figure suddenly appeared in the gap not far from them.

"You, this king has been waiting for a long time!"

"Who are you?"

Looking at the sudden appearance of white images, including Zhou Wei, many people have changed their appearances.

They have more than ten spiritual dynasties, totaling nearly 10 million people. In fact, no one feels the existence of this person?

"This is the territory of Phoenix Ridge. You say, who am I?" Zifeng said softly.

"Phoenix spirit?"

At this time, everyone reacted.

Who would dare to call the king here, besides the Phoenix Spirit, who else?

"Hey, we will find you!"

Zhou Wei looked more gloomy, and at the same time he said coldly: "Also, I want to correct you. There is a distance from the Phoenix Spirit, but this is not the Phoenix Ridge Dynasty you mentioned!"

"It's ok."

The corner of Zifeng Mouth was picked up, and a light flashed in his eyes: "After today, this place will also become the name of Phoenix Ridge!"

"You are a big tune!"

An old man spoke, and everyone behind him was holding a large banner with two words engraved on it. ——The Night of Xuan!

Obviously, he is the leader of this era. Unlike Zhou Wei, this old man wore a very luxurious golden robe and dragon embroidery, which was lifelike.

This is the situation in the Central Star Field, where there are only the most powerful people in the spirit of the Lord.

"Are you from this mysterious night?" Zifeng glanced at him.

"Who is the old man, you are not qualified to know!"

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