The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 514: Winner is king

He deliberately concealed his intuition about his fist.

It seems that others will think he is using martial arts or secret law.

And, in fact, he didn't have the strength to go all out. Otherwise, relying on his current strength, it is enough to compare Dongxuan's four monsters, and the fighters rebuilt into the squad are not his opponents.

At this time, the enthusiasm on the faces of Gu Changfeng and Zhao Buqun has been very strong.

"That guy actually has ground martial arts, and I am worried that this is good luck."

"There is no background and no waste of power. If you don't have such a powerful martial arts, you must grasp it."

The two thought hurriedly.

Ground martial arts are too attractive for the military.

Moreover, ground martial arts are too precious.

There are only a few giants in Beishan County. For example, Split Heavenly Sword School, Shadow House, Beishan Murong Tower and Four Seasons City White House.

The power of martial arts in the county is powerful and powerful.

Although Gu's family and Zhao Jia are one of the big families in Baiwu City, they are the strongest in the family, but Dong is a mysterious wine, unable to match those real behemoths.

In this family, the most powerful martial arts is only the peak of the mysterious order.

"To use the inner strength of the spirit, you must kill him and adopt martial arts." Gu Changfeng and Zhao Buqun looked at each other, their intentions intensified.

Their ideas are hot enough to make them desperate.

However, in Zifeng's eyes, it was pale and weak.

In the beginning, even a warrior without war had perseverance, forced spirit and martial arts, but still could not defeat him.

Not to mention Gu Changfeng and Zhao Buqun today.

Hey, Zifeng disappeared instantly.

The two even realized that Zifeng had appeared in front of them.

Xiao Xiao punched Gu Changfeng in the stomach.

Pu Gu Changfeng sprayed a mouthful of blood and was directly injured.

Zifeng suddenly became the object of public criticism.

"That guy is only congenital five repairs, but he can beat the verbose son and the young master."

"Only martial arts is possible."

Some fighters are talking to themselves, they are ready.

"I heard that Zifeng has no background and power."

"Even if we"

The soldier's words did not continue, but everyone understood what he meant.

Zifeng frowned. He knew how attractive martial arts were to the army.

"Hahahaha." Gu Changfeng beside him smiled proudly. "Zifeng, I know I am not your opponent."

"How about that?"

"I can't beat you, can you survive under the siege of thousands of fighters?"

Gu Changfeng's conspiracy seems to have seen Xiao Yi's death under the siege of thousands of soldiers.

"Are you proud?" Zi Feng looked at him coldly.

"What is it?" Gu Changfeng sneered, "I can't wait for you to tremble."

"I'm scared, you have no chance to read it." Zifeng's face was cold, and he grabbed his neck.

Then, this number flashed and disappeared immediately.

"Okay?" Thousands of martial artists suddenly rushed over. "Don't run away."

Thousands of soldiers were surrounded spontaneously, and within a 100-meter circle, a fly could not fly.

In the next second, Zifeng's figure appeared.

He did not escape, but came to Zhao Buqun.

"What do you want me to do?" Zhao Buqun was shocked and panicked.

Zifeng took away his and Gu Changfeng's tokens and won their points.

Zhao Buqun saw that his score was taken away, and seemed to expect Zifeng to do what he wanted to do.

"Don't kill me." Zhao Buqun said angrily, pretending to cry and roar.

He knew very well that he could not shoot in Zifeng's hands, and Zifeng wanted to kill him. this is very simple.

Moreover, since the tokens are in Zifeng's hands, he can't even release the ban.

The genius of the Zhao family is one of the big families in Baiwu City, the genius of Beishan, and now he is begging for mercy.

However, in Xiao Yi's view, his plea is very hypocritical.

At this time, Gu Changfeng, who was hugged by Xiao Yi's neck, said, "Zhao Buqun, please do something. He dare not kill us."

"Really?" Zifeng's voice suddenly became very cold.

These primitive bright eyes are full of enthusiasm.

For almost a moment, a terrible murder occurred in the air.

Even the soldiers who surrounded him at first couldn't help but shudder.

"Horrible killing, how many people are there in this person." Some fighters began to swallow their mouths unknowingly.

Gu Changfeng and Zhao Buqun, who were adjacent to Xiao Yi, had a clearer and more direct understanding of this killing.

For a while, they seemed to see the boy in front of him, becoming a **** executioner, which made people timid.

"Don't kill me." Zhao Buqun didn't realize that his voice was broken. Gu Changfeng even burst into tears and nose.

These two people seem to be ruthless, but in fact, the psychological endurance is very poor, just two pussies.

"You, you, this monster, go to hell." Gu Changfeng just lost his mind, and the wind sword in his hand spurted out.

Zifeng frowned and took Fengjian away easily.

When I saw Gu Changfeng's ugly face and unbearable look, my nose almost dripped on my hand, and Zifeng's face was disgusting.

"Get off." Zi Feng snorted and banged.

"You are also rolling." Zifeng will also fly to Zhao Buqun.

Putting Fengjian into his bag, Zi Feng glanced coldly at the soldiers surrounding him.

Then, his footsteps moved, and his mouth muttered to himself: "It's better not to force me to kill. My life is enough, not thousands of you."

Some fighters began to retreat, their faces full of sadness.

On the one hand, this is the passion for grassroots martial arts. On the other hand, this is the fear of murder.

However, after a few seconds, human greed still defeated the panic.

"Don't let him run," a soldier shouted, standing up.

This is the case with people. Someone took the lead and immediately followed them.

"Either leave your baby, or leave your life, choose for yourself."

Thousands of warriors immediately raised their swords and wiped them at Zifeng.

Zifeng stopped and whispered to himself. "You, do you want to force me to kill?"

When the sound just fell, he took care of his messy clothes. Obviously, he has killed his heart and wants to change his true character.

At this moment, the four characters came from the crowd.

"Looking for death." Zi Feng snorted.

When he saw that the person was actually Lin Jin, there was a little disappointment in his eyes.

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