"This group of animals and beasts, the old man will kill them."

Qian Qianzong and Shen Shen said: "It's useless to say anything today."

"All we can do is wait."

"Wait for the wind beast to come out, or lure it out and kill it."

Elder Qianfengzong nodded.

Above the canyon, there are many discussions.

Under the canyon, everyone thought that Zifeng was dead still fighting the Beastmaster alone.

However, the current situation is good, but it is easy.

Around, four fires have long since disappeared.

Only a few sporadic fires are still burning.

In front of it, the huge wind beast had very incomparable eyes, but they couldn't help but purple wind.

No, it looks really cut, the Feng Beast seems weak at the moment.

Zifeng smiled coldly in front of it.

In his hand, holding a pitcher-shaped thing.

There is absolutely no water bottle full of body.

This is the sacred pot of wind.

"I knew for a long time that without the power of wind, there would not be thousands of hurricanes around you. You are just a paper tiger." Zi Feng sneered.

"It's just that I didn't expect Fengsheng Hot Pot to suppress the hurricane here."

At this time, all the surrounding hurricanes continued to come to the holy pot in Zifeng's hand.

At this time, there were countless hurricanes around, and it was pouring into the wind tunnel.

Zi Feng looked at the giant beast in front of him coldly.

A day ago, he fought with the Beastmaster.

And a trace of dragon flame, as well as the four powerful flames in the world, only supported a few hours, and it was exhausted.

It was mainly to release Hurricane Longyan against the wind beast. It was too hard and the vitality was consumed too fast.

The seven-fold celestial monster is really terrible.

At that time, he was swallowed by the hurricane. But he suddenly remembered the sacred pot of wind, and took the attitude of trying and taking it out.

Unexpectedly, the pot of sacred wind just came out, swallowed his hurricane, and was immediately absorbed.

Including the bottom of the canyon, thousands of terrorist hurricanes were suppressed, and they were absorbed by the holy tank of wind.

However, it must be said that the hurricane at the bottom of the canyon is very alarming.

Simply put, there are too many hurricanes here.

Feng Sheng Can absorbed enough for a day and a half, still not being absorbed.

As the hurricane continues to be absorbed, the atmosphere of the Beastmaster becomes weaker and weaker.

Zifeng looked at the hurricane in front of her. The concentration and intensity of the hurricane began to weaken.

It will take a long time to end this battle completely.

"Abominable human beings." At this moment, the wild beast screamed.

H a hurricane, once again hit the purple wind.

The wind beast has been unable to mobilize the surrounding hurricanes.

But in the body, there is a huge demon element that can also release a hurricane.

However, this terrifying hurricane originally made Zifeng helpless and unable to resist. At this moment, Zifeng hit Zifeng, but he could not meet Zifeng, and he was absorbed by the holy pot of wind.

"This is useless, you have been defeated." Zifeng said coldly.

The sacred pot of wind has its domain belonging to the sacred brand of wind.

Those who have the title of saint are the strongest in the celestial world.

In his realm, the wind is the beast of the wild beast.

However, I don't know why, there is almost no power in the area of ​​the Wind Shrine.

Perhaps in countless years, the loss of power has been exhausted.

Or maybe for other reasons.

In short, this wind shelter has no killing effect and is difficult to use in combat.

However, the level and effectiveness of the field still exist, such as absorbing hurricanes here.

Zifeng guessed that the Wind Sacred Artifact would automatically absorb the numerous hurricanes here, and it should also be the power to restore self-healing ability.

However, it is not yet clear how much wind the Wind Sacred Pool needs to absorb.

Zifeng could not imagine.

Therefore, as early as more than a day ago, he reported the idea of ​​"making full use of his hands" and put the popular seeds he bought at the auction before.

The holy jar of wind here continuously absorbs thousands of hurricanes.

Then cultivate the cultivated seeds.

In a day and a half, the windy seeds gradually formed.

In addition, this popular seed is planted by thousands of hurricanes.

The wind licks the seeds to absorb thousands of hurricanes, and when it forms, it will contain thousands of hurricanes.

This will create a strong wind, and Zifeng is looking forward to it.

In fact, thousands of wind beasts have been killed.

As long as the wind of the Beastmaster is suppressed, thousands of wind beasts are like crazy, they think of Zifeng.

Of course, Zifeng was not against the orcs, nor was he afraid of them.

Control purple inflammation, hit a lot, easily kill more than half.

Today, the sporadic flames left there are still flames burning on the body of the wind beast.

This is also the reason why the forward lord and others can still see the faint flames above the canyon. A few more hours will pass.

The hurricane seed in the wind sacred vessel is also close to taking shape.

"It's time to end this battle." Zi Feng looked at the Beastmaster coldly.

On the face of the beast, the **** beast still exudes a bloodthirsty breath. "Human, do you want to kill me?"

"What are you talking about?" Zifeng's face was cold.

"When I wanted to go, you were chasing you and took my life."

"Now it is your turn."

"Hahahaha." Feng Beast seemed to have heard a big joke.

"Humble person, you are dreaming."

"Awkward human, do you think you can really deceive the Beastmaster? The heavy treasure in your hand can suppress the hurricane around you and suppress my ability to resist the wind."

"But there is no power at all."

"What did you kill me?"

"Take your bad sword? Hahahaha."

The beast of the beast was laughing, and his vicious eyes contained a lot of disdain.

"The emperor's celestial demon, can you be injured?"

"My bad sword?" Zifeng smiled indifferently.

The storm sword in his hand has been restored.

Instead, it is purple around the body.

A sharp and pointed team exuded extreme cold, and suddenly condensed in its hands.

"Purple Wuhun?" There was a trace of jealousy in the bloodthirsty eyes of the Beast.

But that's it.


Zifeng's figure flashed past and went straight to the beast.

The sword in his hand is an ice sword. Feng's Beastmaster's huge body slammed into the wind violently, hitting Zifeng again.

Of course, Xiao Huo was immediately absorbed by the sacred pot of wind in Zifeng's hand.

Zifeng came to Feng Beast without any hindrance, and stabbed him with a sword.

The Beastmaster is not afraid, "Purple martial arts can't hurt me, can't be self-reliant"

However, its words have not yet been completed.

The skull has been pierced.

A huge blood hole, holding blood.

"How is it possible?" Feng Beast smashed his eyes.

"The emperor's celestial monster body, nothing can be broken"

"Oh" the Beastmaster screamed violently and frantically.

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