The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 530: Have a clear conscience

"Fortunately, I met a strong man who was accepted as a pro-disciple by the strong."

"Now, it has become the high profile of the Elder's Gate of Blood Mist Valley."

Murong Jiaoer looked at Zifeng proudly, "You think you are now, Zifeng."

"This is no longer a waste of this year.

"This is a powerful person who can even destroy a behemoth like the Murong family of Beishan."

"You can be proud, I feel great?"

"More feeling, I gave up you that year and broke your marriage contract."

"This will be my loss, should I regret it?"

"Not at all." Zifeng shook his head weakly.

"Oh?" Murong Jiaoer's proud look gave a slight glance.

"Oh." Zifeng smiled slightly. "What do you think of the dead?"

"What?" Murongjiao was surprised.

In the next second, Zifeng had already shot in an instant.

I went to Xiao Zhong and tortured Xiao Zhong like this.

If he didn't kill the person in front of him, he would stop.

Who dares to stop, only death.

"At sea." Zi Feng called.

Like the tide of swords, once again.

The blacks and Murong Jiaoer had no right to fight back.

The man in black was swallowed directly by the sword and fell to the ground, not knowing his life or death.

Murong Jiaoer then retreated, hoping to get hurt.


At this moment, a cold drink came.

A **** man was in front of Murong Jiaoer.

The sound of Zifeng's sword fell instantly.

"The dimension of the earth." Zifeng's eyes and eyes.

Blood Valley, as the first killing force of the Yanwu Kingdom.

The killer inside, the class is completely different.

Black clothes represent ordinary killers.

The **** suit is at least the identity of a deacon.

"Jiao'er, okay?" the **** man asked.

Murong Jiaoer shook her head and said, "Thank you, **** uncle, Jiaoer is good."

The blood in the land of the Yuan Dynasty is one of the famous killers in the Valley of Blood.

"Is there any waste in the small family you used to entangle with Jiaoer?" Xuetu looked at Zi Feng coldly.

"Tangle?" Zi Feng smiled coldly.

"What right do you have to laugh in front of me?"

The momentum of the land, the hegemonic pressure on Xiaoyi.

It's like a **** momentum appeared.

The two characters suddenly heard from a distance.

It is the owner of Wanghe Branch in Beishan County.

This is Beishan County of Beishan County.

The breath of a strange land veteran was enough to panic.

If a local Yuanwu warrior was in the city, Beishan City would be seriously injured.

"Huh? The people of Bloodmist Valley?" The king of Beishan County frowned when he saw the blood butcher.

"Blood Valley, don't serve, retreat quickly." Xuetu coldly looked at Wang He from Beishan County and his tone was full of hegemony.

The two suddenly looked ugly, but did not refute anything.

There are two valleys in Yanwu Kingdom.

In one case, broken sword.

Ergu, Yaowanggu and Blood Valley.

Medicine King Valley and Qiwu Valley are the same, only a broken sword can crush them. The branch of Wanghe Temple in Beishan County naturally did not dare to offend.

By the way, the Hunting Demon Hall is the hunter hall of the world, not a force of the Yanwu Kingdom.

If you really want to compare.

The main hall of the kingdom is naturally stronger than the valley of blood.

However, a branch in Beishan County is far less than a valley of blood.

"Don't go back?" Xue Tuo looked at the two men.

The king of Beishan County took his hand and said: "You are in the Valley of Blood Mist, we will not intervene."

"But we will follow you before you leave Beishan."

"Are you afraid that I will kill you?"

The two did not speak.

"Hey, then you look at it quietly." The blood butcher didn't control the two.

The impetuous momentum still pressed Zifeng.

"Your Majesty." Xuetu said indifferently.

Yuanyuan's ambiguous momentum is enough to destroy a broken Xuanjing warrior.

However, Zifeng still stood upright, although his face looked a little uncomfortable.

"It's a bit like a bone." The blood butcher was a little surprised.

"Your Majesty." The blood-sucking scream strengthened the momentum towards Zifeng.

Zifeng's pressure increased instantly, but his body was always straight.

While maintaining motivation, he must maintain a protective halo.

Lest these powerful forces hurt Xiao.

After all, Xiao Zhong is just an innate Jiuwu martial artist. The momentum of the land was enough to cause Xiao to be seriously injured or even killed.

If not, Zifeng will definitely let go and fight the blood.

"Little waste, give up." Murong Qianjun sneered.

"You couldn't climb Jiao'er in the past; you can't afford it today."

"The identity of the **** valley elder's own disciple is enough to make you never able to climb."

"Since you are begging for mercy, maybe you will be able to read your feelings throughout the year and spare your life."

"Begging for mercy?" Zi Feng sneered. "Hey, my Xiao family is the agent of this family. They plan to destroy my Xiao family, and want me to beg for mercy? Dreaming."

"Don't dare to harden." Blood spouted from his palm.

Zifeng hardly resisted that aggressive attitude, and was working hard to avoid it.

The palm of the slaughter hit Zifeng.

"Hey." Zifeng vomited a drop of blood, which should have been shot.

But in order to maintain the barrier of aura, you must be strong and rigid.

"A small family in front of our Blood Mist Valley, dare to let go?" Xuetu said coldly.

"A small family shrinking in a small town."

"Do you think it is an honor to be able to trouble the killer of our Blood Valley?"

"I want to destroy you, you can only accept it; like now, you can only humiliate and endure it."

"The main character of Meteor Sword is to restore the land."

"This seems to be just a big difference, but in fact it is a gap between big areas."

"The defeated Beishan Swordsman is also forgivable."

"Win, prove that he is extraordinary."

"No." Another old man shook his head.

"The elder said this."

"The inheritance of this fierce swordsman belongs to Beishan County."

"This tablet has a bit of power."

"Acquaintances, the greater the number of enlightenments, the more powerful they are."

"Sword Master Beishan has fully achieved 10%."

"There must be a lot of power, which led to a huge rise."

"But is he still breaking the mysterious nine?"

The three elders are talking.

"The three elders said very much." Another elder said, these are the four elders.

"I look at the Sword Master Beishan and the Sword Master Meteor. The two men are about the same age."

"If the talent is similar, it should be the same."

"Yes, the King of Swords of the North Mountain has actually been repaired."

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