The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 553: The last night

This sense of powerlessness makes him angry, sad, and anxious.

Even crazy.

With a half-sigh, it is easy to grow old, and once again, the coldness of the past has been restored.

"Why?" Zifeng muttered to himself, lost.


The weak body fell to the ground. There were countless white bones on the ground, and a buzzing sound was heard.

Manpower is sometimes poor, life and death cannot be violated.

Po Jian Ji Ji only said that Bingxin Sacred Fruit might be able to save the old.

Not 100% guaranteed.

Zifeng's face was pale, whiter than the white bones.

For a long time, he shook his head and stood up.

He didn't believe it.

Even more reluctant to believe.

A pair of powerful arms, once again placed on the easy old chest, carefully felt.

For a long time, he understood.

Bing Xin's vitality dissipated.

Because they are not old.

Or more simply, it is easy for the elderly to retain these vitality.

In the beginning, Yan Wuwei hit an old corpse.

Zifeng took Yi Lao's body. At that time, his judgment was that Yi Lao was dead.

In fact, Zifeng did not make a wrong judgment at the beginning.

From a refined pharmacist or normal point of view, the elderly are indeed dead.

The reason why Senior Machete Swordsman Ji said that the old man was not dead, because the old man still had a trace of life.

However, this silky life, like a drop of water in the sea, is very small.

Usually, this kind of vitality is impossible for ordinary fighters.

Even if it is a means to open a sword, it cannot be sealed.

What really protects this vitality is the military power of the great self-weapons of the small world of the Yi people.

These martial arts units allow this kind of life to be re-registered in a short period of time.

Only in this way can the predecessors of the split sword have time to seal.

Yes, how about this one?

What does Elder Yi mean can't wake up?

"Disciple, let you down." Zifeng fell weakly to the ground, whispering.

Zifeng leaned on the icy hail and sat quietly, silent.

I haven't moved for a few days.

Staring at countless hurricanes outside the cave.

Thoughts are more chaotic than these hurricanes.

The limpid scorpion gradually turned into bloodshot eyes.

The white face is actually more lifeless than the white bones in this place.

Even the strongest person, such as a machete, cannot do anything.

There is even no way to see the knowledge and meaning of Tian Jianji's life for hundreds of years.

Even Bing Xin's nine heart-shaped treasures, such as the sacred fruit, have no effect.

What should I do with him?

At the same time, Zongzong and his entourage on the split day returned to Zongmen.

The Edge of the Ice Conference has been over for more than half a month.

With the help of the strongest Xue-wing family, Bai Bingxue and others easily left the extremely cold land.

It is not difficult to fly back to the territory of the Yanwu Kingdom in an extremely cold place.

It does not take long to return to the king.

Closer to home.

As soon as Bai Bingxue and others arrived at Zhzi, they returned to the sect.

In the bamboo forest, in the pavilion, a woman in white is sitting on the railing and squatting.

I listen to the piano from time to time and look at the warm sunlight behind the mottled bamboo forest.

That way, lazy, not like a powerful martial arts.

"Huh?" The woman opened her eyes suddenly and smiled slowly. "are you back?"

"In the end, someone gave me a piano."

The woman said, laziness and stretching.

Soon after, Bai Bingxue, Zhong Wuzhe and others came to the exhibition hall.

"Master Shi Jianji is senior."

Everyone respects the ceremony.

"Yes." The woman nodded and snorted. "Why are you four years old?"

"Do you have a child of Zifeng? Have you escaped yourself?"

Zhong Wuzhe straightened up and smiled. "This time he is not only a person without a shadow, I am worried that there is no residue, but also the lord of this group of kings."

Zhong Wu worried about indignation.

At this moment, ten numbers jumped from the bamboo forest.

Soon after, I came to the front of the exhibition hall.

This is God and the nine elders.

When the woman saw it, her eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and a bad idea came to mind.

"What happened? Bingxue, you said." The woman looked at the white ice.

"Yes." Bai Bingxue nodded, what happened initially at the Edge of the Ice meeting.

Bai Bingxue's voice just fell.

The woman was always angry, she smashed the table and cutlery.


The woman screamed, with indifferent eyes, looking at the lord and others.

"Do you know any stupid things you have done?"

The emperor and others, including the white ice and snow, were immediately shocked.

Anyone who really knows women knows that women are always quiet.

This is the first time I am angry.

A group of elders couldn't help but swallow them, bowing their heads in their hearts.

Only the lord, gritted his teeth, walked forward, looking straight at the woman.

"Stupid? I think we are just making up for the stupidity of the ex."

"What are you talking about?" The woman squinted at her teeth, very cold. "You say it again." Women's pressure is obviously very affordable.

The monarch was so grumpy that he didn't tremble consciously.

But for a long time, the lord still gritted his teeth. "Isn't it?"

"When the king fought that day, the seniors let Zifeng drive away from the cold. Isn't this stupid?"

"Regarding qualifications, Mohan wears five ice crystals."

"In terms of prestige, the ink is in full swing, and everyone supports it."

"God, King of Medicine, Blood Valley, Blood Valley, and Kings account for more than 90% of the power. There are many elders in our own denomination."

"Zifeng, who is he?"

"He is just a genius who suddenly appeared from a small place like Beishan County."

"Ink and cold were in my heart before

"Let's split the sword and stand on the other side of the entire fire country."

"Isn't this a fool?"

The husband is sentence after sentence, his tone is getting more and more excited, even cold.

"Let's let go." The elders sighed coldly.

"Sovereignty, do you know what you are talking about now?"

"When is your turn to question your predecessor's decision, what qualifications do you have in this tone to be arrogant in front of your predecessor?"

"I know very well." The lord sighed excitedly.

"What do you know?" The woman couldn't hide her anger and air slapping.

The sovereign was directly bombed, vomiting blood, and fell to the ground.

"If you really knew, you would do this stupid thing, Zifeng," the woman said coldly.

However, the lord madly interrupted the road, "Stop I want to use martial arts in vain."

"Martial arts is real, this is the scope of heaven."

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