The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 522: Come to the bottom

I didn't know that Zifeng's strength was enough to crush the elder of the sword hall. What are you worried about?

"At sea." Zi Feng snorted coldly.

The sound of the sword directly destroyed Gu Changkong's sword.

Then Gu will be swallowed.

However, within half a second, Gu Changkong had become fleshy and died in pain.

Zifeng shook his head without looking at the two corpses on the ground.

He killed Gu Changkong, and he didn't feel the slightest pleasure.

After all, in his eyes, Gu Changkong himself was like an ant, killing instead of killing, there was no difference.

On the contrary, such a scum has stained his sword.

Zifeng walked towards martial arts and walked away mysteriously. The disciples around them took the initiative to make the road clear.

In their eyes, Zifeng is no longer an ordinary disciple.

More than a month ago, the distraught outside disciples thought he was dead.

Unexpectedly, just after he came back, just because he was angry, he died an inner gate chief and an old man.

"Purple Wind."

At this time, a voice called Zifeng.

This is a great old man.

"What?" Zi Feng stopped, turning his head faintly.

"Follow me." The elders sighed.

Zifeng stopped at the same place and didn't move.

He suddenly found out that the whole sword school could talk to him, but there were a few people.

Yi Lao and Lin Jin et al.

They were gone, and at this time, the Split Sky Sword seemed a little strange.

Not the feeling of Zifeng.

It can only be said that this is a state of mind.

"If you want to know the whereabouts of the eleventh, you will come with me." The elders screamed, the number flashed and disappeared.

Zifeng frowned, and the same figure flashed past, chasing the elder.

The practice room of the great elder.

The old people sat down, and Zifeng came to the next second.

"Child, it's very fast." The elder smiled.

Zifeng was silent and silent.

"I don't want to know where I went when I was eleven?" the old man asked.

"Think about it, but it's not urgent." Zi Feng said lightly.

"It's easy to get old, and to be self-sufficient in the sword for so many years, it may be a good thing to leave and go out."

"Good boy, but I think it is transparent." The elder smiled. "These eleven people did not misread your meaning."

For a long time, the elders first said: "Boy, I will ask you before I tell you the whereabouts of the eleventh."

"You have been swords for two years. Have you ever wondered why Splitting Swordsmanship is a martial arts holy land? Is it officially recognized?"

"Yes." Zifeng nodded. "This is one thing I once asked Yi Lao."

"I practice outside, knowing that I am in the center of Beishan County, especially martial arts fighters."

"The prestige of Split Heaven Sword is even higher than that of Beishan County."

"The king of Beishan County is a county in Beishan County; in terms of power, it will never be weaker than Po Jian."

"I don't want to understand why he wants to recognize the identity of the martial arts holy land of Split Heavenly Sword. He wants to put a big mountain on his head."

The elders smiled when they heard these words. "The disciples in the sword almost blindly realize that the swordsman is powerful."

"Only you can see this, which is very good."

"The reason is simple." The old man smiled.

"Because the Split Sky Sword is not a simple power."

"We are a university."

"In the thirty-six counties of the Yanwu Kingdom, each county has a broken sword."

"We never quarrel with any forces, nor participate in any battles."

"There is only one purpose for the existence of martial arts geniuses across the country; if there are outstanding talents, it is recommended to go to the royal capital, those broken swords."

"At the same time, Heavenly Sword is the martial arts holy land of the entire Yanwu Kingdom."

"College? Every county has a broken sword?" Zi Feng frowned. "Impossible, why have I never heard of it?" Zifeng asked herself, she was not a rookie of the year.

Let us not say that every county has a broken sword.

If you are the military sacred land of Quanyan Wu Kingdom, why have you never heard of it?

"The spouting sword?" Zi Feng's eyebrows tightened.

The elders seemed to hope that Zifeng would have such an expression. He smiled. "Me and Eleven, I am a disciple of the sword."

"As for you don't know, no, to be precise, the entire Beishan County doesn't know."

"Because we split the Tianjian School and the King of Beishan County, and they united many years ago to block this information."

"Except for the great powers, no one will talk about these things, and no one will mention them again."

"Why stop it?" Zifeng asked.

There is a trace of resentment and resentment on the face of the elder.

"Because our Beishan County Split Heavenly Sword is the weakest among various swordsmen."

"The other tasks just look down on us and even isolate us. They haven't touched each other for years."

"Like Beishan County, it is also considered the weakest county among the 36 counties.

"In those days, when I was angry with the county magistrate, I directly blocked the news and broke the relationship with them."

"Since they look down on us, we don't have to ask them to pay attention to us."

"The weakest one?" Zifeng frowned.

He remembered the previous comparison of refining drugs.

Taking refining medicine together, the younger generation in Beishan County, Ye Ming is almost the strongest.

However, compared with the refined geniuses of other counties, it is so unbearable.

He still remembered Zhou Long's words.

"You are not so useless in the Broken Sword in Beishan County, you can close the door early and disband."

Thinking about it now, Zhou Long's words meant the sword in Beishan County, but it was better than the broken sword in other counties.

"What happened to the broken swordsmanship?" Zi Feng asked quietly.

"I have seen geniuses in other counties. I really don't know these qualifications."

"Why is the gap between our swordsman and other distributions so big?"

"Oh." The elders sighed heavily and said, "This is not an extreme fault."

The elder was silent suddenly and seemed to be thinking.

Zifeng didn't interrupt and waited quietly.

For a long time, the old people continued to say,

"This is the inheritance of the martial arts inheriting the stele, reaching more than 10%."


When the elder walked on the road, Zifeng almost understood.

The so-called sect inherited the stele, which is the most powerful military monument in sword science.

It turns out that the heritage of various historical sites is only Yuanjie Monument.

This is the predecessor of Tianyuan Wushu, sent by various factions.

Only the Tianjian separatist faction in Beishan County, such an enchanting sword, left the polar border.

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