Breaking through to five places in half a month, this is still the situation where Zifeng has a purple martial arts spirit. If it is orange order, yellow martial arts, one year may not be able to break through.

If you can have more remedies, then there is no problem.

With the power of ice scorpion sword martial arts, his own practice will surely rise rapidly.

"Pill, medicinal medicine. If I become an oil refining pharmacist, I can refine my medicine, and I can continue to use this medicine." Xiaoyi's eyes lit up.

Live comfortably without any help.

However, to become a refining pharmacist is extremely demanding. Among the 100 fighters, not all of them are qualified to be refiners.

"In any case, always try." Zifeng had an idea, he would not give up easily, but was determined to try.

The next day, when the sky was clear, Xiaoyi woke up from her sleep and went straight to the family pharmacy.

The oil refining pharmacy is one of the most important places in the entire Xiao family.

There are many precious herbs in it, as well as many herbs.

Every month, family members come here to collect their own medicine.

After arriving at the oil refining pharmacy, a strong medicinal fragrance came.

Zifeng saw that at the edge of the hall, a middle-aged man was reading.

In the surrounding area, dozens of pharmacy children are busy organizing and delivering herbs.

At the center, two pharmacists worked hard to improve the herbs.

As one of the three major families in Ziyun City, the small family has a large number of ethnic groups and needs many quenching institutions. Of course, Xiaojia also sells herbs as a source of family income.

In the entire Xiao family, there are only five alchemists, one for three products, and four for one product.

"Okay?" The middle-aged man on the edge of the hall looked up at Zi Feng, recognized Zi Feng and frowned. "Zifeng, today is not the day the drug was released. What are you doing here?" The middle-aged man is the deacon of the Xiao family. He is also a pharmacist. He is in charge of the pharmacy, called Xiao Bailian.

Xiao Bailian secretly suspected that today is not the day for medicinal herbs to be distributed, and that Zifeng's medicinal materials are not always accepted by the three elders.

"Hundreds of deacons, I want to be included in the refining list." Zifeng said.

Refinery records are the basic refining pharmacist's manual. Although it only tells the basic knowledge of oil refining, it is very precious. At least, Ziyun City has only three families.

Xiaojia encourages all ethnic groups to work hard to become a pharmacist, and all children can watch it freely.

"Improve the record?" Xiao Bailian groaned and asked, "What are you doing? Don't tell me you want to be an oil refiner pharmacist?"

When Xiao Bailian said that he was exporting, he even felt funny.

"Isn't it?" Zifeng asked.

"Of course." Xiao Bailian nodded and took out a book from the drawer. The cover of this book read the three words "Chemical Records", and then handed it to Zifeng.

"I want to take it back and watch it slowly, can you?" Zifeng knew the preciousness of this refinery record and hesitated.

"No problem." Xiao Bailian shrugged and said: "In any case, everyone has read this book, but almost no one meets the requirements of becoming a refiner. It is also white on me, you accept it. Go back. ."

"But remember, you cannot destroy the books. If you have finished reading them, you must return them. Remember, if there are three long records and two short records in the refined list, even if there are three elders to protect you, I will fight Your **** blooms."

"I know." Zifeng licked his mouth.

Soon after Zifeng left, a gray-haired old man slowly walked into the oil refining pharmacy.

At the moment this old man appeared, all the drug children and refined pharmacists, including Xiao Bailian, stood up and respectfully held the "big elder" ceremony.

Yes, this old man is the only three-product pharmacist in the Xiao family. Xiao Li was on fire.

The most powerful refiner and pharmacist in Ziyun is also the most prestigious person in Xiao.

Xiao waved his hand and said, "You don't need to be polite, you are very busy."

After all, Xiao left Huo and came to Xiaobailian.

"What did hundreds of smelters do the day after Dan practice?" Xiao asked and caught fire.

Xiaobailian shook his head and said, "No."

If you can train Tiandan, it means that the refinery apothecary has two levels.

"Hey." Xiao sighed over the fire and said, "Xiao's two product pharmacists have been broken for too long. You are the most promising candidate for the second product. Even if you can't perfect Tiandan."

"The great elders learned well." Xiao Bailian lowered her head.

"I won't teach you." Xiao Wei shook his head slightly and said, "Unfortunately, if the master didn't leave in the same year."

"In that year, he was already a dual-product pharmacist. If he was still in the small home, he had to become a three-product pharmacist. I don't have to worry about Xiao's future." Xiao Man was angry.

Xiao is already very old, but the family's future pills are being refined. If within a few years, he will return to the West, Xiao Jia may be in trouble. "But let us listen to the fate of the people." Xiao was so tired and exhausted, he said, "Bailian, nothing happened in the refining pharmacy today."

"No." Xiaobailian replied, "Everything is normal, and there is no furnace failure or oil refining failure."

"Very good." Xiao nodded from the fire.

"Oh, yes." Xiao Bailian said suddenly, "I just came to Xiaoyi and took the refinement book."

"Zifeng? Take the record of the refinery?" Xiao was a little surprised.

When Zifeng returned to the room, he immediately opened the oil refining book with great interest.

"This is the oil refining pharmacist in the world, let me see how good you are." Zifeng was full of confidence.

However, ten minutes later, he roared loudly and hardly tore the oil refining book on the spot.

"My grass, it's hard to understand what this ghost writes about. The trouble is unparalleled, and I have also learned a kind of fart refining medicine." Zifeng sighed angrily.

In addition to the strict requirements for refinery pharmacists, the refinery itself is also extremely esoteric, so few samurai can become refiners.

Of course, Zifeng is different from ordinary people. As a former Xing Yiquan master, his understanding is extraordinary.

As long as he is given to him for a month or two, he will definitely study this medicinal record thoroughly.

However, the reason why he wants to become a refiner pharmacist now is to improve his medicine, so he can deal with family competition in half a month.

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