The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 551: Harvest night

This is the horror of ice sculptures.

This is the fascinating power of more than 10,000 kilograms of ice, the massive ice sword energy of ice.


The sound of the Taoist sword pierced through.

Bing Chengtian's body was stabbed one by one by Blizzard Sword.

"The old man doesn't believe in this evil." Bing Chengtian shouted.

The palm was heavy and exploded again.

Zifeng's Blizzard Sword was also a heavy blow.

There was a loud noise.

The ice palm creaked.

His arm is broken.

In the next second, his figure was directly bombed.

There was a loud noise.

Zifeng retracted the sword of Blizzard, another stream of blood scattered from the ice and spilled outside the city wall.

Bing Chengtian had already broken his life and couldn't die anymore.

Eyes are big, obviously not dead, I don't want to die in Zifeng's hands.

There was a loud noise.

Zifeng stared at his body, his figure receded and landed on the snow.

Let Bing Chengtian fall into disappointment in a short period of time, which is naturally the method of the soul mentor.

But not soul skills.

This is just the simplest "soul power" application in "Soul Songs".

However, this silk force is not too strong. Normally, it is not enough to create too much power for the ice straightener at this level.

If it was a normal battle, the Silk Soul attack would have little effect on Bing Chengtian.

However, after all, Bing Chengtian suffered a slight injury and escaped from another heart, combined with the strange means of not knowing the soul teacher.

This is the method.

Simply put, the cultivation level of the spiritual teacher of Zifeng's soul teacher can only be used as a single trick.

It really made Zifeng kill Bing Chengtian or turn on the ice mold.

At the moment of 3333 suffocating springs, the power of his power soared to an extreme triple peak.

Another important point is the suppression of martial arts power.

Although Bing Chengtian has mastered the strength of martial arts.

However, since Kendo is divided into many types, it is divided into strong and weak.

The ice road is the same.

His heavy ice martial arts is obviously far inferior to Zifeng's cold kendo.

If you give ice martial arts level.

The Ice Sword team topped the list.

And the heavy ice sword is only in the three popular columns.

The opening of Zifeng's "ice mode" has smoothed the triple gap between ice and sky, and even surpassed it.

In addition to the suppression of martial arts, it was also destroyed by the destruction of ice.

In other words, even if Zifeng doesn't use Soul Teacher's methods, it can still kill Bing.

However, in this way, Bing Chengtian will escape back to the territory of the Ice War Kingdom, and Zifeng will spend more time chasing him.

Zifeng was unwilling to make trouble.

Closer to home.

At this time, Zifeng squatted on Bing Chengtian and returned to the snowy ground.

In the ice city, the king of the ice city and a group of soldiers reacted.

"Mixed, give me this evil thief." Han Bingcheng screamed.

The ice city is named after the icy land and ice kingdom, named after each word.

It is conceivable that the Bingwu Kingdom values ​​this city.

The extremely cold land, the number of monsters, and the power of power are beyond imagination.

It is just a huge and endless huge "forest of beasts".

Therefore, on the ice city side, there is often a wave of serious animals.

Of course, the army on the ice city side is very powerful.

Even with the exception of King Bingwu, Bingcheng is also the largest city at the forefront of the entire Wuwu Kingdom.

The owner of the city is a Tianyuan martial artist who guards the city. There are more than a few ruins in the city.

At this time, the King of Ice City gave the order, and countless defending soldiers assembled immediately. Although Bing Chengtian did not fully return to the Ice City, it did not return to the territory of the Ice Kingdom.

However, Bing Chengtian was worshipped as the king of the Ice War and was killed outside the city wall.

This is a naked provocation in the eyes of the Ice King.

At the edge of the wall, scattered blood stained the stone steps of the city wall.

Also dyed the eyes of the Ice King.

"Dare to kill me, I will be regarded as the ice kingdom."

The king of the ice city shouted and led the troops to attack.

At this moment, a slap in the air enveloped the entire city wall.

The killing came from Zifeng.

"I am the first person in the Bingyuan meeting. I am willing to accept my Bingxin, and this is over."

"If you want revenge in the Ice Kingdom, you will be sent to kill."

"Come on, I will kill one."

I don't want to say that I didn't enter the ice city to kill.

It just went in, and the Bingbing King couldn't help himself.

For the real strong, the so-called secular law is just a joke.

The cold declaration shocked the cold city warriors, including the cold masters.

In their eyes, the young man in front of the city was not far from the front, like a very sharp sword, with unparalleled edges.

They realize that this is an unrivaled powerhouse, and it is easy to stifle the great power of the three extremes.

If it irritated him.

I am worried that all the power of the ice city will be exhausted, and this anger will not disappear.

Hey, the Bingcheng boss took a sip of water, and finally stopped what he was doing, standing on the wall, facing the wall.

Outside the city wall, Zifeng glanced at them indifferently.

Then he turned his head and took off the dragon ring on the ice.

A slight inspection, and a happy moment.

Bing Xin Sheng country, it is still in the hands of Ice.

"Huh?" Zifeng frowned at this moment.

"Ice and snow secluded?"

Zifeng found a lot of planting in Qiankun ring.

Treasures in the world, beasts, inner alchemy, essence of ice, etc.

There are some good weapons.

But what caught Zifeng's attention most was the three giant beasts in his body, that was Ice and You.

Ice and secluded, level eight monsters, the power is between one or two extremes.

Whether it is blood or inside, it is cold to yin.

Therefore, the blood of this monster, the warrior did not say to take it, it is used to invade, this is impossible.

Zifeng frowned, what did Hail God kill?

Zifeng waved his hand and took the eight figures on the other side into his hand.

After a short glance, his face suddenly changed.

"Six ice whales in a blizzard, eight snow donkeys."

"Blizzard's ice whale, huge body, blood and inner pill, contains a huge power far beyond similar monsters."

"Snow Diamond, blood and inner alchemy, with a brutal and violent atmosphere."

"The blood of the three monsters in Danner is unusual and cannot be used normally." Zifeng frowned.

"But if you add Bingxin to the fruit" Zifeng's face changed, "Is it ice?"

As an oil refining pharmacist refining medicines, Zifeng single can roughly guess which remedy can be corrected from the materials. Zifeng shook his head, not interested in it.

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