The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 503: Singles the strongest combination

Of course, if it were the previous Zifeng, how could I be bullied today, I can only swallow it by smashing my teeth.

But now Zifeng will never be so angry.

"I have a place to practice in Ziyun Cave. This is a rule that Xiao has done for many years. This is my right. Why should I give up?" Zifeng asked coldly.

The five elders sighed. "You mean to keep the farming quota and abolish the title of the small family?"

"Okay, that's it." The seven elders and the eight elders responded at the same time.

Seeing their excitement, it seems that they would like to see Zifeng cancel the status of the young family.

"I said you shouldn't have less homeowners?" Zifeng said with both hands.

"What do you mean?" The tone of the five elders suddenly became cold.

"I want to keep some places for repairs, but I also want to leave a place with fewer families, Zifeng, you don't want to think about it." The seven elders were condemned.

"Really?" Zifeng was not afraid, and asked, "I want to ask, there are five elders and seven elders, what qualifications do you have to abolish my position as a homeless person?"

The five elders said arrogantly: "This is the House of Representatives. The elders and deacons have decided. Do you still want to refuse?"

Zifeng sneered, "General issues are naturally negotiated by the elders and deacons. However, according to family rules, the status of family leaders must be abolished; if it is not a family, the nine elders will be abolished; if the elders have different opinions, they will be abolished. The whole people voted to decide."

"Only when more than 90% of the tribes are seconded, the status of young families can be abolished."

"Noisy." The five elders were exasperated. "Xiaojiajia is a big industry. All ethnic groups have to take care of the family. As long as there is space, they will gather together to take care of your broken things."

"Cut, really, what kind of genius are you." The eight elders dismissed, "You are not qualified to let the entire Xiao family work."

Zifeng sneered and said, "There is no way. After all, state-owned national laws and nationalities have rules. Do you want to consider the rules of your ancestors and ignore the rules set by your ancestors? In your eyes, are you going to marry them?"

Zifeng put on a big hat, leaving them speechless.

In fact, the rules conform to the rules. After all, this young family is a very important place in Xiaojia. If it was before, the younger generations of the past few generations were very talented, and of course everyone should make a decision. Zifeng, it is not a veritable name, it has no name, but no rights.

However, if Zifeng insists on the family rules, the five elders have nothing to do, unless they want to ignore the family rules and openly ignore the rules set by their ancestors.

"You are a waste, put down your teeth." The seven elders screamed.

"Zifeng, you don't want to talk nonsense." The eight elders were also surprised.

The five elders frowned, the dark road, today's Zifeng suddenly became so powerful, and even learned to fight back.

The five elders, the seven elders and the eight elders are as dark as water.

No one dares to openly violate the rules of the family.

The atmosphere became dignified for a while.

The eyes of the three elder Xiao looking at Xiaoyi were full of joy. He thought that Zifeng would definitely suffer a lot of dissatisfaction tonight, but never thought that Zifeng would fight back strongly, the counterattack would be so sharp.

"This is really the ancestor of the Xiao family, he has grown up." Xiao Zhong thought secretly.

Moreover, after a long-term bondage, suddenly became so mature and so brave. As an old man who loves him, he is naturally very happy.

Suddenly, Xiao Ruohan, who was standing next to the five elders, stood up and held a ceremony for the elders who attended.

Then he said, "Elder and deacon, Zifeng said, this is the reason. However, the opportunity to practice Ziyun Cave is very important to any family."

"If Zifeng is a young family and has the ability to put pressure on other family members, we will naturally have nothing to say. But for his current minor repairs, he also gives him special care, which is unfair to other family members."

"Even in the younger generation, there will be a lot of dissatisfaction with this family."

"I think the ancestors of the ancestors set the rules in the past. They must make our Xiao family flourish and get better and better. And they never want to see such unfair things, but they are more willing to see the family’s The children's family resented."

"So." Xiao Ruohan said a Chase, just saying, "I think you can change the rules."

Xiao Ruohan is a famous genius in the Xiao family. He is very mature, very mature. He is a good servant of many elders.

Moreover, he is only 17 years old this year, and he has become a first-class young man.

In time, break into the environment of the next day.

He is likely to become the youngest deacon in Xiao's history, and even the old man in the future.

Therefore, his words are still very important in the family.

It is said that the deacon of the elder nodded slightly.

At this time, the four elders who had never spoken said: "If you have a cold, your words are reasonable. So, what do you think you can do?"

The four elders are the fairest people in the family, and they have always remained neutral.

Xiao Ruohan said: "I think the elders of the four elders, for the sake of fairness, we really should not directly disqualify Xiao Yijin from practicing at Ziyun Cave, but they did not give it directly."

"Oh?" The four elders were a little confused. Xiao Ruohan continued. "Half a month later, on the eve of the opening of Ziyun Cave, the family will hold a competition. According to regulations, the top nine children can be in place. I think, let Zifeng also participate in this competition, not directly exempt from being granted quotas, allowing him to follow His true power robbed him of his quota."

Zifeng listened by the side and even rolled his eyes. Xiao Ruohan said this and said it was as white as a bird.

The four elders nodded, looked at Zifeng, and said, "Zifeng, this is a relatively fair practice. What do you think?"

"I refuse." Zifeng blurted out.

The four elders frowned and said, "My good boy, Zifeng, in the Xiao family, shouldn't be so flustered. The brave warrior who faces danger is not flustered, unwavering, unwavering. The achievement of martial arts practice."

Zifeng shrugged and said: "The planting quota for Ziyun Cave was originally my right. Why do I have to do more, and I might lose the possibility of agreeing to this request."

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