In fact, in the original book, the break of the relationship between Shanid, Tanjina and Dean is inevitable. Because of that vow, the friendship between them will finally begin to collapse, and Nina invites Xia Ned joined the team after he had left the tenth team, so this matter had nothing to do with Nina, so Nina didn't have to blame herself at all.

"That... about Shanid, I also heard Senior Sister Jiena mention it."

Seeing Nina completely immersed in self-blaming emotions, Zifeng was silent for a while and then said, "However, I think it's just that she said too one-sided, everyone has their own difficulties, although I don’t know what Shanid thinks in his heart, but after such a long time of contact, I don’t think things will be so simple. At least I can see that Shanid has his own problems and doesn’t care about Nina’s matter."

"But... if it wasn't me..."

"No, Senior Sister Nina just put Shanedra, who had left the team, into your team, so the current situation is not caused by you, so you don't have to blame yourself."

Nina wanted to say something, but Zifeng interrupted her very firmly.

Feili, who was silent on the side, seemed to be unable to pass, and said in a very flat voice, "Really stubborn."

"Well, too, maybe I'm too paranoid."

Zifeng's relief made most of the self-blame emotion in Nina's heart disappear.

"Well, it's good for you to think that way. Sometimes your thinking is really paranoid."

Nina's words also relieved Zifeng a lot, and then said to Feili and Nina, "Okay, it's getting late, let's go back."

"Fengfeng, I have something to ask you to confirm."

Just as Zifeng turned around and was about to leave, Feili's faint voice came out again.

"Uh... ask me to confirm?"

After Zifeng recalled a little bit in her mind, she remembered that when the polluting beast attacked Jerney that day, when Zifeng left the city, Feili did say so, but Feili never mentioned it later, slowly Zifeng also slowly forgot about this matter. But speaking of it, Zifeng felt that Feili was very wrong these days. As for what was wrong, Zifeng couldn't tell, just intuitively.

"Well, since Feili has something to do with Xiaofeng, then I will leave first."

Although Nina was very curious about Feili's finding Zifeng to confirm the matter, she didn't stop, just turned around and walked towards the dormitory after saying hello.

"That... Phil, what the **** is it?"

After Nina left, Zifeng looked at Feili with a puzzled face, trying to see something from her face, but unfortunately Feili is an authentic three-no girl, so Zifeng’s expectation can only be In exchange for the final disappointment...

"Fengfeng, is it true about what you said that day?"

"Said that day? What day?"

Feili's question made Zifeng seem a little confused.

Seeing Zifeng's doubts on her face, Feili hesitated for a while and then said, "Is it true that what you said before the pollution beast attacked?"

"Before the polluting beast attacked... uh..."

Hearing Fei Li's question, Zi Feng instantly understood. Before the pollution beast attacked, the conversation between Zi Feng and Mei Zhen, Nal Ji and Miffy was obviously overheard by Fei Li using Nian Wei.

"This... I'm not lying."

"Is that so, I see..."

After getting Zifeng's answer, Feili's expressionless little face became calmer, and the calm made Zifeng feel a little scared. Although Feili's face was calm, Zifeng could know Feili's mood at this time from the hands that had already gripped the knuckles and were a little white.


Looking at Feili with a calm face, Zifeng couldn't help but shouted her name worriedly, but didn't say anything.

"I'm going back."

Feili didn't pay attention to Zifeng's yelling, but after faintly dropping such a sentence, she turned and walked out of the training room.

"This... I didn't lie"

Zifeng's words kept echoing in Feili's mind, and walking quietly on the way home, Feili felt a tingling sensation in her heart like a needle stick, and the tingling sensation grew. The stronger, the tears flowed out of her eyes unconsciously in the end.

"Is this... sad feeling..."

Feili covered her chest with one hand, with a confused look on her face, looking up at the darkened sky.

"It hurts... It really hurts..."

Although polygamy in this world is not unusual, it is simply impossible for Feili to accept that the person she likes has already had many girlfriends. In this way, in this sad atmosphere, Feili returned home in a daze, and then locked herself in the room, no matter how Kallian yelled, she just didn't open the door.


Looking at Feili's back left blankly, Zifeng could clearly feel the sad atmosphere around Feili, but Zifeng couldn't make any explanation. Because what Zifeng said were all facts, Zifeng didn't want to hurt any young girl, but still inadvertently made a deep mark in Feili's heart.

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